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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

...on-random principle (such as the increase in order). This, exactly, is the case in biology. There is no reason in principle why not to construct a ... ...y the Jews attest to the veracity of this discovery. Judaism is founded on shared biology as much as shared history and customs. As a religion, it... ...antic, divergent changes in where the system "settles down" (finds a solution). In biology Gould and others have modified the theory of evolution t... ...s will be to preserve and transfer knowledge through time. It is called "memory" in biology - and "archive" in library science. The history of the I... ... Grey - that cross-gender communication is all but impossible. We are separated by biology, by history, by culture, by chemistry, by genetics, in s... ...arrots? Yes, unless the manufacturers equip the robots with digital or optical or molecular representations of the human figure (masculine and fem...

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