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G band (X)

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The Natural State, In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti

By: U.G. Krishnamurti, Edited by Peter Maverick

...The Natural State In the Words of U.G. Krishnamurti Peter Maverick Introduction 1972-1980—... ...r's Note When I read the manuscript of Peter's book, it was as though U.G. was talking through the pages. It was wonderful to hear him without all... ...m. Hoping for many more to come... So enjoy your private moments with U.G., as I did, reading this book. Thank you Peter for serving this fruit ... ...eeking, you who are weary of the road. This compilation of quotes by U.G. Krishnamurti can alter your life. Someone once said to his daughter who... ...urti can alter your life. Someone once said to his daughter who had met U.G., "Damned be the day you met this man; your life will never be the same.... ...ervals. On his lower abdomen, the swellings were horizontal, cigar-shaped bands. Above the navel was a hard, almond-shaped swelling. A hard, blue swe...

...A compilation of quotes by U.G. Krishnamurti that can alter your life. Someone once said to his daughter who had met U.G., "Damned be the day you met this man; your life will never be the same." Whether we feel cursed or blessed, our coming upon the uniq...

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G-Dimensional Theory & the Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes : Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory

By: L. Stephen Young

... American Research Press Rehoboth 2001 2 L. Stephen Young G-DIMENSIONAL THEORY & THE SMARANDACHE QUANTUM PARADOXES: Comparative... ... n 4 - 5 2. The Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes 5-8 3 . G D T R e l a t i v i t y 8 - 2 0 4 . G D T P a r t i c l... ...dress Number 297-5092 Printed in the United States of America 4 G-DIMENSIONAL THEORY & THE SMARANDACHE QUANTUM PARADOXES: Comparative... ...stitute theoretical artifacts or can be considered true physical paradoxes, G Dimensional Theory, a unique, logical and physically congruent system ... ...AR 72205, USA E-mail: Keywords: G-dimensional theory, mathematical physics, relativity, Smarandache hypot... ... fields the more numerous individual absorption-emission lines 'smear' into band spectra. In denser molecular fields, this mode of light interaction...

...The author's motivating interest the past few years has been the development and dissemination of G-dimensional theory (GDT). K. Toshihara, from Japan, proposed the concept of a paper defining G-Dimensional theory in relation to the Smarandache quantum paradoxes. After reviewing a draft, Dr. M. L. Perez, Editor of the SNJ...

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Creionari Facute Cu Pixu

By: Florentin Smarandache

... devenit impulsiv. ∗ Dac ă cineva a furat azi un ou, bine c ă n-a furat g ăina. ∗ Ţine şi cu din ţii de scaun, ştirbul dracului! ∗ Fiecare m... ...loc de desp ăgubiri, a primit des p ăgubiri. ∗ R ăuf ăc ătorii se unesc în band ă. Binef ăc ătorii nu. ∗ Soarele nu r ăsare; noi îi ie şim în întâmp... ...ufele murdare se spal ă în familie şi se usuc ă în balcon. ∗ Mortul a fost g ăsit lâng ă un gard viu. ∗ Ea st ătea de ochii lumii, iar el st ătea cu... ...i rele. ∗ O grenad ă de mân ă l-a r ănit la picior. ∗ Fiindc ă avea orbul g ăinii şi-a luat ochelari de cal. ∗ În ţara orbilor, Pazvante Chiorul er... ... Coco şatul a trecut în lumea celor drep ţi. ∗ De şi era coco ş avea orbul g ăinii. ∗ Dac ă te sinucizi, te bat de te omor! 34 ∗ Un descreierat ... ...uia într-un butoi, fiindc ă-i lipsea o doag ă… butoiului. ∗ Tace şi face… g ăl ăgie. ∗ Vaporul s-a scufundat din cauza ancorei prea grele. 36 ∗... ...tidei, pe care o ţinea în spate. BANCAR - Unul care car ă banii cu carul. BANDA - So ţia banditului. BANIŢĂ - Locul în care se ţin banii. BARD Ă -...

