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Development (X) Philosophy (X)

Records: 61 - 80 of 170 - Pages: 
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Society: Progress and Force. Criteria and First Principles

By: Alex Battler

...nd formulated the criteria of progress based on entirely different scientific paradigms. Moreover, he dared to formulate the two Principles of Social Development, which are akin in their fundamental nature to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The result is a book that is very complex in content. Nonetheless, the style of presentation used throughout most of the ...

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Discourse Upon the Origin and the Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind, A

By: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

...This work presents Rousseau's belief in the profoundly transformational effects of the development of civilization on human nature, which Rousseau claims other political philosophers had failed to grasp. Specifically, before the onset of civilization, according to Rousseau, natural man lived a contented, solita...

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Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf

By: Immanuel Kant

... true, all nations should submit to general and binding international laws. In his definitions and explanations, Kant anticipates many aspects of the development of modern international law. (Summary by Al-Kadi)...

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Meditations on First Philosophy

By: René Descartes

...he World, would require just such a defense. The Meditations are a central work of early modern philosophy, and play a crucial role in the conceptual development of basic perspectives and problems in the Western tradition, including substance dualism, external world skepticism, and the modern notion of the subject. (Description by D.E. Wittkower)...

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Beliefs that Bias Food & Agriculture : Questions I'm Often Asked: Questions I'm Often Asked

By: Dr. Lindsay Falvey

... food can be produced with less land and fertilizer - why labels like Buddhist and vegetarian confuse life - what traditional wisdom is critical to development - how misrepresentation fuels fears about climate change - why small farmers and foreign agribusiness must coexist...

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

...knowledgments ix ___-1 ___0 ___ 1 37278_u00.qxd 8/28/08 11:04 AM Page ix development I write about here, and novelist Cory Doctorow has either blo... two warring ideas shaped—or are at least useful ways of understanding—the development of the droits d’auteur tra- dition. On one side were Diderot ... ... the range of innova- tion and expression in between. (At least, we used to. Developments in data- base protection, gene patents, and business method ..., the Supreme Court quite clearly saw that, in a world where technological developments made copying easier, the idea of contribu- tory infringement... ... line of thought leads to copyright holders having a veto over technological development. Chapter 4 76 -1 ___ 0 ___ 1 ___ 37278_u01.qxd 8/28/08 11:0... ... for the nation,” they say. But now comes the second technological shock—the development of barbed wire. The cost of erecting impassable bar- riers fa... ...ce providers and search services have been a vital and positive force in the development of the Internet. It may even be true that in some cases, such... ...1 37278_u01.qxd 8/28/08 11:04 AM Page 119 in conjunction with some other developments in intellectual property that I will discuss later, but much... ...n, or even an explosion. In patent law, the assumption is that technological development converges. Two engineers from two different countries tend to...

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Scientia Magna : An International Journal : Volume 3, No. 1, 2007

By: Shaanxi Xi'an, Editor

...the third International Conference on Number Theory and Smarandache Problems. The conference was a great success and will give a strong impact on the development of number theory in general and Smarandache problems in particular. In this volume we assemble not only those papers which were presented at the conference but also those papers which were submitted later and are ...

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Non Novel

By: Florentin Smarandache

...An unsafe life was provided to us: 70 A certain kind of speech: 72 The Fonfoist Society: 83 “We will live here in abundance”: 87 The multilateral development of personality: 93 The Police and the Revolution: 95 Imposing buildings of prisons: 97 Football: 99 Public genuflection: 100 The contemporary history: 102 Hon Hyn’s visit to Paris: 103 The National Museum: ...

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The Theory of the Leisure Class

By: Thorstein Veblen

... oductory y y y y T HE INSTITUTION of a leisure class is found in its best development at the higher stages of the bar barian culture; as, for instanc... ...e and intricate. The Polynesian islanders generally show this stage of the development in good form, with the exception that, owing to the absence of ... ...hich any appreciable portion of later industry has developed. In the later development it survives only in employments that are not classed as industr... ...fforded by the usages and cultural traits of communities at a low stage of development indicates that the institution of a leisure class has emerged g... definitive then than is the case to-day. As a fact in the se- quence of development, therefore, the distinction is a sub- stantial one and rests on... ... of substance by seizure. Such being the barbarian man’s work, in its best development and widest divergence from women’s work, any effort that does n... ...applied either to persons or conduct, is of first- rate consequence in the development of classes and of class distinctions, and it is therefore neces... emulative demonstration of force. During that primitive phase of social development, when the community is still habitually peaceable, perhaps sede... ing, it is safe to say, would be met with at any early stage of social development. Fights would occur with more or less frequency through sexual ...

