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Pope (X) English (X)

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Modelling of Rationality...and Beyond the Physics

By: Gh. C. Dinulescu

...f the authors of the system. At the beginning of the VI-th century A.D., Pope John I entrusted the erudite monk Dionisius Exiguus (a native from th...

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Signature for Sunshine

By: Christine Jones

...r stinking church or not! If you have a problem John, take it up with the Pope.” “It’s not about me, it’s about Lily!” Chris paused for a moment, hea...

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The Williams Record

By: Student Media

... "HolyFamily"and tlie"Madotiinulel Cardellino. " Be- sides the portrait of Pope Leo X. there is a throe-quarter picture of Pope Julius II, which most ...

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills establishment would never alienate, and they, these emissaries of the Pope, whose ideas of human worth was just the mimicking of their donors. ...

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Concerning Christian Liberty

By: Dr. Martin Luther

...r Concerning Christian Liberty by Martin Luther LETTER OF MARTIN LUTHER TO POPE LEO X Among those monstrous evils of this age with which I have now fo... ...rlstadt, and, having taken up a new question concerning the primacy of the Pope, turned his arms unexpectedly against me, and com- pletely overthrew t... ... distinction between them, except that those who are now boastfully called popes, bishops, and lords, it calls ministers, servants, and stewards, who ... ...eep clear of danger among those innumerable commands and pre- cepts of the Pope, of bishops, of monasteries, of churches, of princes, and of magistrat... ...ustification or salvation, but that I may thus comply with the will of the Pope, of the bishop, of such a community or such a magis- trate, or of my n...

...Excerpt: Letter of Martin Luther to Pope Leo X Among those monstrous evils of this age with which I have now for three years been waging war, I am sometimes compelled to look to you and to call you to mind, most blessed father Leo. In truth, since you alone are...

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The Magna Carta

By: Various

...f Coventry, and Benedict of Rochester, Bishops; Master Pandulph our Lord the Pope’s Subdeacon and familiar, Brother Almeric, Master of the Knights Tem... ... Charter confirmed, and obtained the Confirmation of the same, from our Lord Pope Innocent the Third, before the rupture between us and our Barons, w...

...eputed most requisite to the English Church, which we granted, and by our Charter confirmed, and obtained the Confirmation of the same, from our Lord Pope Innocent the Third, before the rupture between us and our Barons, was of our own free will: which Charter we shall observe, and we will it to be observed with good faith, by our heirs for ever....

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Manifesto of the Communist Party

By: Karl Marx

...s of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German po lice...

...t: A spectre is haunting Europe -- the spectre of Communism. All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police- spies. Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as Communistic by its opponents in power? Where the Opposition that has not hurled bac...

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Brothers Karamazov, The

By: Fyodor Dostoyevsky

...son, and modern Russia. Since its publication, it has been acclaimed all over the world by thinkers as diverse as Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Pope Benedict XVI as one of the supreme achievements in literature....

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Magna Carta

By: Unknown

...long historical process that has led to the rule of constitutional law today. Magna Carta was originally created because of disagreements between the Pope, King John and his English barons over the rights of the King. Magna Carta required the king to renounce certain rights and respect certain legal procedures and to accept that the will of the king could be bound by law. ...

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Biographical Essays

By: Thomas de Quincey

................................................... 4 4 4 4 4 POP POP POP POP POPE E E E E ................................................................. ...asting scorn. For himself, he belonged to the age of Dryden rather than of Pope: he “flourished,” if we can use such a phrase of one who was always wi... do him jus- tice, (and this we might well assume, since his great rival Pope, who had expressly studied Shakspeare, was, after all, so memorably de... ...eneral neglect? If 10 Biographical Essays so, whence came Rowe’s edition, Pope’s, Theobald’s, Sir Tho- mas Hanmer’s, Bishop Warburton’s, all upon the... ...But then Lord Shaftesbury, who may be taken as half way between Dryden and Pope, (Dryden died in 1700, Pope was then twelve years old, and Lord S. wro... end. How came Betterton the actor, how came Davenant, how came Rowe, or Pope, by their intense (if not always sound) admiration for Shakspeare, unl... ...professed to have re- ceived it from him, passed it onwards to Rowe, he to Pope, Pope to Bishop Newton, the editor of Milton, and Newton to Dr. Johnso... Shakspeare was in 49 Thomas de Quincey fact the first man of letters, Pope the second, and Sir Walter Scott the third, who, in Great Britain, has... ...blished an edition in seven vols. 8vo, in 1709. Editions were published by Pope, in six vols. 4to, in 1725; by Warburton, in eight vols. 8vo, in 1747;...

...Contents SHAKSPEARE ........................................................................................................................4 POPE ................................................................................................................................... 73 CHARLES LAMB ...........................................................................