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By: Florentin Smarandache

...teza... (poemelor) luminii! Pe câ Ûiva i-am cunoscut personal: Paul Courget, din Bordeaux, m'a g |zduit la el în vara lui '92 când ma'ndreptam s... ... (Belgia) I (VIOLEN Ú{ ÔI DAVID) 2 Rani Ûa e goal | Rani Ûa e prea mic | Rani Ûa e g |urit |. M | a Õez în |untru Orologiul î Õi ca... ...a oamenilor Care se transform | în fiare TERESINKA PEREIRA (Brazilia/SUA) FIU G {SIT 6 Ai izvorât din p |mânt ca Buna Vest... ... ART { POETIC { 16 lui Jean L'Anselme Pentru a fi clar Õi vesel Pentru a-l g |si când îl c |ut |m Pentru a-l recunoa Õte Pe... ...e Ôi o privesc insistent Orizonturi deschid f |r | sfâr Õit Unde este dulcea mea stea? Gata! O g |sesc Deasupra v |zduhului Dulce stea a SPERAN... ...fir | ca florile cu petale pu Ûin îng |lbenite câteodat | mâine cuvintele vor fi înregistrate pe band | de plastic indestructibil |, în sfâr Õit ...

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The Path of Kabbalah

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...0 The Path of Kabbalah 3 9 Part One: The Beginning C H A P T E R 1.1 T H E G R E AT I L L U S I O N Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou ... ...ord exists within us—it just hasn’t been discovered. PA RT O N E : T H E B E G I N N I N G 11 We feel what the books speak of in accordance with our... ...that desire. The extent and depth of this aim depend PA RT O N E : T H E B E G I N N I N G 13 solely on us. That is what we call, “Creation.” We mus... ... in this case. This is the limit of my “self.” It is PA RT O N E : T H E B E G I N N I N G 15 impossible for me to realize my desires if I only rely... ...filled with Light exactly according to its intensity. PA RT O N E : T H E B E G I N N I N G 17 C H A P T E R 1. 3 T H E E VO L U T I O N O F T H E S... ...d I am in according to the expansion of my sensations. It all depends on the “band width” of my sensing abilities. Everything we learn is relative t...

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Frate Cu Meridianele Si Paralelele, Vol. 2

By: Florentin Smarandache

...nt spaniol. Cum ar ăta un WC în min ă! (Mihai crezuse c ă e o ma şin ă de g ătit cu dou ă ochiuri!) Telefoane de urgen ţă, lifturi mai primitive şi... ...turi de clopot (nu Morse, dar pe acela şi principiu); ni se arat ă cum se g ăureau pere ţii cu thriller-ul ( şi se dinamitau)... – S ă ie şim mai ... ...a cu 15); 805 dreapta; 5 dreapta. Carlsbad. Numai şocâ ţi (veveri ţe prin g ăuri şi sub stânci)... Mândrii de ei americanii! Nu le e ru şine când n... ...i au în ţeles-o... Lumea r ămâne tot în iner ţia ştiin ţific ă în care se g ăse şte – greu de scuturat, de radicalizat!... Întoarcere cu peripe ţ... f ăcusem?). Am aprins şi o lumânare 15 (rugându-m ă la Dumnezeu s ă g ăsesc un full-time job – serviciu de opt ore, marea mea disperare şi dur... ...riene. Intrig ă matrimonial ă. Actori slabi, prea teatrali, replici ca pe band ă. Am înnoptat la Budget Inn (40 $ camera). Exist ă ora şe car... ...pta pe Thundebird Road, m-am dezechilibrat şi-am intrat (lega ţi!) el pe banda întâi, eu pe-a doua – cu ni şte scrâ şnituri pe asfalt ca-n filme. N... şteri 15 februarie 2002 Am vizitat Pe ştera de Gheaţă şi Vulcanul Bandera în New Mexico. Exist ă o familie care st ăpâne şte de o sut ă de a... ...s-au stabilit acum patru ani, plecate de la s ăr ăcia din Basarabia. Pe band ă ne vin numai dou ă bagaje, celelalte patru pierzându-se! Tot avionu...

