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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...ice is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.The FBI does not have a general grant of authority but instead works under specific statutory authorization... ...ern languages or Islamic studies.The total number of undergraduate degrees granted in Arabic in all U.S. colleges and universities in 2002 was six. 80... ...dget either in the Congress or in the president’s Office of Management and Bud- get. Like the FBI and the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, the State D... ...rter- rorism funding—were made in the president’s Office of Management and Bud- get. 108 Third, Congress did not reorganize itself after the end of th... ... for Bin Ladin. Clarke opposed having the United States facilitate a “huge grant to a regime as heinous as the Taliban” and suggested that the idea mi... ...p near Khowst with cruise missiles in August 1998, and before the T aliban granted al Qaeda permission to open the al Faruq camp in Kandahar.Thus, for... ...om Afghanistan.The leader of the Northern Alliance,Ahmed Shah Massoud, had granted an interview in his bun- galow near the Tajikistan border with two ...

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