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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

...inavia), the Far East, Orient, Levant; the North, South, East, West (United States). But do wt, as a rule, capitalize adjectives derived from such ... ...irection or point of com- pass : oriental customs, the orientals, southern states, a southerner (but: Northman = Scandinavian); an invasion of barb... ... name to indicate certain minor administrative sub- divisions in the United States; (3) when used singly as the accepted designation for a specific ... ...ent of the Lakes, Town- of Lake, Borough of Man- hattan; (3) the Union, the States, the Republic (=United States), [the Confederacy], the Dominion (... ...e his work and regen- erate the distracted world by the potent influence of Hellenistic culture. A world-empire, including all the lands and nations... ... his work and regenerate the distracted world by the potent influ- ence of Hellenistic culture. A world-empire, including all the lands and nations... ... HIS WOBK AND BEGENEBATE THE 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 0 by the potent influence of Hellenistic czcltu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 AEfOD A13f613 ~~ibtr AfifOO BB1C)... ...lete his work and regenerate the dlshacted world by the potent influence of Hellenistic culture. A world.mpire. including all the lands and nations ... ...ete his work and regenerate the distracted world by the potent influence of Hellenistic culture. A WORLD EMPIRE, INCLUDING ALLTHE LANDS AND NATIONS ...

...e The Chicago Manual of Style, a change that reflected the title most often used by the book’s audience. The 13th edition incorporated the new United States copyright regulations that became law in 1978, and the production and printing sections of the Manual were revised to discuss the phototypesetting technology that had begun to displace lead type as well as the old Lino...

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