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Business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain names. On the Internet, the Domain Name System (DNS) associates various sorts of information with so-called domain names; most importantly, it serves as the “phone book” for the Internet: it translates human-readable computer hostnames. Domaining is the business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain names. Such domain name portfolios often include cleverly chosen and highly marketable generic domain names, or domains whose registrations had lapsed yet still retain reasonable traffic. There is sometimes no actual intent to use any of the domain names with the exception of generating advertising revenue through domain parking. ...
Business of buying, selling, developing and monetizing Internet domain names.
4 year old Tania is a fairly good girl. Mama told her to stay in sight while cycling around. But then something caught her interest and she she forgot all about being good ... To be read to 2 to 5 year old children. The book has some big words with simple meanings. It is intended to introduce children to new words....
This moderately sized novel opens before the reader, with an episode that took place when, after having driven over a hundred kilometers relating to the pleasure trip from Delhi to Kosani,a tourist resort situated in the Kumayun Hills a range of the Himalayas in the North of India, being undertaken by a group of very intimate three unwed oldies, all retired college teachers, when one of them is accosted by the owner of the roadside `Dhaba` (an indigenous restaurant) where they had halted for refreshment. It triggers one of them to recall his boyhood days. Again, at their destination, the other one is accosted by an ex-girlfriend of his, in the distant past. The `trio` who are given to such type of tours, happen to meet two other ladies, while staying in a very beautiful zone of Goa. Here, each of these women have had been connected with either of the two other Professors, who hasn’t yet met any such female pupil of his, during the various other tours, undertaken by them the `trio` till then. These chance meetings brings forth during the next few years, a bond of a purpose for a meaningful solidarity, eventually turning int...
Three chronic bachelors, on their way to Kosani (Kumayun Hills), have just completed their breakfast at a roadside modern `Dhaba` and the cashier for this solid group of three looks towards his companions, as if to seek their consent to signal the `boy` to bring the bill. So, in a broader sense, we used to be treating each other as `neighbour`, during those days. He is younger to me by a couple of years, but his physique and mannerism suggested his equaling me in age. Of course, he always remained conscious of my superiority, because at that point of time, I already had schooling for seven years, whereas he was thoroughly illiterate. …………………. Kundan happened to be the only `writer` available, had a brisk business almost for a fortnight. "I think that it was here that I actually began to earn for months at a run. One day, my earnings went to as high as Five Rupees and 14 Annas, I decided to place it before my mother, instead of handing it over to my father, as usual. …………. "Well, Khanna Ji, how long you had to work with this medico, before resuming your interrupted schooling?" This question was asked by Mr Nepali. "Of...
Having lost her mother, and virtually rendered `orphan`, in the absence of `father`, a little girl Named Bhoomika, by dint of sheer circumstances, happens to reach a virgin teacher. Here, the `blessed opportunity for education` awaits her, as she is inspired and guided by this benevolent lady towards higher education. Once, she was offered a part-time job of `a reader for a blind class-fellow` of hers at Khadi Degree College, Guhahati: and she gladly accepted it. Of course, some nascent opportunities came to her, even in Delhi, when she was staying in a Working Women’s Hostel, while doing some odd jobs to support self, economically. But the travails of life also came her way; and she coped up with every sort of situation, by way of `fine-tuning` the responses from her brain and heart, every time, with an objective to attaining a quality decision from within. Having once been requested by very senior colleague to stay with one spinster Professor, during her illness, she served the lady so dutifully that the Professor persistently requested her to live with her till the young girl is married off. Having attained some extraordinary ...
"In fact, I had never spoken to her even a single word, though she continued to send me signals for initiating a dialogue with her. I had to go to fetch my daily quota of water from the water-tap, provided at the back of her tenement, for all the four segments, in the vicinity. Almost every time, we had to place our buckets or utensils, in a queue, while waiting for our turn. Being shy of passing through the front lane, while approaching the water-tap, I preferred to walk along the back of the segment, in our front. God knows, how she could spot me from such a long distance that I had come out of my room, with buckets in my hands. Quite often, I marked her busy in looking towards me with furtive glances, while waiting for her turn, as she would deliberately waste her time, simply to ignore the fact of my arrival there and would thus make room for me to place my buckets before hers.” .......... It pains him to recall his last meeting with that `unfortunate girl`, who was destined to spend a spinster's life and breathe her last, while resting her head at Bihari's knee, who kept caressing her forehead, in the presence of her trusted ...
This booklet explains why oil was the real cause of the First World War, and explains the economic and geopolitical interests behind all the major players of this war. Moreover it compares the first Great War for oil in 1914 with the oil wars of 2014 in Syria and Iraq one hundred years later. ...
This essay refutes the conpiracy theories about the creation of Israel. It is a very simple presentation of the circumstances under which the Jewish state was created, in order to become clear to the well intentioned and confused reader, that Israel was created like any other country....
Opportunity Many times we ask ourselves why so and so is able to amass a fortune, when at one point they were in the same situation as us? He wanted to succeed, that is why he made it. Follow me. It is not only the matter luck, and I’m not even a fan of it. Do you rely on luck to fulfill your dreams? It is said that “luck is where preparation meets opportunity”? You have to be prepared to utilize the opportunity that surrounds you -that is your luck. Never wait for luck to just show up. Do you catch my drift? Will you still continue to wait for “luck”? This book cost you money and I believe you bought it to make money or change your present situation. If you borrow it from someone it is for a purpose. Money is important whether you agree or not. If you doubt what I say try to ride a bus for free. Whatever your attitude may be towards money, you are right. If you don’t revere it, you will not get it. We often hear people say opportunity knocks but once. I want to run counter to that saying “What is opportunity in the first place”? According to the Oxford Dictionary, it is “a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible t...
