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The Renaissance of Science : The Story of the Atom and Chemistry

By: Ph.D. Albert Martini

.... The most significant discoveries in chemistry and physics are presented chronologically to illustrate their contributions to the creation of the chemical sciences during the last 21 centuries....

... to express the full extent of my emotions and reasons for writing this book on the STORY OF THE ATOM AND THE SCIENCES, with special reference to the CHEMICAL SCIENCES. In one sentence, I can distill the essence of the purpose for this study by simply stating that it has been a labor of love that transcended the written word because sentiments and ideas belong in the rea...

...CT ON THE ATOM AND ITS ENERGY 11 THE CLASSIC GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHERS 17 EMPEDOCLES (492-432 BC) Greek Philosopher 20 Proposed the four basic elements: earth, water, air and fire. DEMOCRITUS (470-380 BC) Greek Philosopher 22 The founder of the atomic theory of antiquity. CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY (100-170) Greek Astronomer 24 Proponent of the geocentric theory of our ...

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The Renaissance of Science: The Story of the Atom, Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics

By: Dr. Albert Martini


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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...ty of Agricultural Sciences and Italy's University of Cagliari discovered that the chemicals emitted by the flower - three types of oligosulphides ... ...ifically. Latent prints lifted off crime scenes with the application of special chemicals or ultraviolet light are often incomplete or indistinc... ...the first known case, in 1941, a Norwegian woman spoke in a German accent. All the elements of pronunciation shift - pacing, rhythm, intonation, an... ... Technology published study according to which 1.6 kilograms of fuel, 72 grams of chemicals and 32 kilograms of water are consumed in the manufact... ...utilizes 160 times the amount of energy needed to make mere silicon. Thousands of chemicals are used in the process, some of them highly toxic. ... Miss America Mary Katherine Campbell, the o... ... When the food is high energy, we taste it as sweet. When the food contains certain chemicals it tastes salty. Heated food releases more molecule...

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...d not occur to him that a third possibility might have been the variety of chemical substances already in his body mixed with the new amphetamines tha... from. Within this desert of cacti and brambles they poured destructive chemicals and suicidal inclinations to kill and enlarge their brambly world... ... There was nothing. There was movement while he sat in a city bus. All elements had burst out of the Big bang. All things (even ideas) were conce... ...putative lightning that struck the ocean and caused the crystallization of elements. Six adroit teenagers playing a game of takraw were in a cres... ... both sides of their faces shot with water containing some form of caustic chemicals that burned lacerations which later changed into black eyes. For... ...han this but they are vile to one's nose with everything going back to the elements and all." They descended the stairs. She sensed that his hand was... some water in the plastic guns had been adulterated with some caustic chemicals. However, he did not like casting shadowy illusions into the sen...

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Secret of the Sands

By: Aren, Rai and E., Tavius

...lly worked up the courage to speak. “The metal alloy in them is not a known material. The elements are not part of the periodic table,” he said just ... ...Assan looked at them, “It is possible there is some correlation, that the combi- nation of elements in your system somehow affected her in particular,... ...ere brown burnt marks and a white residue on the ends of it. It looked as if some sort of chemical had burned through the cords and the ropes holding... ...mined the rope closely, “This is very strange. These burn marks could have been caused by chemicals, but not by any I have ever handled before, this ... ...sed by chemicals, but not by any I have ever handled before, this was thick, strong rope. Chemicals that could do this are certainly not readily avai... ...n the Queen and Princess were going sailing today. How long would it have taken for these chemicals to burn through?” “It is hard to say without kn... ...lyzed the metal of the cylinders yourself. Remember, you’re the one who told us that ‘the elements were not part of the periodic table.’ We know the... a person, but was there anything you know of that caused this?” “There was an unusual chemical in Queen Axiana’s system when she was trying to c... ...ful enough to see through her?” “Perhaps, but it is quite likely that the combination of elements was the catalyst, though Princess Anjia would hav...

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G-Dimensional Theory & the Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes : Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory

