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...ace by Charles T. Le: 3 0. Introduction: 9 1. Neutrosophy - a new branch of philosophy: 13 2. Neutrosophic Logic - a unifying field in logics: 87 ... ...nifying field in sets: 112 4. Neutrosophic Probability - a generalization of classical and imprecise probabilities - and Neutrosophic Statistics: 11... ...ction. It was a surprise for me when in 1995 I received a manuscript from the mathematician, experimental writer and innovative painter Florentin Sm... writer and innovative painter Florentin Smarandache, especially because the treated subject was of philosophy - revealing paradoxes - and logics. ... ...Manifesto of the PARADOXISM is especially a revolt of the emigrant to the United States who doesn't speak English, against the language - an anti- la... of the PARADOXISM is especially a revolt of the emigrant to the United States who doesn't speak English, against the language - an anti- language ... ...oems; - poems in Pirissanorench (language spoken in the South-West of the United States by a single person!); - super-poems; 6 - graphic poems; ... ...ic character of mathematical assertions, it can become itself a knowledge river of future mathematics." (Al. Froda, <Eroare şi paradox în matematic ... Way: "Via Negativa" of St. Thomas Aquinas). The development has valleys and hills. Entities are tight by their differences too. Paradox i...
...It was known to me his setting up in 1980’s of a new literary and artistic avant-garde movement that he called “paradoxism”, because I received some books and papers dealing with it in order to review them for the German journal “Zentralblatt fár Mathematik”. It was an...
...Paradoxism is an avant-garde movement in literature, art, philosophy, science, based on excessive used of antitheses, antinomies, contradictions, parables, odds, paradoxes in creations....