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...My Bondage and My Freedom By Frederick Douglas A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication My Bondage and... ...y a principle essential to Christianity, a PERSON is eternally differenced from a THING; so that the idea of a HUMAN BEING, necessarily excludes the i..., that this system is now at the bar of public opinion—not only of this country, but of the whole civilized world—for judgment. Its friends have ma... plea—”not guilty;” the case must, therefore, proceed. Any facts, either from slaves, slaveholders, or by-standers, calculated to enlighten the publ... and social rank, but they have also illustrated and adorned our common country by their genius, learning and eloquence. The characteristics whereb... ...though scarcely a month passed without the sale of one or more lots to the Georgia traders, there was no apparent diminution in the number of his hu- ... ..., that, for having found fault with his master, he was now to be sold to a Georgia trader. He was immediately chained and handcuffed; and thus, withou... ..., merchants, and secretaries, having among us lawyers, doctors, ministers, poets, authors, editors, orators, and teach- ers; that, while we are engage... ... inward decay. Its auxiliaries are everywhere. Scholars, authors, orators, poets, and statesmen give it their aid. The most brilliant of American poet...
Excerpt: My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglas.