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And Gulliver Returns Book IV : A Look at Our Human Values

By: Lemuel Gulliver XVI

...0 ―. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia— Book 4 A Look at Human Values 1 ... ... Look at Human Values 1 ―. . . AND GULLIVER RETURNS‖ --In Search of Utopia-- BOOK 4 A Look at Human Values by Lemuel Gul... ... ISBN 978-0-9823076-3-2 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS IN THE HOTEL ................................................................. ...t. I think it is more likely that God was upset with the city because its professional football team was called the Saints. And the Pope hadn‘t canon... ...ion. They thought that high school and college rules were the same as the professional rules, but there are 200 difference between college and pro r... ...it‘s true that there are many possible conclusions that one may make when wrestling with the Scriptures, the commentators on the Scriptures, and the ... ...r. Jack Kevorkian served 8 years for his second degree murder sentence in Michigan for having allowed people who wanted to die to kill themselves wit... ...an confronting what some legislators believed to be the God based laws of Michigan. ―Dr. Kevorkian had a continued interest in euthanasia, and ... ...that we are destroying embryos. ―Some are not waiting, some professional English soccer players are having umbilical cells from their ...

...ine and food prices, air and water pollutions, the scarcity of natural resources, the excess of wastes and their proper disposal, and even some wars. In the year 2020 Commander Lemuel Gulliver XVI returns from a twenty year odyssey around the solar system, searching for sites where the world's excess people can be re-located. He found none. On his return he vows to search ...

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