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Protected areas of the United States (X) Adventure (X)

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An Apostate: Nawin of Thais

By: Steven David Justin Sills By Steven Sills 1 He assumed that in being exhausted from sporadic fits of sleep and wakeful spans of dull, hypnagogic thoughts matching the inerti... ...adic fits of sleep and wakeful spans of dull, hypnagogic thoughts matching the inertia of his confinement he would finally become ensconced there, in ... ... sleep and wakeful spans of dull, hypnagogic thoughts matching the inertia of his confinement he would finally become ensconced there, in this train j... jostling him around, and at last fall asleep. This was his hope; but in the meantime there was a languid battle with insomnia and inordinate time t... ...were broadcast from speakers hanging in tree limbs of certain residential areas of Bangkok. The sounds of bees and nagging wives one might not be abl... ... said it for in a sense it had been unfitness, a secret aberration even to areas of his cognizance that could not accept anything but the thought of h... ... gain a child. Even in considering all the scores of women whom he had had protected sex with through the past two decades of his life he would hardly... ...Thailand, and so if he had to have a practical reason for returning to the United States this could be one. He had plenty of accessible money for his ... ...ter?--he could not remember any of the specifics; hadn't some uncle in the United States of America, the country of his birth, once told him that thun...

...This is the continuation of Nawin's story. Now a famous prostitute painter suffering a midlife crisis, he abandons supercilious makings of wealth for a train trip ride to Laos where he repudiates and ventures onto something new...

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The Hitler File : A Novel of Fact

By: Sam Vaknin

...r your consideration © 2006-2007 All Rights Reserved Based on hundreds of newly-discovered documents in archives the world over – now … ... ...7 All Rights Reserved Based on hundreds of newly-discovered documents in archives the world over – now … THE HITLER FILE Israel Sarid Roth is... ...hives the world over – now … THE HITLER FILE Israel Sarid Roth is the only son of two survivors of the Holocaust. When his boss at the Genocide... ... – now … THE HITLER FILE Israel Sarid Roth is the only son of two survivors of the Holocaust. When his boss at the Genocide Monitoring Group se... ... that Russia was in the clutches of a Jewish- Bolshevik clique, that America and the United Kingdom were Jewish fiefdoms. Now, you are telling me tha... ...urope should be grateful to Hitler: it could have never prospered and be peacefully united with the Jewish race amidst us.” – he half- whispered – “E... ... Dan stroked the wireless mouse: “Of course I am not. The page will be password protected. Only you and I will be able to access it from any com... ...n if you lay your hands on all the physical exemplars, there are still the password-protected Web pages.” Hulk paled visibly. Grease Ball moved un... ...been concerned with the smuggling of top-level SS and Nazi war criminals out of the areas then occupied by the Allies. But they were also involved in...

...What was in Hitler's personal file kept by the Nazi Party's own intelligence agency, the SD? Israel Sarid Roth, only son of two survivors of the Holocaust is about to find out, as a routine assignment in Jerusalem plunges him into the center of a deadly nightmare....

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...ter and imitate any object, and should propose to make a public display of his talents and his productions, we shall pay him reverence as a ... ...owning him with woolen fillets; but for ourselves, we shall employ, for the sake of our real good, that more austere and less fascinating ... ... with woolen fillets; but for ourselves, we shall employ, for the sake of our real good, that more austere and less fascinating poet and le... and less fascinating poet and legend-writer, who will imitate for us the style of the virtuous man." Plato (Republic) Chapter One At Tok... ...hts, when not able to do it in deeds, almost always ran to Seoul. The rural areas where he worked and at one time had lived gave him the solitude and... ...o ravage their fluids on their--quote- unquote 'their'--women, they were not protected under roofs from the elements but did the banging on the backs ... ... could be eased. In the face of challenges from other ideologies, Christians protected their God and religion with defensive armament of an anxiety-ri..., which was becoming less odd annually, concerned her especially after the United Nations report that the world temperature would rise two degrees o... ...y falls in rural Ithaca, and on little rides in amusement parks in different areas of the state. Except for the local falls, which were free, she jus...

