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Immortality is Accessible to Everyone : Fundamental Principles of Immortality, Volume 10: Fundamental Principles of immortality

By Oris, Oris

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Book Id: WPLBN0002827837
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 4.26 MB
Reproduction Date: 4/21/2013

Title: Immortality is Accessible to Everyone : Fundamental Principles of Immortality, Volume 10: Fundamental Principles of immortality  
Author: Oris, Oris
Volume: Volume 10
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science, quantum mechanics
Collections: Science, Quantum Mechanics, Parapsychology, Probability Theory, Experimental Psychology, Physics, Science Fiction Collection, Authors Community, Astronomy, Psychology, Philosophy, Literature
Publication Date:
Publisher: Ayfaar Foundation Inc.
Member Page: Liirrgmmiilliss Lluuss


APA MLA Chicago

Oris, B. O. (n.d.). Immortality is Accessible to Everyone : Fundamental Principles of Immortality, Volume 10. Retrieved from

The Universal Knowledge given by Oris offers the fundamentals of a new and unique world view for all of us. It allows us to penetrate the mystery of eternal existence to an extent inaccessible before, reasonably and substantially solving the problems therein, offering convincing answers which are not available in any religious world view, philosophical movement or scientific theory. Oris’ Information expands the limits of human experience and perception literally to infinity! IISSIIDIOLOGY is a deep synthesis of high-quality spiritual thinking and coherent, rational scientific analysis. Oris explains with appropriateness the unusual form in which he presents this systematic Knowledge: before we can reach and understand the deepest layers of the truth expressed in complex wording, everyone will have to free themselves from all previous limiting conclusions and conceptions, thus allowing more intensive flows of the newest information into one’s self-consciousness to form in it totally new, high-quality goals and objectives that until now have been considered fantastic and absolutely unachievable

The Universal Knowledge given by Oris offers the fundamentals of a new and unique world view for all of us. It allows us to penetrate the mystery of eternal existence to an extent inaccessible before, reasonably and substantially solving the problems therein, offering convincing answers which are not available in any religious world view, philosophical movement or scientific theory. Oris’ Information expands the limits of human experience and perception literally to infinity!

Table of Contents
Preface from the American Editor Preface. About IISSIIDIOLOGY Editors’ Foreword Proofreader’s Foreword Chapter I.Fundamental principles of Immortality in the system of “personalized” Perception Chapter II. The newest spiritual-cosmological Conceptions of the Universe and the human being Chapter III. A brief description of the main principles of energy-information structuring of multidimensional creative dynamics of the variable ethereal component of LLUU-VVU-Forms Chapter IV. The newest Conceptions of dynamics of energy-information structures of Creation Chapter V. Each of us has a great number of Destinies Chapter VI. Peculiarities of functioning of space-time and energy-information structures of “personalized” Self-Consciousness Abbreviations used in IISSIIDIOLOGY Endnotes Contacts


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