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Chemical Elements (X) English (X) Finance (X) Education (X)

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin

... say identical) to the destruction of a painting by Van Gogh, made up of these very elements. Paints and cloth are converted to a painting through t... ...s himself. This second layer of anger also comprises strong and easily identifiable elements of frustration, irritation and annoyance. While normal... ...he psychological makeup of the nation (especially the more rightwing and religious elements) because it constitutes "Narcissistic Supply". The Jew... ...cable. People - in the very far future - may be able to harbour the same emotions, chemically or otherwise induced in them. One brain could directl... ...ranspired in the artist's mind. We are faced with a dichotomy: The epistemological elements in the artistic process belong exclusively and incommun... ...mpairment is flawed ... using this ill-substantiated cause- and-effect to tell the 'chemical generation' that they are brain damaged when they are n... ...parameters when faced with danger. We could reasonably expect them to change their chemical reactions, the compounds that they contain, other elect... ...ied realm(=set of terms). People are trying to define life or love by resorting to chemical reactions. This reductionism inevitably and invariably ... ...ue that a definition must include all the necessary conditions to the definiendum. Chemical reactions are a necessary condition to life. But they a...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

...y do not copy the intellectual property as it is. Rather, they add to it important elements of adaptation to niche markets, image creation, market ... ... the incorporation of gross inaccuracies into the model and the ignorance of other elements. The surprise is that the approximation yields results,... ...onjunction). 2. Content – This incorporates both ontological and epistemological elements. In other words: both "hard" data, which should, in pri... ...xt and constantly interacts with it. Additionally, its various modules and content elements consistently and constantly interact with each other. A... ...h giver and taker. History shows that all effective programs shared these common elements: a. The persecution of corrupt, high-profile, public f... ...ed realm (=set of terms). People are trying to define life or love by resorting to chemical reactions. This reductionism inevitably and invariably ... ...ue that a definition must include all the necessary conditions to the definiendum. Chemical reactions are a necessary condition to life. But they a... ...of software games with the best techno-artists he found. He also bought the biggest chemical/genetic corporation: SupremArtis(TM). Finally he merged...

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Trendsiters Digital Content and Web Technologies

By: Sam Vaknin

..."Namespace Dictionary" is to be published. It will encompass 800 metadata elements and will tackle e-books, journals, audio, and video. A working gr... ...y revised based on input from members of the public. It combines the best elements of the Wikipedia (feedback- driven evolution) with none of its def... ...nd almost indistinguishable from the Usenet archive itself. Without these elements - structural as well as dynamic - there will be no archive and no... ...n-demand, print-on-demand, and even the creation of physical 3D prototype elements at a distance from insubstantial CAD files), business is changing... .... On the other hand, use a technology to significantly improve the right elements of a product or service, or its price, and stand back. 9. Wh... ... (=set of terms). People are trying to define life or love by resorting to chemical reactions. This reductionism inevitably and invariably leads to t... ... definition must include all the necessary conditions to the definiendum. Chemical reactions are a necessary condition to life. But they are not suf... ...e games with the best techno-artists he found. He also bought the biggest chemical/genetic corporation: SupremArtis(TM). Finally he merged all them ...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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