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Poets from Georgia (Country) (X) Lewis, Sinclair (X) English (X) Fiction (X)

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Main Street

By: Sinclair Lewis

...PENN STATE ELECTRONIC CLASSICS SERIES PUBLICATION Main Street by Sinclair Lewis is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ... hardware turnover is the envy of the four counties which constitute God’s Country. In the sensitive art of the Rosebud Movie Palace there is a Mes- s... ...aching comedy of expectant youth. It is Carol Milford, fleeing for an hour from Blodgett College. The days of pioneering, of lassies in sunbonnets, an... ...onsin, the Dakotas send their children thither, and Blodgett protects them from the wickedness of the universities. But it secretes friendly girls, yo... ...air Lewis therefore taboo, but he had come from Boston, he had lived among poets and socialists and Jews and million- aire uplifters at the University... ...s—the light of the library, an authority on books, invited to dinners with poets and explorers, read- ing a paper to an association of distinguished s... ...hose nature was not very clearly revealed to her, turn a prairie town into Georgian houses and Japanese bungalows. The next day in library class she h... ...hundred thousand, and I’m just one flea on the dog’s back. And then I like country driving, and the hunt- ing in the fall. Do you know Gopher Prairie ... ...his coat pocket, wipes the tobacco crumbs off, and plays “Marching through Georgia” till every head in the car begins to ache. The news-butcher comes ...

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By: Sinclair Lewis

...s A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portable ... ...y was full of such grotesqueries, but the clean towers were thrusting them from the business center, and on the farther hills were shining new houses,... ... hood and noiseless engine. These people in evening clothes were returning from an all-night rehearsal of a Little Theater play, an artistic adventure... ...e sooner he’ll get on the job and produce—produce—produce! That’s what the country needs, and not all this fancy stuff that just enfeebles the will-po... ...ut time we had a real busi- ness administration?” “In my opinion, what the country needs, first and fore- most, is a good, sound, business-like conduc... ...nd hand-shaking house- organs, as richly poured forth by the new school of Poets of Business. He had painfully written out a first draft, and he inton... ...air Lewis Zenith could not have told whether he was in a city of Oregon or Georgia, Ohio or Maine, Oklahoma or Manitoba. But to Babbitt every inch was... ...ay Evening Post—an elm-lined snowy street of these new 90 Babbitt houses, Georgian some of ‘em, or with low raking roofs and—The kind of street you’d... ... The only thing is: I wonder if it sells the goods? Course, like all these poets, this Prince Albert fellow lets his idea run away with him. It makes ...

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