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The Eye of Alloria

By: Rae Lori

...ransferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work. Please send fellow readers to my site ... ...right of this work. Please send fellow readers to my site for a free download or to the many places like Project Gutenberg and ManyBooks.net offering... ...He had been trying to figure out the cause of the commotion that spread across his kingdom. In one night, all of the crops in the land had been marke... ...rincess whose own lineage was hanging by the thread of the former world before the wars. Today, their differences were nonexistent while their union... ... blue robe sliding across the stone floor. “Her husband shall learn to defend the kingdom if need be,” he finally said. “She should as well,” she s... ...each other at times. “My lord,” Idel kneeled before him. “If I may. The matter involving the Westlot lands remain unresolved. Two more crops hav... ...s.” She looked deep in his eyes. “We’ve studied you for centuries, Saron. Your wars, so many deaths.” His forehead wrinkled. “I don’t unde... ...ed adults. “Saria,” she said. “It’s finally happening. Our people are becoming united under a unified rule.” “It is, My Lady,” Saria replie...

...In the late 21st century on Earth, new technology allowed man to create machines merged with the body of their fallen comrades of war. These ?manchines? fought and won the war for the West. Discarded, the manchines learned of th...

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