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... - J.Cross/Stone 2 THE MYSTERY OF JAMIESON STONE A Novel by Jonathan Cross - J.Cro... ....Cross/Stone 2 THE MYSTERY OF JAMIESON STONE A Novel by Jonathan Cross - J.Cross/Stone ... ...e damn teleprompter?” “Almost ready,” he said, not wanting to garner her wrath. - J.Cross/Stone 4 “Let’s get with it, boy,” she thundered, an... ... “Anything else, Boss?” “No, honest I’m fine,” Stone said sipping on the water. - J.Cross/Stone 5 Simmons moved the glass out of camera range... ... the fear of door knobs, the list was endless. The variety of effects from this mental or chemical imbalance was so ubiquitous that it defied any si... ... unclear, but he told me to get over here, and that I would be working with some criminal elements, but to suspend my judgment.” “I only have one q...
... Title: THE SOUL BEARER Author: JONATHAN CROSS Language: English Subject: Fiction, Literature Publi... ...... ... PA Sterling House Mass Market Paperback ISBN 1-156315-081-6 ©Copyright 1998 Jonathan Cross All rights reserved First Printing-1998 Request for... in un derground cavities, and has probably undergone a thousand dif ferent chemical reactions. I believe we're dealing with a highly radioactiv... ... tion's plutonium. A concentration of plutonium combined with other toxic waste elements could just be the cause," Greene speculated. "If that's tr... ... been cooking themselves into a nuclear hybrid." "A hybrid?" "You know, a new chemical compound. That stuff's been cooking down there a long time.... ...king down there a long time. Probably creating hundreds - or even thousands - of chemical reactions, and forming new compounds, even deadlier togethe... ...lusions, Doctor?" "We believe that over the years a combination of radioactive elements has been seeping into the ground and has probably mixed tog... ...m personally disturbed and outraged that the authorities and the media revealed elements of the crime scene, and impli cated innocent parties before...