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Fixing Global Finance

By: Kavaljit Singh

...ns, contraction in world trade and GDP, and public budget interventions. 3 Social Dimensions of Financial Crisis The global financial crisis has turne... ...s of Financial Crisis The global financial crisis has turned into a global social crisis. It has been estimated that the financial crisis could push 9... ... measures announced by governments lack focus on employment generation and social protection. The developed countries are facing a far worse social cr... ... election campaign in Germany, Franz Muntefering, then Chair of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), described private equity firms as “locusts.” He sub... relatively regulated, OTC contracts are informal agreements between two parties and therefore carry heavy risk. The Risks While financial derivativ... ... This trend is most evident in several African economies such as Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Mali, and Nigeria where profit remitta... ...ross the border with impunity – belongs to this community. From Poverty to Democratic Power Financial stability calls for a grater role of the state a...

...c activity throughout the world. The crisis has highlighted that financial markets are inherently unstable and market failures have huge economic and social costs. The crisis has renewed debate on the role of global finance and how it should be regulated. The aim of this book is to encourage and stimulate a more informed debate on reforming the global finance. It exami...

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Cyclopedia of Economics

By: Sam Vaknin a right to life. The existence of a right implies obligations or duties of third parties towards the right-holder. One has a right AGAINST other ... ... is). Still, if a contract has been signed - implicitly or explicitly - between the parties, then such a right may crystallize in the contract and c... ...are). Still, if a contract has been signed - implicitly or explicitly - between the parties, then the abrogation of such a right may crystallize in ... ...onstitutes "just killing" is a matter for an ethical calculus in the framework of a social contract. But does A's right not to be killed include the... ...ght to euthanasia, to have one's life terminated at will, is restricted by numerous social, ethical, and legal rules, principles, and considerations... ...but this right is not automatic, nor is it all-encompassing. III. Abortion and the Social Contract The issue of abortion is emotionally loaded and ... ...bility between the order of the world (read: the church doctrine) and meritocratic (democratic) capitalism? Could Thomas Aquinas' "Summa Theologica... ...gislature, the judiciary, and the world of business. This clubbish rendition of the democratic ideals is a travesty and a mockery. People power is t... ... the world ... indeed, it is the only thing that ever has" (Margaret Mead) I. The Democratic Ideal and New Colonialism "Democracy" is not the rule...

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Capitalistic Musings

By: Sam Vaknin

...d with mass behaviour. Many of its practitioners sought to disguise its nature as a social science by applying complex mathematics where common sens... ...c theory. Government is alternately cast as a saint, seeking to selflessly maximize social welfare - or as the villain, seeking to perpetuate and in... ...n may be entitled to some kind of safety net - but not so its managers. Laws - and social norms - that protect the latter at the expense of the for... ...ct also stipulates the maximum claim within the life of the arrangement. Thus, both parties know what to expect and - a usually well known or antici... ...sprung all over the world and their philosophy permeates the ideology of political parties in many countries, not least the USA. Taxes are punitive... ...ty every time someone compresses an image using the JPEG algorithm. It urges third parties to negotiate with it separate licensing agreements. It b... ...stitutions in doubt, tarnishes the entire political class, and, thus, endangers the democratic system and the rule of law, property rights included.... ... constituency. Though unelected and ignorant of local realities, they confront the democratically chosen and those who voted them into office. A fe... ...ities and finances. Light disinfects. The solution is to force NGOs to become both democratic and accountable. All countries and multinational orga...

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