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In America (film) (X) Logic (X)

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Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic : Theory and Applications in Computing

By: Florentin Smarandache

...ânduri rãzleþe, cugetãri scurte, ºabloane de limbã, zicãturi, afurisenii - in majoritate culese din folclor, altele extrase din lecturi diverse. Ord... ...iar înainte de-a fi scris-o. Au citit, totuºi, dintr-o suflare, jurnalu-mi american, deoarece îi interesa emigrarea, documentarul. Nu existã vreo inte... ... ultima bombã... 20 FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE X avea impresii prea roz despre America. Zic, „Doamne, nu e chiar aºa!” Primul care-a scos capul... Sã st... ...minþile! Fac mare gargarã în lume. Când cineva povesteºte o carte sau un film, i-a distrus tot misterul. Cea, n-auzi! Cea, Joano! Ar fi vrut sã pr... ...- grant: Inima lui Stalin (adicã lopata!) o sã iei în braþe când ajungi în America... Trebuie sã deschizi uºa cu capul când te duci la ei! (fiindcã ... ...iºori fiului tãu. Salutãri de trei ori: þie, soþiei, ºi copilului. Era un film foarte bulgar. Dã-þi jos cãciula din cap, cã nu pot gândi din pricina..., sã vadã. Nici nu vrea s-audã! Nu-ºi mai încape în pene de îngâmfat. Filmul „Cãlugãrul cu barabu- la-n ghips”. Umblã cu iordane. Sunt imunã la...

...he advancements and applications of neutrosophics. Chapter 1 rst introduces the interval neutrosophic sets which is an instance of neutrosophic sets. In this chapter, the denition of interval neutrosophic sets and set-theoretic operators are given and various properties of interval neutrosophic set are proved. Chapter 2 denes the interval neutrosophic logic based on interv...

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Begin the Adventure : How to Break the Light Barrier

By: Florentin Smarandache

...ntemporary of Albert Einstein (1879-1955) This book can be ordered in a paper bound reprint from: Books on Demand ProQuest Informat... ... ISBN: 1-931233-84-5 Standard Address Number: 297-5092 Printed in the United States of America 3 BEGIN THE ADVENTURE Ho... ... Standard Address Number: 297-5092 Printed in the United States of America 3 BEGIN THE ADVENTURE How to Break the Light Bar... ...tes through the velocity of light; note that there is no longer a barrier in evidence; Bottom - The pattern corresponding to a particle moving ... is "reality." I am, however confident that much of my research in thin films is performed under the rubric of STR, my ignorance of "reality" notwi... ...s the way it would happen. The Japanese, Chinese, Indians, Europeans and Americans all wanted to be first to reach another star; and a healthy, fie... at: proceed\ingsOTSIC&_requestid=313. [7] Editors, Ad Astra...

...ts speed is the same no matter who measures it." "That's true." I would respond; "That's just the second postulate of special relativity which is not in doubt; but that postulate applies to light, and we're talking about rocketships here." However it seemed that no one understood what I was saying. By referring to the universal constant c= 299.792 458 megameters per secon...

...tauri with a round-trip manned and womanned mission as the proposed overarching goal under a clear plan of exploration - a grand experiment described in later chapters. Whether or not we succeed in grasping the goal under this or under any plan is not as important as it is to set a definite plan and work towards its goal. The plan outlined here is in two phases: Phase on...

... Phase Two Experiment: Alpha Centauri or Bust!. 45 -- Ch.9. Voyage to the Center of the Galaxy. 50 -- Ch.10. An Hypothesis: There is no Speed Barrier in the Universe. 52 --...

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And Gulliver Returns Book VI : Our Psychological Motivations

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

... 0 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Sea... ...ychological Motivations 1 “. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS” --In Sea... ...UERING .............................................................................................................................. 45 POWER IN SPO... ...c system in the brain often takes priority over the logical section of the brain. This has an effect on our buying habits, our preferences for films ... ...een released from the study because of strong negative stress reactions like crying and screaming. These reactions were caused by students at Americ... ...‘t be surprised when young Germans tortured and killed for Hitler, when young Chinese and Cambodians killed for Mao or Pol Pot, or even young Americ... ... in the vitamin D producing sun, could add the A and D to their skim milk. They don‘t, but are finally thinking about it—sixty years after the Americ... ... And in spite of the strength with which they are held, both are rooted in non-provable assumptions!‖ -- ―And violence sure sells in films,... other harassing behavior, is one of the common behaviors of people with inferiority feelings.‖ —―You have to admit that violence in films,...


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