By: L. Stephen Young

...omparative validity of conflicting statements in terms of their paradoxical elements. In fact, given the above broad definitions, it appears the sci... ... on a subjective value system, so that comparative methodology has inherent elements of uncertainty, i.e. characteristics of neutrosophy. [31] [36] ... ...ical characteristics in set {A} ∋ { a 1 , a 2 , a 3 ,…a n }, is composed of elements, {S} ∋ {s 1 + s 2 + s 3 +...+ s n }, having physical characte... ... variance with modern theory ―particularly in regard to the SQP paradoxical elements. Thus, the Smarandache quantum paradox set should provides an e... distance ―the corners of the nuclear cube. 11. This indicates the noble elements, (Column 8A, Periodic Table), should possess perfect nuclear cu... ...charge field domains. For example, the exothermic or endothermic nature of chemical reactions indicates considerable energy stored in molecular bon... ...1994. [25] ibid., p. 169. [26] ibid., p. 74. [27] Masterton, Slowinski; CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES, Fourth Edition., Figure 6.14 Ionization energies of ...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...icial appearance of a particular combination of these forces. They know which elements need mending to yield a clearer, brighter, and sharper pictur... ...ords, all the plants of a certain kind operate in the same way, and specific elements in the species do not have singularity of their own. The grea... ... individualization, conflict, and competition. At the end of these stages the elements unite into a single, harmonious system. She used as an exampl... ...has a personal, egoistic inter- est. However, the essence of evolution is that elements with personal interest unite into a single body and work for... ...e function as healthy parts within it. Thus, if we thoroughly examine Nature’s elements, we will see that altruism is the basis for life. Every livin... ...rchers assume that there is a reward for altruistic behavior in the form of a chemical called “dopamine,” released in the benefactor’s brain and pro...

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The Silver Lining: Moral Deliberations in Modern Cinema

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...s clear that we do not acquire the hardware (neurones) and software (electrical and chemical pathways) we are born with. But it is equally clear tha... ...acquire" both brain mass and the contents of our brains (its wiring or irreversible chemical changes) through learning and experience. Does this pro... ... a partial parallel, at best: the computer and word processing software are passive elements. It is my brain that does the authoring. And so, the my... definition, a part of Nature. His tools are natural. He interacts with the other elements of Nature and modifies it - but so do all other species... ... completely lack organisation. Yet, structure and organization are mere language elements. They are “in our head” so to speak. They do not exist ... ...e range of planetary habitability is much larger than thought. But whatever their chemical composition, most Alien species are likely to be sentie...

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The Ulysseans

By: Antonio Mercurio

...• Just as a tree transforms energy (it transforms light energy into chemical energy), it also synthesizes energy (it makes a synthesis of th... ... work of art. In my opinion, the life of a human being must contain these elements for it to be seen as a work of art in process; 1) – it must hav... ... from outside ourselves. 37 Inner and outer music are two indispensible elements for a better quality of life. But be careful, because the obsess... ...ove, both our own and that of others, and to make decisions based on these elements: our desires, our passions and ideals and judgment of these idea... ...n and it also rotates on itself. According to the composition of these two elements, the orbit around the sun and the rotation on itself the Earth e... ...ble from outside ourselves. Inner and outer music are two indispensible elements for a better quality of life. But be careful, because the obses...

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I and Thou

By: Martin Bube

...nging to the tree is in this: its form 7 and structure, its colours and chemical composition, its intercourse with the elements and with the stars... ...structure, its colours and chemical composition, its intercourse with the elements and with the stars , are all present in a single whole. The tre... ...he blessed eye that considers its own radiance, and the friendship of the elements accompanies the man into the stillness of dying and becoming. Th...

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The Natural State, In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti

By: U.G. Krishnamurti, Edited by Peter Maverick

...ur natural state will blast every cell, every gland, every nerve. It is a chemical change. An alchemy of some sort takes place. But this state has no... ...ort takes place. But this state has nothing to do with the experiences of chemical drugs. Those are experiences, this is not. _______ Does such a... ...false continuity, which destroys the body. It is radically disturbing the chemical balance of the body. The body, which is only interested in surviva... ...ystem demands that relationships be based on love, but the most important elements are security and possessiveness. When your hold on the other weak... ... I think our whole thinking has to be put on a different track. It is all chemical. If, as they say, desires are hormones, then the whole ethical co...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

...e space. We further assume no intermediate relation exists within the domain elements or node and the range space elements. The number of elements ... ... of elements in the range space need not in general be equal to the number of elements in the domain space. Thus throughout this section we assume t... ...mediate relations exist within the domain and the range spaces. The number of elements or nodes in the range space need not be equal to the number o... ...lements or nodes in the domain space. Throughout this section we assume the elements of a domain space are taken from the neutrosophic vector spac... ...erval [0, 1] as in IFS. e) NS, like dialetheism, can describe paradoxist elements, NS(paradoxist element) = (1, I, 1), while IFL can not descri... ...eory, fuzzy groups, and applications of fuzzy theory of the problems faced in chemical industries and cement industries. Currently, six Ph.D. schola...

