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Terrorists and Freedom Fighters

By: Sam Vaknin

...mes counterproductive even in terms of the same moral principles being sought. The law of diminishing returns applies to morality." Thomas Sowell ... ...very telling. At first it concentrated its fiery intentions only upon military and law and order personnel. Its reluctance to effect civilians was ... ...fore (though it was still short of medical supplies, ammunition and communications equipment). The KLA now had shoulder-fired anti-tank rocket lau... ...ompanies, hospitals, managed healthcare, private clinics, academic departments, and law enforcement agencies rely, for their continued and exponent... ...ies, hospitals, managed healthcare, private clinics, academic departments, and law enforcement agencies rely, for their continued and exponential g... ...glorious days of the Soviet Union. The absence of independent justice, corrupt law enforcement, non-existent freedom of press, religion, assemblies...

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