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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

... his response is aiming at. Ludwig von Mises Economics - to the great dismay of economists - is merely a branch of psychology. It deals with ind... ... standard theory of utility and the theory of general equilibrium. Irritatingly for economists, people change their preferences mysteriously and ir... ... also caused by its own effect. These are symptoms of an all-pervasive malaise. Economists are simply not sure what precisely constitutes their ... ...– The theory must yield policy prescriptions, much like physics yields technology. Economists must develop "economic technology" - a set of tools, ... ...ability, verifiability, refutability, falsifiability, and repeatability. Yet, many economists go as far as to argue that no experiments can be desi... ...tles. Others have swimming pools replete with wine bars. Pavlo Lazarenko, a former Ukrainian prime minister, is detained in San Francisco on money ... ...using undemocratic and repressive methods to stifle political opposition ... (other Ukrainian officials) including Kuchma himself and his closest as...

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