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The Labor Divide

By: Sam Vaknin

... palma@unet.com.mk or to samvaknin@gmail.com Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review" http://www.ce-review.org/au... ...ide.html ISBN: 9989-929-27-0 Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA 100 articles and essays (microeconomics ... ...pod.com/internet.html http://samvak.tripod.com/busiweb.html Table of Contents I. Battling Unemployment II. The Labour Divide - I. Emp... ...). Optimally, they should be lower (as is the case in Greece, Germany and Hungary). Alternatively, even if sickness benefits are earnings-related, u... ...be limited in time. In Bulgaria, they are limited to 13 weeks, in Israel, Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands to 6 months and in France, Germany, Lux... ...onstructed forest roads and trails. They lived in work camps under a semi- military regime. They were provided with food rations and a modest monthly... ...far more important that its level relative to the average or median wage. Hungary's unemployment went down, from 9% to 6%, while its minimum wage we... ...forest fires, and constructed forest roads and trails. They lived in semi-military work camps, were provided with food rations and a modest monthly ...

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