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Zeus (X) Education (X) Sophia University of Rome (X)

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The Cosmo-Art Theorems and Axioms

By: Antonio Mercurio shed. Ulysses made another pact after Troy fell, urged on by Athena and Zeus, the pact of secondary beauty. This is what brought him back to Itha...

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Hypotheses on Ulysses

By: Antonio Mercurio

........................................... 39 CHAPTER VIII: ULYSSES ACCEPTS ZEUS’ REQUEST TO CREATE NEW BEAUTY BY EXTRACTING IT FROM WISDOM, PAIN AND... ...rstood by anyone and can are available to all who care to find them. l. Zeus, the father of the gods and of men, is the axis of the world. He has... ...reme beauty. Athena and Hermes are the gods who act as messengers between Zeus and humanity. m. This wisdom is available to all, even to those wh... ... threw up against him during his return to Ithaca. The whole truth is that Zeus chose Ulysses to be submitted to continuous “trials”. Through these ... ...o their internal wisdom and to cosmic wisdom, represented by Athena and by Zeus. Doubts and indecision often plagued them, but in the end they alway... ...esence of Athena (internal wisdom) by his side, and the loving presence of Zeus (cosmic wisdom) 17 is always in the background. There is also the ... ...eek Olympus are present in the Iliad, only a few are found in the Odyssey: Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Apollo and a couple more of lesser import... ... to speak of the invisible beauty that Ulysses can create with the help of Zeus and Athena, as long as he decides to become an artist of his own lif... ... secondary beauty. It is important to reflect on the fact that not only Zeus gets tired of Hera’s beauty, but also Ulysses tires of Calypso and h...

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The Myth of Ulysses and Secondary Beauty

By: Antonio Mercurio

... And along comes a monstrous giant with one eye, who could care less about Zeus’ laws of hospitality, and he starts eating Ulysses’ companions two at... ...ould have never let Ulysses leave her island at the edge of the world, had Zeus not intervened. Finally, there are the Suitors, who devour Ulysses’... veil that helps him overcome his fear of death. Athena, the daughter of Zeus, comes to her hero’s aid by calming the winds and by suggesting to hi... ...ys, there were only sharp crags and rocks and cliffs. ... “Woe is me, Zeus has let me glimpse the land I’d lost all hope for after coming all... ...ts wisdom. Sometimes he synthesizes his I with the Cosmos, represented by Zeus; sometimes he synthesizes his I with a You , the masculine principl... ...ives himself all the time he needs. When he is ready to separate from her, Zeus again sends Hermes to help Ulysses, and Ulysses is saved. Ulysses’...

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