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Bozo and the Storyteller

By: Matt Jones

...narrative like a collective dream. The Hoomans believe the weather to be a matter of chance, a science of equations and circumstance with the odds he... ...e bed and Theo scooped up the blankets from the f oor and dived on to the mattress. At the same moment Sandra entered the room with a candle in her ... ... Theo, he said to himself. You may have amnesia but you’re not crazy – no matter what the doctors think. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was good t... ...nted by other Hoomans with guns. They saw vast forests slashed and burnt, chemical waste poured into the rivers and seas, and the sky f lling with p... ...lla in Bombay.’ Theo did as he was told without a word. Losing Bozo to the elements like that had robbed him of the strength to go on. Not even the s...

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