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Honolulu Star Advertiser : Special Sunday Tabloid

By: Honolulu Star Advertiser

...ds Region work together to provide the best science, service and stewardship for the beneft of the people in our region. Our products and services con... ...osystems, affords economic opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for the American public. SCIENCE... at NOAA Fisheries science is at the ... ...are committed to strengthening our relationships in the Asia-Pacific region for the betterment of everyone. I just returned from a visit to Toky... ...he United States and Vietnam. That’s approximately 40 percent of the world’s population, 54 percent of the world’s gross domestic product and 44 perce... ...A senior vice president; Dr. Charles E. Morrison, president of the East-West Center; and Mike McCartney, president of the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, a... ...//MALAYSIA//MEXICO//NEW ZEALAND 09 Nov. 7-10: ABAC IV, Hawai‘i Convention Center The annual meeting of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). C... ...y, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Nov. 8-9: Concluding SOM (CSOM), Hawai‘i Convention Center The final of a series of Senior Officials’ Meetings (SOM) held in ... ...s; • Dr. Catherine Woteki, Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture H awai‘i’s community leaders fr... way.” Our community needs to begin to think more in terms of business and economics. see pg 15. Peter Ho, chairman, president and CEO of Bank of Ha...

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The Mystery of Jamieson Stone

By: Jonathan Cross

...ts focused on where Jamieson Stone would do his nightly news; the same seat he had sat in for more than twenty years. Jane Simmons, the head assist... ...r like a general. “Let’s go people! Twenty minutes to airtime.” Simmons had been with WNN for almost ten years. Her demeanor was always dour and abr... ...s slated to become the show’s head producer within three months. She had waited patiently for Alex Trent to retire. Even though her salary was almos... ... just stared at the phone, never picking it up until it went through the voice-messaging center. He screened every call in the same manner, most of ... ...eception counter that was at least forty feet long with a sole receptionist seated in the center that was handling the phones in a staccato fashion.... ...This is the main camera, I was only interested in lighting and making sure that Stone was centered in the frame.” Brand accepted the answer for now... ...litary that we needed a missile shield. After that, he became a professor, of all things, Economics, at Harvard. The CIA believed his new chosen pro... ...ussians and Chinese? China, perhaps, he could understand, getting rid of a third of their population made some kind of perverted sense. But to the R...

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The Hitler File : A Novel of Fact

By: Sam Vaknin

... The Hitler File A Novel of Fact By Sam Vaknin Draft For your consideration © 2006-2007 All Rights Reserved... ...g Group sends him to Israel on a routine assignment, he finds himself at the deadly center of a nightmare. • What is on the floppy disk he picked ... ...he bunker in besieged Berlin or not far from it in May 1945. But, read on and judge for yourselves. All the speculations in this book are just tha... ...It’s an interview with Gestapo Mueller.” “Interview with Mueller?” – I had hoped for more – “He must have given many of them in his career.” D... ...oo. Goebbels warned Hitler that his newfound moderation won’t go down well with the population. Still, Hitler declined all invitations to the openin... ...could lead to a pogrom not only against the Frankenbergs but against all the Jewish population in Styria.” Himmler consents gravely. “We kept a... ...t, Frankenberg.” “Yes, Herr Reichsfuehrer. Arlosoroff told me that he had studied Economics in Berlin University and that his sister, Lisa, still ... ...was twiddling his thumbs again which brought back bittersweet memories – “The local populations were supportive. The Germans were mere bystanders in...

...the SD? Israel Sarid Roth, only son of two survivors of the Holocaust is about to find out, as a routine assignment in Jerusalem plunges him into the center of a deadly nightmare....

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2005 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002, 2005... ...10, 1931 but was not impressed. Even in the months after May 1934, when he met her for the second time, dined with her and her husband in their Lon... ...merican liaison. He contemplated marrying one, Thelma Furness, but then dumped her for Simpson. The British media - though perfectly aware of all t... ...menian community was arrested and executed. Between May and June 1915 the Armenian population was deported to Mesopotamia. The deportation followed... ...well as setbacks in the war - prevented the Turks for deporting the urban Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire's major cities. Today there are... ...t the University of Illinois, noticed in the early 1960s that though the bacterial population doubles every 20 minutes - the quantity of luciferase... ...of particles to escape while the other is hurled towards the singularity (i.e., the center of the black hole). The escaping particle draws energy fr... ...hind. Quotes from the official Web pages of some of these databases: National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) Its mission ... ...ral Analysis Unit (BAU), Child Abduction and Serial Murder Investigative Resources Center (CASMIRC), and Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VIC...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman

