Search Results (3 titles)

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Bud Grant (X) Steven David Justin Sills (X) English (X) Authors Community (X) Alcibiades Press (X) Drama and Literature (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...Corpus of a Siam Mosquito --Steven Sills "So he spoke, and the bright-e... ...Corpus of a Siam Mosquito --Steven Sills "So he spoke, and the bright-eyed god... ...ate classes? That was a fundamental question he had no answer for. He had granted unto her a new profession where she didn't have to spread her legs ... fun things could you become if needed-any type of job that can at least grant you eighty dollars worth of free falling baht each month?" "I do... ... thousands of years anyway. A being continually growing from the same old bud in an environment not all that conducive to growth becomes as fallow as...

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An Apostate: Nawin of Thais

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...An Apostate: Nawin of Thais By Steven Sills 1 He assumed that in being exhausted from sporadic fits of sle... ...An Apostate: Nawin of Thais By Steven Sills 1 He assumed that in being exhausted from sporadic fits of sleep and ... ... make him. This was his enlightened thought in a partially refreshed brain granted by a nocturnal sleep which had also slugged him with a headache, ma... ... respites, it would have "toughened [him] up" (meaning that if he had been granted nothing apart from the worst memories of his former family, he woul... understanding of what boys could not say in words. So like a blossoming bud she had opened her arms to him and let him fall into the petals of her ...

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

... Tokyo To Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America By Steven Sills Book One: Sang Huin "It is prob... ...To Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America By Steven Sills Book One: Sang Huin "It is probable, t... ... to admit this? No one that he had ever known had spoken of his or her loss. Granted, one could not stay comatose in innocence--the delight of pulling... ...ssed the mark as far as she was concerned. If each and every person was not granted food, shelter, and a profession by which to feel worthy (if indee... ...a girl until you thought that your pet pig would be next. Associationism." "David Hume?" she chuckled. "John Locke/David Hume--I'm not sure which. " ...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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