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... THE CURSE OF KALI Historical Drama set in India By Audrey Blankenhagen ‘GOD I... ... THE CURSE OF KALI Historical Drama set in India By Audrey Blankenhagen ‘GOD IS LOVE,... ...ictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental. © 2002 by Audrey Blankenhagen. All rights reserved. No pa... ...e shown me how to pleasure a man. Don’t be coy, my husband, take me as you would one of them.’ Audrey Blankenhagen 2 She slid down his body to l... ...on board with John MacGregor to direct the passengers to the waiting horse drawn carriages, which transported them to the railway station and here H... ... taking the weight of their burdens by a tumpline around their foreheads. The British women were transported in open palanquins (dandies) each one a... ...rey Blankenhagen 64 The Southern Spanish woman prided herself on her ability to look behind the public masks that people displayed to the world. Af... ...y link would, in times of drought, bring in even more revenue for the State. Its produce could be transported direct to the dry kingdoms of the weal... ...emplating divorce’, said Rosita, ‘because it was a matter of time before Maria’s lifestyle became public knowledge amongst the British community her...
...THE CURSE OF KALI is a historical fiction set in 19th century India by Audrey Blankenhagen. The exotic beauty of India, her British rulers living in splendid isolation; the opulence and intrigue of a Muslim Royal Court; the machinations of a sinister cult of Kali; the horrors of the Indian Mutin...