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Molecular Biology (X) English (X) Education (X) Kabbalah Literature (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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Interview with the Future

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...ngs, humanity has developed various sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. They are called Natural Sciences, and they are based on man’s... ...very unrefined. We cannot even feel what happens inside our own body, the molecular collisions, or the birth of new cells. Therefore, there are many... ...of the universe, in space and time. The wisdom of Kabbalah can teach you biology, chemistry, physics, you name it. You can learn psychiatry throug...

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From Chaos to Harmony

By: Rav Michael Laitman of Sciences in Mos- cow, and an MSc in bio-cybernetics from the Faculty of Biology and Cybernetics at the Institute of Science at St. Petersburg ... ...olutionary Origin of an Altruistic Gene, published May 2006 in the Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution. 14 From the biological point of view,... ... Origin of an Altruistic Gene, published May 2006 in the Journal of Molecular Biology and Evolution. 14 From the biological point of view, it is cus... ...mea- sures of human altruism: a fresh phenotype for the dopamine D4 receptor, Molecular Psychiatry, April 2005; 10(4):333-335. 19 Editor’s note: Per...

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Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...a mere machine evolved as an offshoot of research in physics, chemistry, and biology. Eventually, physicists produced a perception that hu- mans are... ...n this mechanical worldview. Until the 1930’s, the predominant belief was that biology was different from all other sciences. It was believed that al... entity that was not mere matter. However, the evolution of contemporary biology could take place only after it was decided to discard the idea... ...etic engineering, T H E C R E D I B I L I T Y O F Q UA N T U M T H E O RY 81 molecular biology, and pharmacology progressed through the life- less m... ...eering, T H E C R E D I B I L I T Y O F Q UA N T U M T H E O RY 81 molecular biology, and pharmacology progressed through the life- less mechanistic... ...e connection between physics and other sciences: All the sciences—chemistry, biology, zoology, anthropology, sociology, and every other sci- ence—de... ...ysics. The problem is that physics has already abandoned these mod- els. Even molecular biology, which studies the most minuscule objects, has yet t... ... outer layer of matter; others re- search deep into its structure, down to the molecular level and to the relationships between atoms and subatomic p...

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