Do you want to reach the pinnacle of your profession? This book is practical and not theoretical. Have you had enough of unworkable theories? Unworkable theories are “myths of knowledge”. They do not create any effect or inspire change in people’s lives. Approach this book with a practical mind for all resources in it are practical. This book is a bank of ideas and thoughts. You don’t need an MBA to build a successful business. Nor do you need to become a techno guru before you can embark on any tech project. There are no insurmountable barriers that could prevent you from achieving your goal. A close friend of mine once joked that he was required to submit dozens of documents in order to open his LLC. In return, he expected a fancy name. However, the Registry Department just gave him a piece of paper with the words “General Director” printed on it. If you ask me ‘How can you be your own boss?’ I will ask you to go for the title of “general director”. That is to say, create your own LLC if you want to be free from your tyrannical boss. On the other hand, if you are looking for a job and can’t find one for yourself, create one so t...
Table of content About the author 3 Introduction 3 PART I 4 CHAPTER 1 4 Let’s face it 4 CHAPTER 2 5 Doing more than just believing 5 CHAPTER 3 11 Run for the first place, not to be a runner-up 11 CHAPTER 4 11 Breaking the rules 11 CHAPTER 5 15 Entering the lion’s den 15 PART II 21 Chapter 6 21 The secret recipe for: 21 CHAPTER 7 29 The difference between dreamers and millionaires 29 PART III 32 CHAPTER 8 32 Starting a business 32 CHAPTER 9 39 Partner up 39 CHAPTER 10 41 Tailor an Agile team 41 CHAPTER 11 45 Scream louder 45 CHAPTER 12 50 Thriving in a cutthroat marketplace 50 CHAPTER 13 55 How to be unique in your market 55 CHAPTER 14 57 Funding 57 ...
This book is a declaration of spiritual warfare, a call to rekindle the fire of the Reformation! Although this battle has been ongoing through many ages, it is time for this generation to know that it must chose which side it will fight on. There can be no peace between Christianity and the religion of the pope! Will you stand for the Reformation and for the gospel of Jesus Christ, or will you capitulate into apostasy?...
We are saved by grace alone, not grace and the power of human free will; but by God’s grace alone! A grace of infinite and eternal power which always accomplishes what it sets out to do, and it never fails! The question is not just was the death of Christ necessary, but is it sufficient to save us from all our sins and completely set us free from the ancient curse? That is the fundamentally crucial and pivotal question that is constantly overlooked in current dialogues about Evangelicals and Roman Catholics together! Most people don’t even realize how different the papist and the biblical teaching on the atonement are! The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the merits of Christ’s life and death as well as the merits of all the saint s are now held in this thing called the treasury of merits. These merits must now be applied to us through human works and sacraments, which is so blasphemous because now, they teach that even the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice and his righteous life must be earned! The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice are now withheld from you in a reservoir called the treasury of m...
Part 1: The Sufficiency of Christ as Our Perfect High Priest Part 2: The Sufficiency of Christ as Head of the Church
The foundation of the doctrine of sola fide and sola gratia is none other than the finished sacrifice of Christ. This book is meant to challenge the Roman Catholic and indirectly even the Eastern Orthodox teachings concerning salvation. I hope that it will help Protestants defend their faith in an age when apostasy is rampant all around us....
I hope you will come to agree with me that Jesus paid it all on the cross and now our salvation does not rest on our good works or our good deeds. As saint Paul says, “For if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing” (Galatians 2:21). Jesus died entirely in our place and took upon himself the punishment the punishment we deserve. I love the way Cyril of Alexandria says it in the following words, "They led away the author of life to die – to die for our sake. In a way beyond our understanding, the power of God brought from Christ’s passion an end far different from that intended by his enemies. His suffering served as a snare for death and rendered it powerless. The Lord’s death proved to be our restoration to immortality and newness of life. Condemned to death though innocent, he went forward bearing on his shoulders the cross on which he was to suffer. He did this for our sake, taking on himself the punishment that the law justly imposed on sinners. He was cursed for our sake according to the saying of Scripture: “A curse is on everyone who is hanged on a tree.”" Then Cyril emphasizes his point even more b...
-Introduction -The First Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Second Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Third Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Fourth Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Fifth Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Sixth Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Seventh Letter To Daniel Jodoin -The Eighth Letter To Daniel Jodoin...
A Concrete Verse poem which may be considered an elegiac Idyll on Beauty as Idée was written over a Thirty-year Entr'acte. It was composed of and with occurrences that began in 1963 of which some lines may be found in poems from "Miss Crabtree's Daughters" and "On the Nature of Existence"....
Light as ponderous settling fog obscures | Reflections of flesh once was | Hundred-year mirror | Age has | photographs belied | They silently exist | by prusse Moon lit: | forgotten | were Reminiscences to be found; | Sorrows in Solitude solace consoled by one not seen; | embraces and caresses adumbrated | by Presence; | Existence frolicked imp-like: | Revelments paled | Resplendences paled | The currents set by Chronos slowed in the dark of Chaos; | And Beauty smiling | in | Mémoire | translucide...
Involution & Evolution is an anti-war novel focussing on Alfred Freeman, a World War One conscientious objector whose character is based on Jesus and Buddha. It stabs away at the hypocrisy at the centre of modern religion and politics, in a uniquely rhythmic and colourful manner....