.............................................. 31 Evolution of the Human Desire for Pleasure ..................................39 CHAPTER 2: THE BOUNDA... ............................................. 110 CHAPTER 8: EVERYTHING IS READY (FOR LIFE’S PURPOSE) ..... 115 EVOLUTION OF THE GENERATIONS .............. ...entist and a researcher, Rav Laitman has been studying and teaching Kabbalah for the past thirty years. As a Kabbalist, he has published more than ... ...t plague us. Moreover, the natural, egoistic human predilec- tion to seek self-centered pleasures at the expense of others has intensified over time.... drugs at least once during their lives is approximately 42% of the overall population. 4 In Europe, consumption of cocaine has reached an unsett... nuclear wars that would result in the obliteration of most of the world’s population. Albert Einstein expressed a similar fear in a 24 May, 1946... ...strates that belief is Spaceship Earth, an attraction at Disney World’s Epcot Center in Orlando, built in the be- ginning of the 1980s. Here, visitor... ...treating wolves as ruthless and dangerous ani- mals. However, when the wolves’ population diminished, their contribution to balancing the deer, wild ... ...n this manner, we can make the desire to acquire the quality of altruism the center of our desires. This brings up the question: “How can we increas...

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The Natural State, In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti

By: U.G. Krishnamurti, Edited by Peter Maverick

... decided to publish his words—this is my eighth book based on him. Hoping for many more to come... So enjoy your private moments with U.G., as I d... ...private moments with U.G., as I did, reading this book. Thank you Peter for serving this fruit to the readers minus the peel and pips. Sunita Pa... .... It's outside of ways altogether. If you shock easily, this may not be for you. Yet there is love here too, though U.G. would never use the word ... ...try of your body. The senses are operating now without any coordinator or center, that's all I can say. Unless that alchemy or change in the whole c... ...ed things. But something is linking them up—what you call the self or the center, which is illusory. I can say it is illusory because it is only the... ...ow only what is good for you. That's all you are interested in. Everything centers around that; all your art and reason centers around that. I am not... ...g us all these problems. What I am saying is not what the mainstream of population is interested in. They hear what they want to hear. What I say ... ...beings and nothing more. It is something like saying that in the field of economics you are not controlled by the laws of supply and demand. But we a... ... away with everything for centuries while society ignored women. Half the population of this planet was neglected, humiliated and treated as doormats...

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The Silver Lining: Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2010 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2002-1... ...rum the rudiments of a conscience are visible. He evidently feels guilty. At least for a while. Greenleaf Jr. falls in and out of love and friends... ...y admits, are to fake both personalities and papers. He is a predator and he hunts for congruence, cohesion and meaning. He is in constant search o... ...gone this far, it is easy to imagine a device that would stimulate the right brain centers to produce these reactions. Once the experiences of havi... ... Redundancy (unutilized over capacity capable to taking over functions from damaged centers); 3. Holography and Fractalness (replication of same m... has ever done. Still, the "Law of the Minimum" - that there is a limit to human population growth and that this barrier is related to the biotic... ...o escaping the fact that the main drivers of global warming and climate change are population growth and the emergence of an energy- guzzling middle... ...ther studied in conjunction with global dimming and ozone depletion); measures for population control and family planning enhanced; alternative and... ...n Open Directory Cool Site for 8 years. – Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"), – Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and Transition"). ...

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin

...ka Lidija Rangelovska A Narcissus Publications Imprint, Skopje 2007 Not for Sale! Non-commercial edition. © 2004-7 Cop... ...y and intentional fertilization. If a woman knowingly engages in sexual intercourse for the explicit and express purpose of having a child - then th... the right not to be killed unjustly. What constitutes "just killing" is a matter for an ethical calculus in the framework of a social contract. ... ...s delicate and self-correcting balance between the needs and pressures of competing populations is manifest even in the single organism or species. ... ... Moreover, evolution favors organisms whose rate of reproduction is such that their populations expand to no more than the number of individuals tha... ...tworthy and treacherous. Hence the Jewish propensity to infiltrate decision-making centers, such as politics and the media. Their aim is to minimiz... ...sented or not- existent in virtually all professions due to their demography (aging population, low birth-rates, unnatural deaths in wars and slaugh... ...ects and dimensions of the brain and its activities. Redundant hardware -different centers to perform similar tasks. Redundant communications chann... ...lutionary, the fresh – to the old, the habitual, the predictable. They are be risk- centered and risk-assuming cultures. Static versus Dynamic (Emer...

Cyclopedia of issues in economics analyzed through the prism of the economies of countries in transition, emerging markets, and developing countries.

