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Veritas Neo: The New Vision for a New Reality

By: Kee

... System. As anyone could eventually do. It's not a matter of just speaking philosophy, or revolting against the system. It's all of these things toge... ...d that when humans interact with Machine intelligences, it isn't chess or philosophy or any other sort of “higher learning” that they expect as a re... ...ny kind, such as race, color, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, origin, ’... ...s or because said person differs in race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, property, birth, or other status, or origin; r... ...unalienable. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territo... ...may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non- political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of th... ...iginal Purpose, race, sex, color, language, sexual orientation, religion, political or other opinion, property, birth, or other status. Furthermore, ...

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Live an Inspiring Life

By: Wally Amos

...became tens of thousands of dollars. Americans were surprised to see two political enemies, the former presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and Bi... ...tions, industry associations, and universities with his inspiring "do it" philosophy. His fame is grounded in quality, substance, and a positive att...

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The Power in You

By: Wally Amos scientists, inventors, playwrights, sports figures, business tycoons, political leaders and all others viewed as special are no more special tha... ...t." At that meeting on my first visit to St. Elmo, we were applying that philosophy by saving the cluster of ten houses that comprised St. Elmo Vil... ...the light bulb. Enthusiasm must have been the foundation of Henry Ford's philosophy that says: "Failure is not failure but the opportunity to begin... ...nk in terms of problems because the word problem carries with it a whole philosophy of defeat. We have come to believe THE POWER IN WORDS there m...

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Speculations and Physics

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

...d: Natural Selection IS the vital power itself. Modern Physics is converging with Philosophy (possibly with the philosophical side of Religion as ... ...ent view of the scientific endeavor competes with a more modest, semantic school of philosophy of science. Many theories - especially ones with bre... ...stitions are less concerned with the physical Universe and more with human affairs. Political falsities - such as anti-Semitism - supplanted magic ... ...dvantage, to tackle questions that once were the exclusive preserve of religion or philosophy. The scientific method is ill-built to cope with such... ...erology, or other esoteric "systems". The emergence of "relative", New Age, and politically correct philosophies rendered science merely one opt... ...ts it applies to, the term's universe of applicability). As the Oxford Companion to Philosophy puts it (p. 411): " A context of a form of words is ... ...ew theory is invented. Incorporation is the sworn enemy of parsimony because it is politically motivated. It keeps everyone happy by not giving up ... ...rate with the powers that be: with the industrial base, the military complex, the political elite, the intellectual cliques in vogue. Institutiona... ...elds of finance and economics, and numerous articles dealing with geopolitical and political economic issues published in both print and Web period...

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Sappho's Journal

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

... xiii PREFACE Steven James Bartlett Senior Research Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University and Visiting Scholar in Psychology & ... in his library. He has taken heart, at last, and is pouring out words, political invective. I sit, amazed. Even his dead eyes have gathered light...

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Paradoxism and Postmodernism in Florenitin Smarandache's Work

By: Ion Soare

...ache himself finds out - in his play Antique Tragedy - paradoxes in the Greek philosophy, without fear or other resentments. The debate among the thr... out that the artistic/literary ground is at least as important as the socio-political source of the movement. It is right that in the beg... ...m the affiliation to logic or aesthetics of this notion -”an old structure in philosophy and a matter of study in logic”(Titu Popescu), Smarandache ... behalf, that could be framed within the general-positive principles of philosophy. The absolute reached by Smarandache belongs to the postmode... ...s limit, transforming the literature in something else: informatics, graphics, philosophy etc.(blank pages, signs, drawings etc.). There are signifi... ...e communists’ sin(...) In occident were granted Nobel prizes for literature on political reasons.”(p.46); or “ The American culture has declined to t... ...the science, technics and informational revolution”(p.47). The expression of political ideas and conceptions is unostentatious and without a vindict... ...” (C.M.Popa), brake the radicalization of his approach. If in the case of the political personalities his irreverence reaches the iconoclasty, as re... ... • the paradoxism started as a new contest, as regards the theme - against the political totalitarism and as regards the style - against the “ classi...

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The Republic

By: Plato

...tempt made to interweave life and speculation, or to connect politics with philosophy. The Republic is the centre around which the other Dialogues may... ...public is the centre around which the other Dialogues may be grouped; here philosophy reaches the highest point to which ancient thinkers ever attaine... The 3 greatest of all logical truths, and the one of which writers on philosophy are most apt to lose sight, the difference be tween words and t... which was to have included an ideal history of Athens, as well as a political and physical philosophy. The fragment of the Critias has given bi... ...e included an ideal history of Athens, as well as a political and physical philosophy. The fragment of the Critias has given birth to a world famous f... ...d the contemplation of the idea of good takes the place of the social and political virtues. In the eighth and ninth books (4) the perversions of Sta... ...s and in motions of the heavenly bod ies. The Timaeus, which takes up the political rather than the ethical side of the Republic, and is chiefly occu... ... more dogmatic and construc tive, passing beyond the range either of the political or the speculative ideas of the real Socrates. In one passage Pla... ...ed. With a view to con cealment we will establish secret brotherhoods and political clubs. And there are professors of rhetoric who teach the art of ...

