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...s and Rabash’s music were recorded and published. The melodies are presented as Rav Michael Laitman, PhD heard them from his rabbi, Rabbi Baruch Ash... ... Rabash’s music were recorded and published. The melodies are presented as Rav Michael Laitman, PhD heard them from his rabbi, Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, ... ...s music were recorded and published. The melodies are presented as Rav Michael Laitman, PhD heard them from his rabbi, Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, eldest ... ... grasp our existential purpose, while still living in this world. This course by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD is based on three sources: Rabbi Shimon Bar... ...sp our existential purpose, while still living in this world. This course by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD is based on three sources: Rabbi Shimon Bar Yoc... ...xistential purpose, while still living in this world. This course by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD is based on three sources: Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai’s Zo...
... A Guide to Spiritual Discovery BY RABBIMICHAELLAITMAN COMPILEDBYBENZIONGIERTZ LAITMAN Kabbalah Publishers Executive Editor: Benzion Giertz Laitman K... ... Editor: Benzion Giertz Laitman Kabbalah Publishers Website: Laitman Kabbalah Publishers Email: ATTAINING THE WOR... ...shers Email: ATTAINING THE WORLDS BEYOND Copyright 2003 by MICHAEL LAITMAN. All rights reserved. Published by Laitman Kabbalah Pub... ...ail: ATTAINING THE WORLDS BEYOND Copyright 2003 by MICHAEL LAITMAN. All rights reserved. Published by Laitman Kabbalah Publishers,... ...abbi Laitman’s Search for Kabbalah .................. 436 Other books by Rabbi Michael Laitman .................... 447 Contents It is beyond human... ...d tousfromAbove,andonlythoseofuswhohaveexperienced it can understand it. Rabbi Michael Laitman Introduction Ifyoulistenwithyourhearttoonefamousques...
...In the words of Michael Laitman, "It is beyond human comprehension to understand the essence of such spiritual qualities as total altruism and love. This is for the simple reason that human beings cannot comprehend how such feelings can exis...
.... That is why a quality such as altruism can only be imparted to us from Above, and only those of us who have experienced it can understand it. Rabbi Michael Laitman ......
...uch World Center for Kabbalah Studies The Open Book Author: Kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Table of Contents 1. The Meaning Of My Life 2... ...World Center for Kabbalah Studies The Open Book Author: Kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Table of Contents 1. The Meaning Of My Life 2. V... ...nter for Kabbalah Studies The Open Book Author: Kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Table of Contents 1. The Meaning Of My Life 2. View on E...
...d for transcending the limits of one's senses and acquiring a new sense that opens the gate to the Spiritual World, while still living in this world. Rav Laitman clearly explains what goes on behind the scenes in the development of one's soul and the step-by-step attainment of the Upper Worlds. For anyone who wants to understand why our lives develop the way they do, and w...
...The Science of Kabbalah (Pticha) is the first in a series of texts that Rav Michael Laitman, Kabbalist and scientist, designed to introduce readers to the special language and terminology of the Kabbalah. Here, Rav Laitman reveals authentic Kabbalah in a manner that is both rational and mature. R...
...nd a systematic, graduated exposition of Kabbalah unlike any treatment found in other available texts. This text comes with a brilliant commentary by Michael Laitman, a scientist and Kabbalist who received the Tradition from that illustrious chain that includes the Ari, Baal HaSulam, and his teacher, Rabash ......