...rean culture and that his own life is an outlier to this conservative society. As he lives there, making his living as an English teacher, he writes of Gabriele, a single parent in Ithaca New York who manifests a more open and less asphyxiating rebellion against society...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VII : Book 7 Visit to Indus

By: Bob Oconnor

...0 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-- Book7 Our Visit to Indus ... ... - “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia — 1 BOOK 7 OUR VISIT TO INDUS by Lemuel Gulli... .............................................................. 3 RECOGNIZING THE WORLD’S PROBLEMS ......................................................... ...CTION ................................................................ 38 THE HINDU RELIGION AND POPULATION CONTROL .................................... ...English as a major language 17 brought India leadership in many sales areas and support areas. So their education is now emphasizing engineering... ...human mind. As Nietzsche pointed out, we have achieved in many truly human areas like philosophy, religion, literature, music, the visual arts of pai... the government of India has grabbed the reins. Slowly, since the 1994 United Nations conference in Cairo, India, with other countries, has worke... ... should have. All our children have not been vaccinated, but more are now protected from some diseases. PARENT EDUCATION ―Here, as in most co... ...ery tardy in doing this, but my predecessors were rather conservative and protected the status quo, that kept us in the tenth century. India brings ...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...0 ―. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia— Book 4 A Look at Human Values 1 ―. . . ... ...uman Values 1 ―. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia-- BOOK 4 A Look at Human Values by Lemuel Gulliver XVI ... ... ISBN 978-0-9823076-3-2 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS IN THE HOTEL .................................................................... ...—AND UNDERSTAND OUR THINKING ............... 24 OUR BASIC ASSUMPTIONS -- THE FOUNDATIONS OF OUR VALUES ......................... 28 SELF-CENTERED A... ...tion or capital punishment or euthanasia while Chan‘s work is more in the areas that motivate us psychologically, like power or love or meaning.‖ ... ...r good or bad but thinking makes it so. ‗ ―Our values affect many areas of our lives. For example in a medical setting we see a mental illne... ...o most religions have had similar mystical experiences--the Hindu who has united with the Brahman through years of correct meditation. The holy Jew,... ... than double that of New York. Should the life of girls and women also be protected? Where does rape prevention fit into South Dakota‘s legislative ... ...urse the Preamble recognizes that these ideal rights must be imbedded and protected by the laws of each country. ―Changing the geography ...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book I : Touchdown

By: Bob Oconnor

... “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-- Book One Touch Down Return to Earth “. . . And ... ...o Earth “. . . And Gulliver Returns” 2 --In Search of Utopia— “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-... ... © 2008 ISBN 978-0-9823076-0-1 3 Table of Contents THE RETURN FROM SPACE ...................................................... ............................................................................ 4 THE GOOD LIFE .............................................................. ...n our planet. In Sarajevo, Bosnia. Kofi Anan, the Secretary General of the United Nations made the trip to the Balkans to celebrate, with trepidatio... ...u are getting into ethics and values. What other ideas do you have in these areas?” 27 —“I’ve been studying the areas of ethics, morals and val... ...e rapes and murders. Overpopulation has occurred more in the underdeveloped areas of the world so they suffer more. Just look at how China has begun... ...y do a TV show on this subject. If children have any rights how can they be protected? Actually they don’t have any rights if society doesn’t spell ... ...“Guys, let’s try to keep our eyes on the big picture. Whose rights are to be protected? The rights of parents, whether competent or incompetent? The ...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book III : A Visit to Kino

By: Bob Oconnor

... 1 . “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-- Book 3 My Visit to Kino A Modern Sino-Provin... ...-Province 2 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Search of Utopia-- BOOK 3 MY VISIT TO KINO by Lemuel Gulliver XVI a... ................................................................... 6 TOUR OF THE AREA .................................................................... ........................................................................... 7 THE HISTORY OF CHINA ....................................................... ... position of the world. Marco Polo would be proud. It practically owns the United States. The U.S. has bought trillions of dollars worth of Chinese ... ...d, Kino was contemplating a war to stop the air and water pollution of the United States and Europe which was endangering the people and the economy ... ...r of California added a $25 million subsidy for spinach growers who hadn‘t protected their crops from the e coli bacterium which was a problem for c... ...ed in 221 B.C., the supposedly unified country has been plagued by warring areas. The Communists put a stop to this by unifying the country, killing... ...s your population control strategy, I‘d like to know some more about other areas of the economic and social aspects of your country and how they com...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even ...

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