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By: Sinclair Lewis

...e and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the... ...sociated with the Pennsylvania State University assumes any responsibility for the material contained within the document or for the file as an electr... ... grotesqueries, but the clean towers were thrusting them from the business center, and on the farther hills were shining new houses, homes—they seemed... ...enter, and on the farther hills were shining new houses, homes—they seemed—for laughter and tranquillity. Over a concrete bridge fled a limousine of l... ...nsed milk, paper boxes, lighting-fix- tures, motor cars. Then the business center, the thicken- 29 Sinclair Lewis ing darting traffic, the crammed tr... ...amiliarity at the buildings. A stranger suddenly dropped into the business-center of 47 Sinclair Lewis Zenith could not have told whether he was in a... ...and that boost Zenith and the Chamber of Commerce and holler for a million population. I bet if you could cut into their heads you’d find that one-thi... ...tlement in 1897, one hundred and five years old, with two hundred thousand population, the queen and wonder of all the state and, to the Catawba boy, ... ...’s this you got to say for ‘em: Every small American town is trying to get population and modern ideals. And darn if a lot of ‘em don’t put it across!...

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Main Street

By: Sinclair Lewis

...e and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the... ...sociated with the Pennsylvania State University assumes any responsibility for the material contained within the document or for the file as an electr... ...What Ole Jenson the grocer says to Ezra Stowbody the banker is the new law for London, Prague, and the unprofitable isles of the sea; whatsoever Ezra ... ...hear a horse kicking his stall, a carpenter shingling a roof. The business-center of Schoenstrom took up one side of one block, facing the railroad. I... ... like these barren settlements. It couldn’t be! Why, it had three thousand population. That was a great many people. There would be six hundred houses... ...t his wife, “Don’t you think I better stir ‘em up?” He shouldered into the center of the room, and cried: “Let’s have some stunts, folks.” “Yes, let’s... ...l call.” She had a record on the phonograph; Dave Dyer was capering in the center of the floor, loose-jointed, lean, small, rusty headed, pointed of n... ... past ten years, with twenty important books on psychology, education, and economics which the library lacked. She had made Kennicott promise to give ... ... Hill, the Blue Sky, the Green Fields, the Bountiful Harvest, In- creasing Population, Fair Return on Investments, Alien Agitators Who Threaten the Se...

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Plutarchs Lives Volume One

By: Hugh Clough

...e and without any charge of any kind. Any person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the... ...sociated with the Pennsylvania State University assumes any responsibility for the material contained within the document or for the file as an electr... inhabitants of Attica. By his mother’s side he was descended of Pelops. For Pelops was the most powerful of all the kings of Peloponnesus, not so m... ... This trench they call, as they do the heavens, Mundus; making which their center, they described the city in a circle round it. Then the founder fitt... ... multitude of indigent and necessitous persons, while its whole wealth had centered upon a very few. T o the end, there- fore, that he might expel fro... ...gular triangle, all the lines from the circumference of which meeting in a center, by holding it in the light of the sun they can collect and con- cen... ...o powder, in that minute form be combined, he resolved to divide the whole population into a number of small divi- sions, and thus hoped, by introduci... ...e empire by sea had been the origin of the democracy, and that the farming population were not so much opposed to oligarchy. Themistocles, however, fo... ...flux of barbarous neigh- bors, and groaning under the evils of a predatory population both upon and within its borders. Nor was he less admired and ta...

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Noi Functii in Teoria Numerelor

By: Florentin Smarandache This book has been peer reviewed and recommended for publication by: Dr. Sukanto Bhattacharya, School of Informatio... ... fuzzy relational equations 70 1.12 FRE with defuzzification algorithm for the largest solution 75 1.13 Solvability and Unique solvability... ...ity and Unique solvability of max-min fuzzy equations 81 1.14 New algorithms for solving fuzzy relation equations 85 1.15 Novel neural algorith... ... of the structure of the solution set of FREs. The individuals from the initial population are chosen from the feasible solution set. The genetic op... ...rch inside of the feasible solution set. The well-maintained feasibility of the population makes the search more efficient. Genetic algorithms (GAs... ... optimization problems. In general, 50 GAs start with a randomly generated population and progress to improve solutions by using genetic operat... ...of solution p. 62 The location of a cluster is represented by its cluster center ( ) q c q c c R ∈ υ υ = υ , ... , 1 , c = 1, …, C around whic... To determine the fuzzy c-partition matrix, U, we need to find the centers of clusters which can be obtained by using different methods... ...riterion measures the dissimilarity between points in a cluster and its cluster center by the Euclidean distance. This distance, d cp is calculated...