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Kabbalah for the Student

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...han abstract names, as they are completely and from the outset, devoid of elements that are imagined. But that is not the case. On the contrary, Kabb... ...ween them, but only a different degree, perceived in the substance of the elements of reality in each world. The substance of the elements of realit... ...t world, is purer than in all the ones below it. And the substance of the elements of reality in the second world is coarser than in that of the fir... ... continues similarly down to this world before us, whose substance of the elements in reality is coarser and darker than in all the worlds preceding ... ...d darker than in all the worlds preceding it. However, the shapes and the elements of reality and all their occurrences come unchanged and equal in ... ...ce” in it, though we are not yet able to tell these forces apart, as with chemical elements. Perhaps in the future they will be discovered in their ... discovered in their pure form, as we have only recently discovered the chemical elements. EqUAl f or CE in SpiriTUAl And phy SiCAl In a word: all ... ...hilled; the cold can be heated; the solid can be turned to liquid through chemical operations, and the liquid into air, meaning only gas, where any ... ...scopic atoms in the smallest elements of any essence, separated through a chemical process, they, too, are merely abstract forms that appear that wa...

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God Prophecy

By: Dr. Paraskev

...icles and they are manifestations of the same laws of nature - biological, chemical, physical, astrophysical, etc. According to these laws, organism a... ...r becomes the second structural element of our method. And thus, these two elements Goodness and prayer become all that method is, all that method...

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Unlocking the Zohar

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...hat there is an immediate reward for altruistic behavior in the form of a chemical called “dopamine,” released in the benefactor’s brain and prompti... ...what we have said before to restore some order. Reality consists of three elements: the light, the power of love and giving (the creator), the will ..., male and female. These are only a few examples because each of these elements of reality has many names in The Zohar, taken from the language o... ...e rest of reality in it, called “angels,” “clothes,” and “palaces,” whose elements are innumerable. Bear in mind that although The Zohar elucidates e... ...illed; the cold can be heated; the solid can be turned to liquid through chemical operations, and the liquid into air, meaning only gas, where any ... ...f the Daat. 78) Similarly, the creator created the body out of four basic elements: Fire, wind, dust, and water, similar to Neshama to Abraham 225... ...orld. fIve oUTleTS of The MoUTh Lech Lecha [Go f orth] 79) …And those four elements, which are four Behinot [discernments], Hochma, Bina, Tifferet, a...

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The Kabbalah Experience

By: Rav Michael Laitman

... O F K A B B A L A H Q: I read that Kabbalah develops the ability to sense the elements of reality and the spiritual worlds. But I also understand th... ...c can be Kabbalistic, it is only a byproduct, just as there are byproducts to chemical processes such as a rise in tempera- ture, decrease in pressur... music, in writing, by creat- ing new teaching methods, or by presenting new elements into the pro- cess of study. However, music and songs are only... ...tor: benevolence. All other laws express physical, spiri- tual, biological and chemical aspirations that accompany the substance and the desire that ... ...d significantly shortens the whole process. It is much like what happens in a chemical reaction. It is pos- sible to contract the process by a millio...

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The Suffering of Being Kafka

By: Sam Vaknin

... grew old, he added to his burden a stool with an attached umbrella, to shield him from the elements, and a greenish nylon sheet to protect his ware... ...e. I am sharpened, like a raw nerve firing impulses to you, receiving yours, an electrical- chemical dialog, consisting of your smelly sweat, my scen...

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The Mystery of Jamieson Stone

By: Jonathan Cross

... the fear of door knobs, the list was endless. The variety of effects from this mental or chemical imbalance was so ubiquitous that it defied any si... ... unclear, but he told me to get over here, and that I would be working with some criminal elements, but to suspend my judgment.” “I only have one q...

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Enciklopedio de Esperanto (1933)

By: L. Kokeny Kaj V. Bleier E gazeton en Usono, La Amerika E-isto, okt. 1906.Verkis prop. broŝuron “Elements of E” , 1906; oni disdonis 100.000 e-rojn. En 1907 verkis lernolib... ...JAEV Maeda Tutomu, japano, kemiisto, ano de „ e Institute of Physical and Chemical Research“, Tokyo. Nask. 14 febr. 1895 en Kanazawa-si. E-isto de 19...

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Dangerous Times II Edition : Living in and surviving the dangerous times: Living in and surviving the dangerous times

By: Magen Ha Cherut, Ph.D.; Occulta Aspicientis, Ph.D., Co-Author

... there would be no examples of people raising themselves above the scum they were born in and reaching high levels of society. Understanding of the elements of high culture, its systemic approach to organizing one’s life, can be practiced by virtually everybody. One just needs to want to elevate themselves and work towards that goal, which may involve getting better tr...

.... . . . . . . . . . 177 28.6 Concealed carrying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 29 Explosives and chemical weapons basics 181 29.1 Common explosives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 29.2 Lab safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

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