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Light and Peace: Instructions for Devout Souls to Dispel Their Doubts and Allay Their Fears

By: Carlo Giuseppe Quadrupani an imprimatur. It is generously augmented with excerpts from the writings of St. Francis de Sales, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bernard, Pope St. Gregory the Great, St. Philip Neri, Archbishop Francois Fenelon, Father Lorenzo Scupoli, and other spiritual authorities. (Summary by dave7)...

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Prince, The (Version 3)

By: Niccolo Machiavelli

...alities). But the printed version was not published until 1532, five years after Machiavelli's death. This was done with the permission of the Medici pope Clement VII, but long before then, in fact since the first appearance of the Prince in manuscript, controversy had swirled about his writings. Although it was written as if it were a traditional work in the Mirror of Pri...

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From the Foundation of the City Vol. 01

By: Livius. Titus (Livy)

...e rush to collect Livy manuscripts. The poet, Beccadelli, sold a country home for the money to purchase one manuscript copied by Poggio. Petrarch and Pope Nicholas V launched a search for the now missing books. Laurentius Valla published an emended text initiating the field of Livy scholarship. Dante speaks highly of him in his poetry, and Francis I of France commissioned ...

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By: John Donne

... As the inhabitants of Thames right side Do Londons Major; or Germans, the Popes pride. - 1 - JEALOSIE John Donne: Elegies THE ANAGRAM MARRY, and...

... will scorne his household policies, His seely plots, and pensionary spies, As the inhabitants of Thames right side Do Londons Major; or Germans, the Popes pride....

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The Smalcald Articles Martin Luther

By: Dr. Martin Luther

... Publishing House, 1921), pp. 453 529. Preface of Dr. Martin Luther. Since Pope Paul III convoked a Council last year, to assemble at Mantua about Whi... ... mously confessed by our side, and it has been resolved that, in case the Pope with his adherents should ever be so bold as seriously and in good fai... ...little trouble on that account [are disgusted with this negligence of the Pope], since they notice thereby that the Pope would rather see all Christ... ...f convoke a Council, and deliver Thy servants by Thy glorious advent! The Pope and his adherents are done for; they will have none of Thee. Do Thou,... ...article all things depend which we teach and practice in opposition to the Pope, the devil, and the [whole] world. Therefore, we must be sure concerni... ...oncerning this doctrine, and not doubt; for otherwise all is lost, and the Pope and devil and all things gain the victory and suit over us. Article I... ...we had to receive as ar ticles of faith, and to live accordingly; and the Pope con firmed these things, as also the Mass and all other abomina “The... ... of the devil [and errors]? Unless the devil was riding [made insane] the Pope, causing him to praise and establish these practices, whereby the peop... ...and the dead, by which the miserable [sacrilegious and accursed] Judas, or Pope, has sold the merit of Christ, together with the superfluous mer its ...

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The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus

By: Christopher Marlowe

... use of the compara tively modern edition, 4to 1663. DRAMATIS PERSONAE. THE POPE. THE EMPEROR OF GERMANY. RAYMOND, king of Hungary. DUKE OF SAXONY. B... ...ingdoms of the earth; And, as I guess, will first arrive at Rome, To see the Pope and manner of his court, And take some part of holy Peter’s feast, T... ...I have, my Faustus; and, for proof thereof, This is the goodly palace of the Pope; And, ‘cause we are no common guests, I choose his privy chamber for... ...erefore, let’s away. MEPHIST . Nay , stay, my Faustus: I know you’ d see the Pope, And take some part of holy Peter’s feast, The which, in state and h... ...d high solemnity, This day, is held through Rome and Italy, In honour of the Pope’s triumphant victory. FAUSTUS. Sweet Mephistophilis, thou pleasest m... eye I there beheld. Then in this show let me an actor be, That this proud Pope may Faustus’ cunning see. MEPHIST. Let it be so, my Faustus. But, fi... ...hen devise what best contents thy mind, By cunning in thine art to cross the Pope, Doctor Faustus – Marlowe 33 Or dash the pride of this solemnity; ... ...ers, some the pillars; MONKS and FRIARS, singing their procession; then the POPE, RAYMOND king of Hungary, the ARCHBISHOP OF RHEIMS, BRUNO led in ch... ...g of Hungary, the ARCHBISHOP OF RHEIMS, BRUNO led in chains, and ATTENDANTS. POPE. Cast down our footstool. RAYMOND. Saxon Bruno, stoop, Whilst on thy...

