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...Montaigne's Essays Montaigne's Essays MICHEL EYQUEM DE MONTAIGNE (1533-1592) Translation by John Florio (1553-162... ...Montaigne's Essays Montaigne's Essays MICHEL EYQUEM DE MONTAIGNE (1533-1592) Translation by John Florio (1553-1625) Book... ...Montaigne's Essays Montaigne's Essays MICHEL EYQUEM DE MONTAIGNE (1533-1592) Translation by John Florio (1553-1625) Book I. |... ...n by John Florio (1553-1625) Book I. | Book II. | Book III. Note on the e-text: this Renascence Editions text was provided by Professor Emeritu... ...e University, Wisconsin. It is in the public domain. "Florio's Translation of Montaigne's Essays was first published in 1603. In 'The World's Classic... ... other, who should best entertaine, cherish and foster mee: And as if this river of benignitie did runne in a blood, your worthie Sonne in-law, and v... ...ces where the Portugales abated the pride of the Indians, they found some states observing this universall and inviolalile law, that what enemie soev... ...uld presently linde the spring and motion of it. Our mindes have jumped so unitedly together, they have with so fervent an affection consideredof eac... ...faults and deceits they use towards us. And the echoing or reporting of a valleys the sound of a trumpet seemeth to sound before us, which cometh a m...
...(Author to reader)--Reader, loe here a well-meaning Booke. It doth at the first entrance forewarne thee, that in contriving the same I have proposed unto my selfe no other than a familiar and private end: I have no respect or consideration at all, either to thy service, or to my glory: my force...
...They have a secret, unperceived and delicate beauty; he had neede of a cleere, farreseeing and true-discerning sight that should rightly discover this secret light. Is not ingenuity (according to us) cosin germaine unto sottishnesse, and a quality of reproach? Socrates maketh his soule ...