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Neutrosophic Dialogues

By: Florentin Smarandache

...……………68 Science, Destiny, and Buddhism……………………………………………………….…79 Call for Papers…………………………………………………………………………….94 Neutrosophy and Dialectic, po... ...onomic Information, School of Information, Xi'an University of Finance and Economics 44 Cuihua Nan Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710061, P. R. China 1... ...nxi, 710061, P. R. China 1. Introduction Thanks to Dr. Smarandache for his interest in Chinese culture. I cannot decline his warm request to w... ... wisdom, and therefore can be misleading. I have been extremely regretful for my ideological errors and mistakes in previous publications, especially... ...the nature. This results in the intentionality of everything – intentional economics, intentional politics, intentional manner of education, even int... ...le, it becomes logic – facts or rules. However, people are normally self centered. Essentially, they base their opinions on their different backgro... ...sdom. Unfortunately, due to our blindness, we common people prefer a self-centered world (the so called freedom) over the real unification, for which... ... engineering. I then accepted the state assignment to work in the computer center of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics. (Its former names inc... ...s probable disaster. If the war were to happen now, half of the world's population could be killed. How can we escape such a war? We need to stop ...

...Thanks to Dr. Smarandache for his interest in Chinese culture. I cannot decline his warm request to write the preface, even with my fragments of knowledge – no insight nor wisdom, and therefore can be misleading. I have been extremely regretful for my...

...ion in the Chinese Translation of Neutrosophics. 27 -- Neutrosophic Dialogues. 51 -- Absolute Truth. 68 -- Science, Destiny, and Buddhism. 79 -- Call for Papers. 94 -- Neutrosophy and Dialectic, postface by Anthony Mansueto. 95 --...

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Abuse, Trauma, And Torture, And Their Consequences and Effects

By: Sam Vaknin

... Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) [2000] where it provides the diagnostic criteria for the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (301.81, p. 717). The DSM-IV-T... "an all-pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration or adulation and lack of empathy, usually beginning by e... ...fies nine diagnostic criteria. Five (or more) of these criteria must be met for a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) to be rendere... ...e and Gender Features According to the DSM-IV-TR, between 2% and 16% of the population in clinical settings (between 0.5-1% of the general populatio... ... psychological abnormalities, which already exist in some percentage of the population, seem to be at least superficially appropriate." In their boo... ...rish universe of the torture cell. The abuser becomes the black hole at the center of the victim's surrealistic galaxy, sucking in the sufferer's u... (reject and despise authority), fiercely independent, controlling, self-centered, and aggressive. They fear intimacy and are locked into cycles ... ... Directory Cool Site for 8 years. – Philosophy ("Philosophical Musings"), – Economics and Geopolitics ("World in Conflict and Transition"). Owner of... ...rael (1978). Hundreds of professional articles in all fields of finance and economics, and numerous articles dealing with geopolitical and political...

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Surviving the Economic Crisis : Current and Future Trends

By: Mark W. Medley

...m effects of the “Green Economy” 55 4. Is Bartering a Way Out For Cash Strapped Communities? 57 5. Saving Homeown... ...ese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the da... ... the luxuries exported to the 'rich' West. The New Deal in 1929, created jobs for people who lived and worked in Industry, not Banking, Brokering, I... ...ool of empty properties, in Towns and villages that lost over 20-50% of their population. Property values plummeted and never recovered, leading ... ...d Central Germany today, you see "rust belts", emptying Villages, states were populations have decreased by over 30%, and real long term unemploymen... ...ent levels of over 8 million. 4 By 2030, experts believe the population of Germany could decrease by 20 million, as Germans have lo... ...middle class Germans were embarrassed lining up at Soup Kitchens in Financial Centers like Frankfurt and Munich. Well dressed, somber and hungry, a ... ... The economies of China, India and the Philippines were expanding outsourcing centers, before the October 2008 Crash. And many of the Companies that ... ...ting huge increases in business, since 2008. 53 9. Training Centers and Courses Whether it is online or offline a new generation...