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Massacre at Paris

By: Christopher Marlowe

...s. CONDY. My Lord you need not mervaile at the Guise, For what he doth the Pope will ratifie: In murder, mischeefe, or in tiranny. NAVARRE. But he tha... ...Indian golde to coyne me French ecues: For this have I a largesse from the Pope, A pension and a dispensation too: And by that priviledge to worke upo... ...y with him, cut of his head and handes, And send them for a present to the Pope: And when this just revenge is finished, Unto mount Faucon will we dra... ...r warres Against the proud disturbers of the faith, I meane the Guise, the Pope, and King of Spaine, Who set themselves to tread us under foot, And re... ...honor of our God and countries good. Spaine is the counsell chamber of the pope, Spaine is the place where he makes peace and warre, And Guise for Spa... ...France. What I have done tis for the Gospel’s sake. EPERNOUNE. Nay for the Popes sake, and shine owne benefite. What Peere in France but thou (aspirin... to maintaine an hoast in pay, That livest by forraine exhibition? The Pope and King of Spaine are thy good frends, Else all France knowes how poo... ...r all the power I can, To overthrow those factious Puritans: And know, the Pope will sell his triple crowne, I, and the catholick Philip King of Spain... ...houghts aime at the crowne, He takes his vantage on Religion, To plant the Pope and popelings in the Realme, And binde it wholy to the Sea of Rome: Bu...

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A Child's History of England

By: Charles Dickens

...ed freely to distribute English wealth and En glish lands among them. The Pope sent to Normandy a consecrated banner, and a ring containing a hair wh... ...tes, which were aggra vated by there being in Rome at that time two rival Popes; each of whom declared he was the only real original infallible Pope,... ... promise, bribe, and buy again; and by those means, and by the help of the Pope, who exerted himself to save more bloodshed, and by solemnly declaring... ...e), he took a second wife— Adelais or Alice, a duke’s daugh ter, and the Pope’s niece. Having no more chil dren, however, he proposed to the Barons... ...ons, and drew lots with other fight ing men for their share of booty. The Pope (or Bishop of Rome), on King Stephen’s resisting his ambition, laid En... ...aving the power to refuse these things, no matter whether he were called a Pope or a Poulterer, would, of course, have the power of afflicting numbers... ...hat noth ing might be wanting to the miseries of King Stephen’s time, the Pope threw in this contri bution to the public store not very like the w... ...child of five years old. However, the war came to nothing at last, and the Pope made the two Kings friends again. Now, the clergy, in the troubles of ... ...t, denied the power of the court, and said he would refer his cause to the Pope. As he walked out of the hall, with the cross in his hand, some of tho...

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Pictures from Italy

By: Charles Dickens

...ate the observance. Hard by the cathedral stands the ancient Palace of the Popes, of which one portion is now a common jail, and another a noisy barra... ... secret council chamber, and its prisons. Before I quit this Palace of the Popes, let me translate from the little history I mentioned just now, a sho... ...n ancient tradition relates, that in 1441, a nephew of Pierre de Lude, the Pope’s legate, seriously insulted some distinguished ladies of Avignon, who... ...shield all imitators of San Carlo Borromeo as it shielded him! A reforming Pope would need a little shielding, even now. The subterranean chapel in wh... ...entre of the kind of theatre thus railed off, was a canopied dais with the Pope’s chair upon it. The pavement was covered with a carpet of the brighte... ... filled with ladies in black dresses and black veils. The gentlemen of the Pope’s guard, in red coats, leather breeches, and jack boots, guarded all t... ...; and from the altar all down the nave, a broad lane was kept clear by the Pope’s Swiss guard, who wear a quaint striped surcoat, and striped tight le... ...s a slowly moving crowd of people: talking to each other: star ing at the Pope through eye glasses; defrauding one another, in moments of partial cur... ...certain period of the ceremony, however, each carried his candle up to the Pope, laid it across his two knees to be blessed, took it back again, and f...

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Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians

By: Dr. Martin Luther

...ordinary facility in handling the afflicted consciences of the fallen. The Pope and his bishops, inspired by the desire to lord it over men’s souls, c... ...rk-righteousness is a trouble-maker. Has it never occurred to you that the pope, cardinals, bishops, monks, and that the whole synagogue of Satan are ... be accursed.” In spite of this emphatic denunciation so many accept the pope as the supreme judge of the Scriptures. “The Church,” they say, “chose... ... but witnesses, disciples, and confessors of the Scriptures, whether we be pope, Luther, Augustine, Paul, or an angel from heaven. VERSE 10. For do I... ...arnest that I imposed upon my body more than it could stand. I honored the pope as a matter of conscience. Whatever I did, I did with a single heart t... ...of the blessings of God’s generous gifts. I tell you I stood in awe of the pope’s authority. T o dissent from him I considered a crime worthy of etern... ...rd mum- mery. But God alone is to be feared and honored. I would honor the Pope, I would love his person, if he would leave my conscience alone, and n... ...d leave my conscience alone, and not compel me to sin against God. But the Pope wants to be adored himself, and that cannot be done without offending ... ..., let us choose God. The truth is we are commissioned by God to resist the Pope, for it is written, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29...

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