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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters

...ully, Marybeth Peters Register of Copyrights Enclosure The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch Chairman Subcommittee on Intellectual Property Committee on the Ju... ...Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 ORRIN G. HATCH United States Senator PATRICK LEAHY United States Senator United S... ...y. We would ask that the Office report to the Committee its findings durin g the first year of the 109th Congress. and would suggest that soliciting w... .................................... 82 c. Approval by an Authorized Body (e.g., the Copyright Office)..................................................... ...mments from the following groups and organizations: • book publishers (e.g., Association of American Publishers); • authors (e.g., The Authors Gui... ...the permission of the copyright owner: for example, concerts by military bands. 160 The Berne reproduction exception test has come to be known as ... ...ble effort search. You don't have the certainty.”) (Statement of Jonathan Band, Library Copyright Alliance). 368 See July 26 Roundtable at 31-32 (c... ...ssociation of America Marvin L. Berenson/Broadcast Music Inc. Jonathan Band/Various Interests (American Association of Law Libraries; American Co... ... Partnership Brad Holland 17. The Library Copyright Alliance Jonathan Band Robert Oakley 18. Motion Picture Association of America Fritz ...

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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters

...ully, Marybeth Peters Register of Copyrights Enclosure The Honorable Orrin G. Hatch Chairman Subcommittee on Intellectual Property Committee on the Ju... ...Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 ORRIN G. HATCH United States Senator PATRICK LEAHY United States Senator United S... ...y. We would ask that the Office report to the Committee its findings durin g the first year of the 109th Congress. and would suggest that soliciting w... .................................... 82 c. Approval by an Authorized Body (e.g., the Copyright Office)..................................................... ...mments from the following groups and organizations: • book publishers (e.g., Association of American Publishers); • authors (e.g., The Authors Gui... ...the permission of the copyright owner: for example, concerts by military bands. 160 The Berne reproduction exception test has come to be known as ... ...ble effort search. You don't have the certainty.”) (Statement of Jonathan Band, Library Copyright Alliance). 368 See July 26 Roundtable at 31-32 (c... ...ssociation of America Marvin L. Berenson/Broadcast Music Inc. Jonathan Band/Various Interests (American Association of Law Libraries; American Co... ... Partnership Brad Holland 17. The Library Copyright Alliance Jonathan Band Robert Oakley 18. Motion Picture Association of America Fritz ...

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The Treason and Death of Benedict Arnold; A Play for a Greek Theatre

By: John Jay Chapman are trusted underlings 1 ~ Who pass from camp to camp like contra- , band; Always suspected and yet always safe. Andrk. I like not such protec... ... could roar,- Sound it against the mountains, - that these peaks Should bandy my intentions back and forth; Or tell it to the talking cataracts ... ... of the moon, More unrelated than the Polander, o us. They are a race, g family of hounds, a secret contract on each fang, For us,' 'for us,' 'f... ...turdy oar, Urging their venturesome and sacred Steered a new course, - a band, a broth- as one of them. Dear Benedict, your NO, no! not this, not...

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Live an Inspiring Life

By: Wally Amos

...wing what I would do or what I was capable of doing. I wound up using the G.!. Bill to enroll in a 27 secretarial school. Both the owner of the sc... ...I can't hear what !Jou are sa!JI"n.!J. - Ralph Waldo Emerson 35 GIVI G To !live al1d to receive are il1 truth ol1e al1d the same. SOME PEOPLE ... ...came famous as an entrepreneur of cookies? What if I organized a marching band of kazoo players to promote 43 the Famous Amos Chocolate-Chip Cooki... ... can live with that. I don't know how intuitive the front man of the rock band the Rolling Stones is, but in a classic rock anthem, Micl< Jagger sin...

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7 Scorpions : Rebellion

By: Mike Saxton

... Any way to call to the others,” Vincent inquired. “Been using these short band radios, but we haven’t goten any responses,” answered the older man. ... ...ebels fnd out,” pointed out the lackey. “The rebels are nothing more than bands of scared and fearful fools. They will learn nothing. I do feel that... ... either be taking us as slaves or killing us,” Lexi pointed out. “Highway bandits. The lowest of scum. We’re in a fght to survive and our own people... ...hadn’t turned around yet. “Turn around prick,” Vincent ordered. The street bandit turned around and gazed at the two of them. “What the hell are you?... ...NEAR THEM! I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO TO STAY OUT OF THEIR PATH,” the panicky bandit yelled. “Why don’t you keep your voice down fat man before you brin... ...ked Lexi. “That could be badly misinterpreted.” “Graphical User Interface. G-U-I,” Josh enlightened. “Mind out of the guter young lady.” “ Alright, s... ... you may live to see another full moon,” Josh threatened. 223 Chapter 26 G eneral Callous and Commander Triton’s Firehawk touched down in the open ... ...cher. I’d hate to the let them go to waste.” 365 7 Scorpions: Rebellion “G…good, use them to take out that bladeless helicopter. It looks like ther... ...I’m going to keep my promise to John,” Vin- cent answered. 416 Chapter 47 G eneral Callous’s image appeared on the view screens of Commander Stone a...