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The Brothers Karamazov

By: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

... my soul if you like. And if you don’t want to, don’t, damn you! That’s my philosophy. Ivan talked well here yesterday, though we were all drunk. Ivan... ...Six months before his death, when he was seventeen, he made friends with a political exile who had been banished from Moscow to our town for free- thi... ...itary existence there. He was a good scholar who had gained distinction in philosophy in the uni- versity. Something made him take a fancy to Markel, ...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

...ully hand over the management of our daily lives and the setting of priorities to a political class or elite is thoroughly discredited. Politicians ... ...t closer to the right. Anarchism is an umbrella term covering disparate social and political theories - among them classic or cooperative anarchism... ...n), and communitarian anarchism (Daniel Guerin). The narrow (and familiar) form of political anarchism springs from the belief that human communiti... ...diment of said subversion. The logical outcome is to call for the overthrow of all political systems, as Michael Bakunin suggested. Governments sho... ...ssive, coercive, or bureaucratic." (Honderich, Ted, ed. - The Oxford Companion to Philosophy - Oxford University Press, New York, 1995 - p. 31) A... ...involvement in the economy in his influential and exquisitely-timed "Principles of Political Economy", published in 1848. Undaunted by mounting evi... ...ed: Natural Selection IS the vital power itself. Modern Physics is converging with Philosophy (possibly with the philosophical side of Religion as ... ...ors and, lately, by (neuronal) network metaphors. Metaphors are not confined to the philosophy of neurology. Architects and mathematicians, for inst... to the future", communism was surely "forward to the past". Competition A. THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMPETITION The aims of competition (anti-trust) l...

...Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....

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Fourth International Anthology on Paradoxism

By: Florentin Smarandache

...NAL CONFERENCES pARadOXisM is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, ... ... we lived in that society a double life: an official one – propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgate... ... be set right on its own 64 IGNORANCE Bliss If the gods bless PHILOSOPHY Aerial view Of any subject SERVICE Comfort created By ... ... out that the artistic/literary ground is at least as important as the socio-political source of the movement. 186 DAN T ĂRCHIL Ă (România) P... ..., Peter Brown Hoffmeister. P.S. I am very interested in your thoughts and philosophy. Please write any time. 245 PETER JAMISON (USA) [LE...

...Paradoxism is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive use of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, parables, odds, paradoxes in creations. It was set up by the editor since 1980’s and promulgates a counter-time/ counter-sense creation. P...

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Voices from the Past

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

... xiii PREFACE Steven James Bartlett Senior Research Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University and Visiting Scholar in Psychology & ... in his library. He has taken heart, at last, and is pouring out words, political invective. I sit, amazed. Even his dead eyes have gathered light... ...ings,” Father said. “Rome is the great insti- gator of crimes. The Kittim! Political schemes are hatched in the Forum with the wild beasts. Rome appo... ... PAZZIA BESTIALISSIMA! That is man’s disease: he can not refrain from political madness. Again and again he is willing to be duped. The cen... It does not matter. Men will always fight among themselves, sexually, politically, socially. I have realized this for years. Can it be that this... ours. Stay clean! But if I could write like you I would try to destroy political chicanery, though meddling with the Crown may spell my doom. W... ...nt without pressure: I wanted a lively yet serene play, with a mixture of philosophy, humor and fantasy: I wanted a play to fit the new mode, free o... ... This rainy evening I take up my pen again. There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have its cause. LINCOLN’S JOURNAL 539 ... ...ppened.” At the bottom of the stairs, we shook hands. In keeping with my philosophy I felt certain that I would never return to Springfield. Oct...

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The Kaluza Concept

By: Keith Young covered in a very brief and understated way, usually subsidiary to the political events of the day, in the spirit of a curiosity. Documenta...

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The Public Domain : Enclosing the Commons of the Mind

By: James Boyle

...formed by colleagues and students in computer science, English, history, and political science. But the work I am describing here is—as the last chapt... define prop- erty in the information age. It is that problem, its history, philosophy, and politics that I try to sketch out in the pages ahead. Ack... ...lder’s rights? These questions may be hard, because the underlying moral and political and economic issues need to be thought through. They may be wei... ...ic. Condorcet began by framing the question of lit- erary property as one of political liberty. “Does a man have the right to forbid another man to wr... ... of his ideas. The law of 1793 accomplished this task of synthe- sis through political negotiation rather than philosophical reasoning—that is, by ref... ...negotiation rather than philosophical reasoning—that is, by refashioning the political identity of the author in the first few years of the Revolu- tio... ...efferson and Macaulay focused do not disappear merely because one embraces a philosophy of moral rights—if anything, they become more pressing, partic... ... ___ 37278_u01.qxd 8/28/08 11:04 AM Page 36 als had been nurtured on the philosophy of the Scottish Enlightenment and the history of the struggle ... ...Gates, General Partner, Micro-Soft.” The hyphen would disappear in time. The philosophy stuck around. Though there are quibbles about the facts in Gat...

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Great Thinkers, Great Ideas, An Introduction to Western Thought

By: Vincent J Falcone

...An introduction to moral, political and economic philosophy. Twelve philosophers in each category are featured, their basic theories are examined and provide the basis for discussion....

...Viewpoints: Conservative and Liberal 12 Chapter 3 Epistemology and Logic 20 Chapter 4 Fallacies: Errors o f L anguage and Logic 32 PART 2 Moral Philosophy: Ideas of Good and Evil, Right and Wrong Chapter 5 Moral Philosophy: A Brief Introduction 47 Chapter 6 Plato and Aristotle: Idealism and Realism 55 Chapter 7 Epicurus and Epictetus: Pleasure and Apathy 65 C...

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