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And Gulliver Returns Book I : Touchdown

By: Bob Oconnor

....................................................... 8 THE NOT SO GOOD LIFE FOR TOO MANY CHILDREN....................................................... ................................................... 9 OLDER NATURAL METHODS OF POPULATION CONTROL ......................................................... ........................................................................... 45 POPULATION CONTROL AND REDUCTION ........................................... odyssey of exploring most of the solar system in search of possible homes for the millions or billions of earthlings who have overflowed our plane... ...- Sure, but I only have a minute” —“Have you found suitable potential homes for the excess world population? 5 —“Not at all. There are a few plac... a minute” —“Have you found suitable potential homes for the excess world population? 5 —“Not at all. There are a few places on Mars and Venus ... ...he plight of unwanted children. “You may be familiar with the U.S. Center for Disease Control study in 2008. In studying 900,000 infants du... ...ase in the cold war between the East and the West as it ushered in the self-centered times of the hippies—and sex and drugs became major avenues tow... ... Their ethics, relative to having children, have often been based on a self-centered system of morals.” —“Are you saying that recognizing our sel...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VII : Book 7 Visit to Indus

By: Bob Oconnor

............................................................. 21 POLITICS OF POPULATION IN A DEMOCRACY .................................................... ............................................................... 22 VOLUNTARY POPULATION REDUCTION ......................................................... ............................................................ 38 RELIGION AND POPULATION REDUCTION ......................................................... ............................................................. 57 FOREIGN AID FOR STERILIZATION ............................................................ ...cate one young mind and ten illiterate babies are born to take his place. For every step forward it was ten steps back. Indus was welcoming th... Our lives are so blessed, and these hungry human skeletons scavenge for scraps to allow their malnourished bodies to survive until sunset. The... ...cil no matter how many children I have.‘‖ ―That‘s the classic self-centered versus society-centered dichotomy. Let me do whatever I want whil... ...e knowledges either. ―Then the voters should learn to be society-centered, not controlled by their religious or self-centered values. I‘m n... ...ut like India, our culture is very traditional. It is family and religion centered. While India‘s economic environment ranges from slum dwellers to b...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book III : A Visit to Kino

By: Bob Oconnor

.............................................................. 28 THE GRAYING POPULATION .................................................................. ..................................................... 41 BENEFITS OF REDUCING POPULATION .................................................................. .................................................................. 62 REWARDS FOR EFFECTIVE PARENTHOOD .................................................... ...f course, was a vast agricultural land with a rich cultural heritage, but a population crisis out of control. It had more than a billion people when ... ...ion of the citizens as to why improving the society will have more benefits for the average person than trying to pamper every individual‟s desires, ... ... selfishness rather than the social good, are at least in part responsible for the over two million prison inmates in my country. The 5 big quest... ...ep jobs than it is for men. This has forged questions of values—the self centered values of the West are conflicting with the societal values espo... ...many call democracy. Unhappily the worst aspects of your democracy—the self centered 23 aspect—are the first things that attract people‘s attentio..., and the selfishness that accompanies the promise of freedom. But self-centeredness is not the essential of democracy. It is instead the basis f...

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, ...

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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

................................................................. 11 LOOKING FOR HAPPINESS ................................................................ ...TIONS -- THE FOUNDATIONS OF OUR VALUES ......................... 28 SELF-CENTERED ASSUMPTIONS ......................................................... .................................................................. 56 PROOFS FOR THE EXISTENCE OF GOD ..................................................... .................................................. 141 HEALTH CARE AND AGING POPULATIONS ............................................................. 1... ............................................. 152 BALANCING THE BUDGET—TAXES FOR YOUR IDEAL SOCIETY ...................... 152 ECONOMIC GROWTH RATE ...... ................................. 230 The Welfare State is moral from a self-centered point of view .......................................... 232 From... ... point of view .......................................... 232 From a self centered point of view it is immoral ......................................... ............................................................... 251 LIMITING POPULATION ................................................................... ........................................................................ 251 Population reduction is moral from a self-centered point of view. ............

...Overpopulation is responsible for many of our planet's problems--global warming, the lack of fresh water, poverty, high gasoline and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, ...

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The Future of the Internet : And How to Stop It

By: Jonathan Zittrain

... Jonathan Zittrain Yale University Press New Haven & London A Caravan book. For more information, visit The cover was designed ... ...ed by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers. Th... ...tle. TK5105.875.I57Z53 2008 004.67 80112—dc22 2007050361 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. The paper in this bo... ...duced the iPhone to an eager au- dience crammed into San Francisco’s Moscone Center. 1 A beautiful and brilliantly engineered device, the iPhone blend... to write software that can run on it. Bill Gates sees the Xbox as at the center of the future digital ecosystem, rather than at its periph- ery: “... ...y unchanged. 12 Innovation within services like CompuServe took place at the center of the network rather than at its fringes. PCs were to be only the... ...ark against oppressive governments who wish to monitor their Internet-surfing populations. As many scholars have explored, whether one is for or agains... ...of the telecommunications services giants— to a combination of widely diffuse populations around the globe, and the market ac- tors that will build the... ... the globe, and the market ac- tors that will build the tools that make this population better able to produce its own information environment rather ...

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