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At the first God made the heaven and the earth. And the earth was waste and without form; and it was dark on the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God was moving on the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God, looking on the light, saw that it was good: and God made a division between the light and the dark, Naming the light, Day, and the dark, Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day....
At the first God made the heaven and the earth.
Questions and answers from conversations with the school's students.
Abstract The question whether to ordain women or not threatens the fabric of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The anti and the pro-ordination argument hinge on scripture, the only source of authority for the Remnant Church. This paper has made a critical observation of the arguments and concludes that neither of the camps is right. It has made a brief excursus into the backdrop that may have influenced the prohibitions and observed that it (the backdrop) may not certify the prohibitions to be eternal interdiction on women participation in ministry. The study realizes that the seeming interdictions are statements aimed at setting the church in order haustafeln to defocus believers from their individual self in order to refocus them to their divine calling as colabourers with Paul in Christ. Because the NT seems quiet on the issue whether to, or not to ordain women, and because the texts used for or against seem to be read either at an apparent level, or applied without a keen regard to the contexts, this paper suggests further study of the verses that form the backbone of arguments before any action is taken by the world church. ...
Om Mandli. A Reply to 'Is This Justice?' by Om Radhe
Outlines Scientific-Spiritual Center "Swami"'s guidelines and goals.
But there exists spheres in which people apply their knowledge in bioenergetics consciously and in a controlled way. One of them is healing. Healing consists of bioenergetic diagnostics and bioenergetic therapy. Let us discuss their major forms....
Spontaneous talks with Osho, disciple Swami Rajneesh, on his tour through Russia, in 2009, and answers questions with people on the inner path.
Rajneesh is one of our contemporaries (he left his body in 1990 at the age of 59) who in reality achieved the Divine Perfection and mastered the supreme Wisdom and Love, as well as got rooted in Brahman's dimension and obtained the ability to unite with Ishvara....
Jacqueline Corkish, who suffers much from mental affliction, said she found Therese an inspiring character. She asked me to write on Therese and explain something of her Little Way. This is how the book came about....
Ethics of the New Testament. Compiled by V. Antonov. Translated from 1991 Russian revised edition of. "Fundamentals of the World Religious Ethics"
Yoga is the path to merging with God. But what is God?
We have already mentioned that the self-development of a person is conducted along three major lines: ethical, intellectual, and psychoenergetic. At that, the ethical one is most important. As Juan Matus put it, God provides according to our impeccability. In other words, He allows us to approach Him, to experience increasing joy, happiness from contacts with Him, and bliss of spiritual life — as we proceed in terms of our ethical self-perfection....
Have you ever wondered 'Who am I?' in all this that happens and is happening in this life? Who are you, really? Are you really this body-mind complex. Knowing who you really are is Self realization. Self realization helps one become free from the problems of the mind and the body in daily life....
If one has attained eternal bliss, and when the worldly pains do not affect him, then he has become free. Permanent bliss (param anand), is verily called liberation (moksha). What is the use of any other liberation? We want happiness. Do you like happiness or not? Tell me that. Questioner: All the struggles are for that only. Dadashri: Yes, you do not like that temporary happiness. Unhappiness (pain) follows this temporary happiness (pleasure); that is why one does not like it. If the happiness is permanent then unhappiness does not follow. One needs such happiness. When one attains such happiness; that is called moksha. What is the meaning of liberation? It is when one remains unaffected by any worldly pains; that verily is called liberation. Otherwise no one will remain unaffected by unhappiness....
I used the image of Paul Simon's "Dangling Conversation". This expresses the way we so often fail to meet each other or God. Clare, by her openness, came to know God and in her spiritual friendship brought others into that space where they could find God and themselves. A new conversation was opened up between God and the broken....
A mother whose child was abused asked me to write this book so that people like her son would feel there are people who care.
People often debate whether there is a God. This to-the-point essay delves into an even more important topic: Why you should love God. It includes five compelling reasons (1. It's what you were made for, 2. You need it, 3. He loves you, 4. He is worth it and you can trust him, and 5. You will regret that you didn't) as well as a sixth section on ways to get to know God, as well as a list of resources....
Does God exist? It is a question every person is faced with. However, the real question is not whether God is. Even the devil knows that God exists. The question that matters is not, “Do I believe in God?” but “Do I love Him?” The following pages lay out several reasons why everyone should love him. Knowing the love of God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit - and loving our fellow human beings through that love, is what every person was made for. It is what you were made for. It is your birthright and your destiny. Whatever you believe now, you deserve to know this truth, even if it is a truth that is often ridiculed, buried, and ignored. Christ suffered, died and rose again so that we might know the truth and he instituted the Catholic Church as the place where the truth is to be found. ...
Essay - 1935 words 5 Reasons You Should Love God, with Sixth Section on Ways to Get to Know God. Resources
The famous Sundara Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, an epic from India.
The Pure Divine Love Separation between Hindu Godhead Sri Krishna and His Consort Srimati Radharani,
1. Love can be got only through love. 2. Love transforms man’s animal nature. 3. Gopikas appeal to Krishna not to leave them. 4. Devotional Love of Gopikas is boundless. 5. Maternal Love Differs from Devotional love. 6. Love in carnates as Avatar to teach Love 7. Love is the basis for all Avatars 8. Difficulties bring out human values in man. 9. How can we develop love for the Lord? 10. Sahasa and Sadhana. 11. Implicit obedience merits its own. 12. Esoteric meaning of incidents in Krishna’s Life 13. Spiritual significance of Bhagavatam episodes. 14. The properties of turmeric and Kum 15. MEETING IS HIGHER THEN SEPARTION 16. Next Morning, At MANGALA ARATI DARSHAN TIME. 17. Next Night 18. Radharani, Pleasure Potency of Lord Krishna 19. The Gopé’s Feeling Separation 20. End note-1 21. End note-2 ...
The January/February/March 2006 issue of Hinduism Today features Lord Vishnu's famed South Indian temple of Tirupati, Andra Pradesh, India.
The October/November/December 2007 issue of Hinduism Today has a feature story on the six famous temples for Lord Murugan in Tamil Nadu, South India.