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...ry in the hope of jogging someone’s memory. Theo’s photo could be seen at bus stops and train stations across the country, accompanied by the words ...’t tell you anything at all,’ Bozo sniffed. ‘I was almost run over by a bus and all you can say is “scoundrel”.’ ‘I’m sorry. I’m just dying to know... ...tons on their coats, pulled up their hoods and hurried off in search of a bus or underground train to take them home. Theo had no home to go to, ho... ... of course. There’s a group of French schoolchildren over there and their bus leaves in f ve minutes.’ ‘How do you know that?’ Theo asked, rather im... make.’ He dragged Theo along by the hand. ‘Come on, or we’ll miss the bus.’ Theo glanced up at the gang of French kids being herded by a few str... ...they realise I’m not French?’ ‘Look,’ Bozo snorted, ‘either we go with the bus or we go with them.’ He indicated to where the police could be seen ci... ...e front called out something and the whole school party moved towards the bus. Theo shuff ed along in their midst and, although he couldn’t understa... ...d?’ ‘And they’re going to help,’ Bozo answered gleefully. They reached the bus and Theo raised his hood so no one would see his face. They boarded in... ...ould they notice? 70 Bozo and the Storyteller His turn came to board the bus but, as he lurched forwards, a large hand came to rest on his shoulder...