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Clock (X) Surgery (X)

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The Black Tulip

By: Alexandre Dumas

...t earth which his neighbour scat- tered upon his cherished bulbs. But the most curious part of the operations was not per- formed in the garden. It mi... ... 55 Dumas coffee, and on the very day when the frightful events took place at the Hague which we have related in the preceding chapters, we find him,... ...r for the first time in the spring of 1675, would undoubtedly produce the large black tulip required by the Haarlem Society. On the 20th of August, 16... ... also his cupidity and his ambition. Awake, he thought of nothing but the grand black tulip; asleep, he dreamed of it. At last, on the 19th of August,... ... of Cornelius just as bitterly as Boxtel did that of their master — entered his bedroom. He said to the man, — “I shall not get up to-day, I am ill.” ... ... sycamore. He had calculated correctly; no one thought of keeping watch over the garden; the house and the servants were all in the utmost confusion. ... ...ast as well as it would close, considering that it was half demolished. It was easy to see that a hurricane of mighty fury had vented itself upon it. ... ...rned round to look from whom it came; but Rosa, who had fore- seen this movement, had fallen back. “And,” continued Cornelius, “what hour is appointed... this world, I do not wish to have any further regret.” Rosa felt a shudder creeping over her frame, for, whilst the prisoner pronounced these words...

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Chronicles of the Canongate

By: Sir Walter Scott

...r to the Theatre—waiting the whole day— the crushing at the doors at six o’clock—and their going in and counting their fingers till seven o’clock. But... ...morning, you must not reckon that space of day as extending beyond three o’clock, or four at the ut- most. These vigilant habits were attended with so... ... of finding its venerable inhabitant pre- paring for tea, just about six o’clock in the evening. It was only to two or three old friends that she perm... ...remind me of my cruelty, I must remind you it has struck nine on the Abbey clock, and it is time you were going home to Little Croftangry. For my prom...

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Actions and Reactions

By: Rudyard Kipling

...the floor by the couch and took her hand. “Seven,” she said, as the French clock struck. “Year be- fore last you’d just be coming back from business.”... ...knew and Vixen knew. He would glide homewards from the office about four o’clock, as though he were only going to look at the scen- ery, and this he d... ...waddled off to my cookhouse to be fed, I had a brilliant idea. At eleven o’clock that officer’s dog was nowhere to be found, and you never heard such ... ...ogether with extracts from the magazine in which it ap- peared) A T NINE O’CLOCK of a gusty winter night I stood on the lower stages of one of the G.P... ...volution shall turn up our landing-towers. And minute by minute our silent clock gives us a sixteen- second mile. “Some fine night,” says Tim, “we’ll ... ...ixteen- second mile. “Some fine night,” says Tim, “we’ll be even with that clock’s Master.” “He’s coming now,” says George, over his shoulder. “I’m ch... ... HIGH LEVEL BACTERIOL- OGY. 7s. 6d. HALLIWELL’S ILLUMINATED STAR MAP, with clockwork attachment, giving apparent motion of heavens, boxed, complete w... ...ce were given. “Then,” said Penfentenyou, “I called at the office at ten o’clock.” “But they’d be in bed,” I cried. “One of the babies was awake. He t... ...ntribu- tions till 1.15 A.M., though I was victor from the first. At ten o’clock I got him and his correspondence into the motor, and he had the decen...

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Paradoxist Distiches

By: Florentin Smarandache

..._____ 28 THE ARGUMENT ___ 28 PARAPSYCHOLOGY 28 NAIL ON NAIL ______ 28 VIGILANCE ________ 28 ORDER ____________ 28 PATOMIME ________ 28 CUCKOO CLOCK (I) _ 29 CUCKOO CLOCK (II) 29 AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS ______________ 29 APHORISM _________ 29 DISGUST ___________ 29 CLASSIC ___________ 29 HEROISM __________ 29 BAGATELLE _______ 29 PRODUCER ________ 30 INTRODUCT...

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