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Veritas Neo: The New Vision for a New Reality

By: Kee

...ement. ________________________________________ Ma n i f e s t o : Th e Or g a n i z a t i o n o f t h e Ze r o -Si x Co n t i n g e n t In any organi... ...en become an issue; but you can see - and decide - for yourself. Pr o l o g u e (I o f III): Im p o r t a n t No t e s o n Ex c l u s i v i t y a n d... ...ssion, their individual personalities and struggles, their willingness to band together, and their differences... it's that variety, all "walks of l... .... ________________________________________ Pa r t III o f III: Ge t t i n g In v o l v e d Di r e c t l y i n t h e Mi s s i o n Ul t i m a t e l y .... ...____________ A Un i v e r s a l De c l a r a t i o n o f Se n t i e n t Ri g h t s Mo s t people are familiar with the U.N.’s "Universal Declaration o...

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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

...L. B. SEELEY AND SON FLEET STREET, LONDON MDCCCXXVII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM Coming of Messiah Vol. 1 -ii-... ...ings and people shall be confederates against the Lord and his anointed, to break their bands and cast their cords away from them, Coming of Messia... ... the first three centuries, the Apocalypse was known and cherished in the Church as the g reat assurance of the downfall of Paganism; during the suf... ...ongest in the wickedest, when you touch them upon a part of their nature which hath not g rown callous by many wounds. As if they still kept a Goshen... ... love themselves. But our David hath been fain to separate himself, and with his chosen band to wander in the wilderness, a banished man: anointed, i... ...essive oppressions in Daniel’s image, signified as about to accomplish the times of the G entiles, during which Jerusalem was doomed by the Lord to ... ...and upon the grave, resurrection. And now, love, which heretofore had been in swaddling bands, is grown to stature; and sin which heretofore had bee... ...e entreaties, my respected friend Christophilus, and having resolved, although with the g reatest reluctance, to put down in writing, some of the thi... ...lead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overfl...

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...k poured soup and scooped rice dishes into plastic bags sealed with rubber bands or put the plates of food on metallic tables. So many city residents ... ..., "Where are you taking plunging...more G-force than I think I can stand." "Into yourself," it shouted. "T... ...orian whore of his. Like virtually everyone else, she was part of the big band and the universe of movement fully cognizant that the most popular and... ...dangling from his shirt. He was ill and numb as if all of his senses were bandaged over in gauze. He woke up fully, checked his face in the mirror t...

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Words to Wright By

By: Robin Bayne

...houghts and emotions. I felt like smacking myself for trying to be a one-man band. As writers we don’t see all sides of the business and it’s easy to ... my heart (and skin) are those “custom-made” pieces, my plain gold wedding band with the words ‘I Love Y ou’ that my husband had engraved inside thi... ...or established authors, I think of that phrase, and remember this quote from G .K. Chesterton: “A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; a bad ... ...hrist the chairman of my tribe. (And for those whose spouses aren’t on their bandwagons, Wilson suggested staying for the next conference: a marriage ... ...ter, nurture it. Keep people posted and praying for you. If you don’t have a band of brothers (or Who’ s in Your Tribe?/Coleen P . Kenny 110 sisters)... ...nd, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.” Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 (NKJV) G racious! Look at all the books we have. Our libraries, offices, churche...

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...IC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. A II. B III. C IV. D V. E VI. F VII. G VIII. H IX. I-J X. K XI. L XII. M XIII. N XIV. O XV. P-... ... in Taranto. Hence "tarantism". But occurrences were recorded in other locations (e.g., Lizzano, southern Apulia, Sardinia) as late as 50 years ago,... ...therapy. The patient also had to select among colored ribbons and concentrate on a band bearing the color of the biting spider. Oftentimes, such tr... ...e: Fire destroyed the business district of San Francisco. Cities along the fault (e.g., San Jose, Salinas, and Santa Rosa) obliterated. Casualtie... ...p:// G Gandhi, Mahatma Many myths abound about Gandhi, Mohandas K... ...ith wider implications than the Teapot Dome affair during the presidency of Warren G. Harding. It involved the secret leasing to private companies ...

