Search Results (4 titles)

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Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (X) Law (X) Penn State University's Electronic Classics Series Collection (X) Penn State University's Electronic Classics (X)

Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 
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The Sorrows of Young Werther

By: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

...The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe Translated by R.D. Boylan Edited by Nathen Haskell Dole A Penn S... ...The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe Translated by R.D. Boylan Edited by Nathen Haskell Dole A Penn State... ...ectronic Classics Series Publication The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe, trans. R.D. Boylan, ed. Nathan Haskell Dole is a publication of... ...onic Classics Series Publication The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe, trans. R.D. Boylan, ed. Nathan Haskell Dole is a publication of the... ... electronic transmission, in any way. The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe, trans. R.D. Boylan, ed. Nathan Haskell Dole, the Pennsylvania S... ...ctronic transmission, in any way. The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe, trans. R.D. Boylan, ed. Nathan Haskell Dole, the Pennsylvania State...

Excerpt: The Sorrows of Young Werther by J.W. von Goethe, translated by R.D. Boylan, ed. Nathan Haskell Dole.

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Hermann and Dorothea

By: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

...Hermann and Dorothea By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Translated by Ellen Frothingham A Penn State Electronic Classics... ...Hermann and Dorothea By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Translated by Ellen Frothingham A Penn State Electronic Classics Ser... ...Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Ellen Frothingham is a publi- cation of ... ...ronic Classics Series Publication Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Ellen Frothingham is a publi- cation of the Pennsylvania... ...c Classics Series Publication Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Ellen Frothingham is a publi- cation of the Pennsylvania Sta... ... file as an elec- tronic transmission, in any way. Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Ellen Frothingham, the Pennsylvania Stat... ...- tronic transmission, in any way. Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Ellen Frothingham, the Pennsylvania State University, El... ...onic transmission, in any way. Hermann and Dorothea by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Ellen Frothingham, the Pennsylvania State University, Electr... ...te University is an equal opportunity university. Hermann and Dorothea By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Translated by Ellen Frothingham INTRODUCTORY NOT...

...Introduction: There are few modern poems of any country so perfect in their kind as the ?Hermann and Dorothea? of Goethe. In clearness of characterization, in unity of tone, in the adjustment of background and foreground, in the conduct of the narrative, it conforms admirably to the strict canons of art; yet it preserves a freshness and ...

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Egmont a Tragedy in Five Acts

By: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

...EGMONT A TRAGEDY IN FIVE ACTS by JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Translated by Anna Swanwick A Penn State Electro... ...EGMONT A TRAGEDY IN FIVE ACTS by JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Translated by Anna Swanwick A Penn State Electronic Classics Ser... ...EGMONT A TRAGEDY IN FIVE ACTS by JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE Translated by Anna Swanwick A Penn State Electronic Classics Series ... ... Electronic Classics Series Publication Egmont: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Anna Swanwick is a publication of the Pe... ...sics Series Publication Egmont: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Anna Swanwick is a publication of the Pennsylvania State... ... Series Publication Egmont: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Anna Swanwick is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Uni... ... an electronic transmission, in any way. Egmont: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Anna Swanwick, the Pennsylvania State Un... ...ransmission, in any way. Egmont: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Anna Swanwick, the Pennsylvania State University, Electr... ...mission, in any way. Egmont: A Tragedy in Five Acts by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. Anna Swanwick, the Pennsylvania State University, Electronic...

...Introduction: In 1775, when Goethe was twenty-six, and before he went to Weimar, he began to write ?Egmont? After working on it at intervals for twelve years, he finished it at Rome in 1787. The scene of the drama is laid in the Low Countries at the beg...

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Autobiography Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life

By: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

...Autobiography Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Translated by John Oxenford Introduction by Thom... ...Autobiography Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Translated by John Oxenford Introduction by Thomas Carlyle Auto... ...Autobiography Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Translated by John Oxenford Introduction by Thomas Carlyle Autobiog... Thomas Carlyle Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. John Oxenford, with an introduction by T... ...e Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. John Oxenford, with an introduction by Thomas Carlyle is... ...utobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. John Oxenford, with an introduction by Thomas Carlyle is a p... ...ssion, in any way. Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. John Oxenford, with an introduction by T... ...y. Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. John Oxenford, with an introduction by Thomas Carlyle, t... ...utobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, trans. John Oxenford, with an introduction by Thomas Carlyle, the P... into Foreign Literature, for all men anxious to see and understand the European world as it lies around them, a great problem is presented in this Goethe; a singular, highly significant phenomenon, and now also means more or less complete for ascertaining its significance. A man of wonderful, nay, unexampled reputation and intellectual influence among forty millions of ...

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Records: 1 - 4 of 4 - Pages: 

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