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The Treaty of the European Union the Maastrict Treaty, 7Th February, 1992

By: Various

...s a whole in the context of its external relations, security, economic and development policies. The Council and the Commission shall be re- sponsible... ...uropean Council shall provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development and shall de- 9 The Maastrict Treaty fine the general politica... 3 and 3a, to promote throughout the Community a harmonious and balanced development of economic activities, sustainable and non-inflationary growth... ...wering of the cultures of the Member States; (q) a policy in the sphere of development co-opera- tion; (r) the association of the overseas countries a... ... tories in order to increase trade and promote jointly economic and social development; (s) a contribution to the strengthening of consumer pro- tecti... ...tion of the provisions of this Part. This report shall take account of the development of the Union. On this basis, and without prejudice to the other... ...all, on the basis of reports submitted by the Commission, monitor economic development in each of the Mem- ber States and in the Community as well as ... ...oid excessive governmen- tal deficits. 2. The Commission shall monitor the development of the budgetary situation and of the stock of government debt ... .... The reports of the Commission and the EMI shall also take account of the development of the ECU, the re- sults of the integration of markets, the si...

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Theological Essays and Other Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

... apprehend, this etalage of bold results, rather than any success in their development, which has fixed the public attention. Development, indeed, app... ...I choose out these three articles to toy with:—first, Bibliolatry; second, Development applied to the Bible and Christianity; third, Philology, as the... ...f the arts and sciences composes one vast machinery for the irritation and development of the human intellect. For this end they exist. To see God, th... into Greek? The fact is, that all languages, and in the ratio of their development, offer ideas absolutely sepa- rate and exclusive to themselves.... ...same as if the magic had acted physically according to its pretences.* II. Development, as applicable to Christianity, is a doctrine of the very days ... his career by offering to Rome, as a mode of homage, this doctrine of development, which is the direct inversion of her own. Rome founds herself ... ...g. Mr. Newman lays his corner-stone in the very opposite idea of a gradual development given to Christianity by the mo- tion of time, by experience, b... a learned priesthood into the disputes connected with this doctrine of development. Phil., meantime, is no friend to that Newmanian doctrine; and ... ...cording to these writers’ (viz., the writ- ers ‘who advocate the theory of development’), ‘the progres- sive and gradual development of religious trut...

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A Treatise on Parents and Children

By: George Bernard Shaw

...y experiment; and this finding of the way varies according to the stage of development reached, from the blindest groping along the line of least resi... ...ating, the taming and laming, the breaking of young spirits, the arrest of development, the atrophy of all inhibitive power except the power of fear, ... ...not tolerated; but among free children there would certainly be surprising developments in this direction. I do not think there would be any danger of... ... but posi- tively detrimental; and the alleged tendency of modern so- cial development to break up the family need alarm nobody. We cannot break up th...

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Inaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States from George Washington to Bill Clinton

...e mate INAUGURAL ADDRESSES OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES 163 rial development of that section of the country has been arrested by the socia... ...TED STATES 174 terways and by the increase of our tonnage on the ocean. The development of the world’s commerce has led to an urgent demand for short... ... their home life, and the attention which is demanded for the settlement and development of the resources of our vast territory dictate the scrupulous... not relaxed any of its hard and oppressive features. To hold in check the development of our commercial marine, to prevent or retard the establishm... ...he end of the century of the same patriotic interest in the preservation and development of domestic industries and the defense of our working people ... ...opefully to the continuance of our protective sys tem and to the consequent development of manufac turing and mining enterprises in the States hithe... ...ADDRESSES OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES 191 these are provided the development of our trade with the States lying south of us is impossible.... ...oyed pleasure in the revelation which our next census will make of the swift development of the great resources of some of the States. Each State will... as will give ample protection and encouragement to the industries and the development of our country. It is, therefore, earnestly hoped and expecte...

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Sergey Ivanovitch Koznishev

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...amid the general coolness and indifference. As he pondered over subsequent developments, Alexey Alexandrovitch did not see, indeed, why his relations ... ... done in Russia. He considered the Russian peasant as occupying a stage of development intermedi- ate between the ape and the man, and at the same tim... ...are surprised at. The people are at such a low stage of rational and moral development, that it’s obvious they’re bound to oppose everything that’s st... ...ols. “But you said yourself the people are at such a low stage of material development: what help are schools for that?” “Do you know, you remind me o... ... and was developing, were universal and unvarying. Socialism told him that development along these lines leads to ruin. And neither of them gave an an... ... finds a certain form of activity of itself, according to the stage of its development. There have been slaves first every- where, then metayers; and ...