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Album Fotografija

By: Dusan Gojkov

...evizije (perfektan retor, govori prema svim Kvintilijanovim pravilima). Na kraju besede – zakljuĉak: «Pošto g. Milošević ne razume ništa osim sile, i... ...išćenje. SrĊan i Drakula iz «Direktora» uhapšeni posle koncerta u Zajeĉaru, navodno zbog posedovanja droge. Bando crvena. Na slavi kod «srpskih ... ...ilu. Ne zna se ko ima uplašenije oĉi. U SKC-u neki dţez. Plakati s likovima politiĉara obešeni visoko na banderama, grad još uvek okićen raznoboj... ... znajući zašto, Il y en a une chez moi et l'autre se trouve chez toi kaţe se na nekom tamo jeziku Tella yat g-dar-i ta- yad tella g-dar-ek. Moţda ć... ...rošlu godinu prilazi prozoru proleće je ulica je mraĉna i više nema one svetlosti zlatne i zrnaste s drvene bandere one svetlosti što miriše na sveţ ... ...ala svakog jutra, tamo negde krajem šezdesetih, koliko je znaĉajna ţućkasto – braonkasta svetlost s drvenih bandera, opalo lišće po dorćolskim ulica... ... couple of movies. Director's assistant at Radio Belgrade Drama programme. Plays a piano and bass in jazz band. Composing music for three theatre...

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The Suffering of Being Kafka

By: Sam Vaknin

... It is my first trip away from Israel. But he is right, the food is mouth-watering. A gypsy band of violins plays in the background. Now, cleaned ... ...t up. It's dripping. I gallop down the spiral staircase and collect another roll, adhesive bandages, and dressing. Into my pocket and, speechlessly... ...r, now deceased, occupant. Or she would sprawl on an operating table, among blood spattered bandages and slabs of sanguinary flesh in overflowing bu... ...lass eye of the coinless Laundromat, his stooping shoulders focused upon the s w i r l i n g g a r m e n t s . H e m o t i o n s t o m e t o l a y m... ...hanges the soggy patch covering his missing eye. It's nothing but a gauze and two adhesive bandages, plastered directly over the shrivelled, murky h... ... weeping. He crumbles in my arms, the tears engulfing both his eyes, ungluing the adhesive bandages and loosening the gauze. It falls. His triangula... ..., "Ha-Tikshoret and Namer". Assistant in the Law Faculty in Tel-Aviv University (to Prof. S.G. Shoham). 1996 to 1999 Financial consultant to leadi...

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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty: Volume II

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

...ELEY AND SON FLEET STREET, LONDON MDCCCXXVII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND M... ...thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” Isa. lii. 1, 2. “Ari... ...lem, and stand on high, and look about toward the east, and behold thy children g athered from the west unto the east by the word of the Holy One, re... like a storm; thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou and all thy bands, and many people with thee.” Ezek. xxxviii. 8,9. Who doth not ... ...erness, in order that there her hopes may open, upon seeing once more that first g ate of the holy land set open to her. In Micah it is written, that... ...them a covenant of peace,…shall know that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bands of their yoke, and delivered them out of the hand of those that... ...and of all the heavenly bodies, with respect to the terraqueous globe. And what g eneral cause was this? To me it appears that no other can be point... ... III. from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion” Isa. lx. 15, “Whereas... ...his small difficulty is easily resolved, simply by understanding the proper and g enuine signification of the adverb, ‘until,’ (donec) either in the...

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I'Ll Do Anything

By: Chrystal Kincaid

...ed tassels swinging from her breasts and a tiny scrap of cloth serving as a g-string. “How often have you been in lust, Cade?” Her breathless que... her made his heart swell. A guy could never lose with that kid. The band changed songs and his parents broke apart, his father whispering in ... today.” “Any particular reason? I mean, you might as well have worn a band-aid across your butt.” “It’s not that short,” Julia protested, her ...

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