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Howards End

By: E. M. Forster twice or three times into the nursing home. Presumably she is awaiting developments.” “What a horrid woman!” And Dolly, who had re- covered, cried... ..., and the I. and W. A. is nothing particu- lar just now, though capable of development.” “Poor fellow!” murmured Margaret, looking out to sea, and not... ... a little longer. She replied that their aunt was much better, and awaited developments. Tibby approved of her reply. Mellowing rapidly, he was a plea... ...e also part of Mrs. Wilcox’s mind? CHAPTER XLI FAR DIFFERENT was Leonard’s development. The months after Oniton, whatever minor troubles they might br... ...treet he had caught the first train home, but had no inkling of the newest development until late at night. Then his father, who had dined alone, sent...

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Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers

By: Thomas de Quincey

... the dawn. When you saw only her superb figure, and its promise of womanly development, with the measured dig- nity of her step, you might for a momen... a peculiar predisposition that 45 Thomas de Quincey favored the rapid development of this contagion. However this might be, the result was, that ... ...moment: but, apparently, it was only for the moment; since, in the further development of his plots, this very de- pendency upon Russian influence wou... ...tile pressure from without. Viewed in this manner, under the real order of development, it is re- markable that these sufferings of the Tartars, thoug... ...rose tree, at the same time, be young and old? Yet by taking the different developments of its flowers, even as they hang on the same tree, from the e... ... is so, not as a form of corruption or degra- dation, but as a form of non-development. The crab is harsh, 225 Thomas de Quincey and for itself worth... ...l decayed until man had made corresponding steps in the pu- rification and development of his intellect as applicable to religious faith. Let us hope ... with civi- lization; dependent upon time as a multiform element in its development; and presupposing often a concurrent growth of analogous cases ...

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The Works of Edgar Allan Poe in Five Volumes Volume Two

By: Edgar Allan Poe

...ring to an increased interest in the matter of gold generally, by the late developments in Cali- fornia; and this reflection brings us inevitably to a... ...l-being; and thus the desire to be well is excited simultaneously with its development. It follows, that the desire to be well must be excited simulta... ...y, or my full manhood from crime. Y et I must believe that my first mental development had in it much of the uncommon —even much of the outre. Upon ma... ...le lips writhing about them, as in the very moment of their first terrible development. Then came the full fury of my monomania, and I struggled in va...

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The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...y poets and romancers to an undue importance, and that love in its various developments is not a fitting object to consume the best energies of men. P... 93 The Kreutzer Sonata & other stories met with in the lower stages of development, which sees in luscious and abundant food an end worthy of man’...

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The Crocodile

By: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

...r direction and to remain standing outside the room, “does no credit to your development, and is conditioned by lack of phosphorus in your brain. You ..., in a big way of business, and he speaks so fluently. ‘We need industrial development,’ he said; ‘there is very little development among us. We mus... ...h the communal system,’ he said, ‘there will be no improvement in industrial development or agriculture. Foreign companies,’ he said, ‘must as far as ...

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The Subjection of Women

By: John Stuart Mill iron heel has generally been let alone, and if left with any liberty of development, it has developed itself accord ing to its own laws; but in th... ...products of the general vital force sprout luxu riantly and reach a great development in this heated atmosphere and under this active nurture and wat... ... a great extent, as long as social institutions do not admit the same free development of originality in women which is possible to men. When that tim... ... the only women who are allowed the same range of interests and freedom of development as men; and it is precisely in their case that there is not fou... as The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill 66 regards spontaneous development, in so unnatural a state, that their nature cannot but have bee... ...ntrained in any of the occupations and exercises which give stimu lus and development to the circulatory and muscular system, while their nervous sys... ...lties, even for speculative uses. I believe that what is gained in special development by this concen tration, is lost in the capacity of the mind fo... ...nces of the country have given to the women living in it any speciality of development or non development. An oriental thinks The Subjection of Women ... ...France and Italy, imitation of the ancient literature stopped the original development even after it had commenced. All women who write are pupils of ...

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Records: 61 - 80 of 170 - Pages: 

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