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Dirty Work : The CIA in Western Europe: The CIA in Western Europe

By Agee, Philip

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Book Id: WPLBN0100002752
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.6 MB
Reproduction Date: 07/01/1978

Title: Dirty Work : The CIA in Western Europe: The CIA in Western Europe  
Author: Agee, Philip
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Political Science, United States. -- Central Intelligence Agency.
Collections: History, Authors Community, Most Popular Books in China, Favorites in India
Publication Date:
Publisher: Dorset Press
Member Page: History Is A Weapon .org


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Agee, B. P., & Wolf, L. (1978). Dirty Work : The CIA in Western Europe. Retrieved from

First 5 chapters of Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe

For the past several years, beginning in 1974, new enemies have haunted the Central Intelligence Agency—ex-agents and journalists. These people, revolted by the CIA’s dirty tricks scenario, are bent on exposing them so the American citizenry can see what has been spawned and what is being done under the guise of “national security.” John Marks, Victor Marchetti, Morton H. Halperin and especially Philip Agee have shown considerable courage in telling the world about the seamy side of American espionage. They have opened much of the secret portfolio, ranging from the routine planting of phony news stories to assassinations and the overthrow of legitimate governments. In this book, a comprehensive picture of the CIA emerges. More important, the authors explain the simple way in which any competent researcher can recognize the people behind the dirty work—thus breaking the “cover” of thousands of CIA agents in the field around the world.

Table of Contents
Editors’ Preface 13 Introduction: Where Myths Lead to Murder, Philip Agee 17 In the Beginning Introduction 27 How to Spot a Spook, John Marks 29 Exposing the CIA, Philip Agee 40 Chiefs o f Station: CounterSpy magazine 44 Cord Meyer: Superspook, Godfrey Hodgson 56 The CIA in Portugal, Philip Agee 65 Changes in the CIA in Portugal, Philip Agee 72 The Turning Point: The Richard Welch Affair Introduction 79 The Letter to the Athens News: The Committee of Greeks and Greek-Americans 81 News Stories: Athens, The Athens News 85 The Fifth Estate Responds: The Fifth Estate 91 Communique: The November 17 Revolutionary Organization 94 Who Is Richard Welch?, Paul Jacobs 102 CIA News Management, Morton H. Halperin 106 What They Do: How and Why Introduction 109 What Uncle Sam Wants To Know About You: The K.I.Q.s, Philip Agee and Henry Kissinger 111 The CIA ’s Corporate Shell Game, John Marks 127 What They Do: Western Europe Introduction 139 The CIA in Post-Franco Spain, Cambio 16 140 CIA Operations in Greece, Yiannis Roubatis and Karen Wynn 147 The American Factor in Greece: Old and New, Philip Agee 157 Hello Hugh Montgomery, Steve Weissman 165 The CIA in Italy: An Interview With Victor Marchetti, Victor Marchetti and Panorama 168 What the CIA Is Looking For in France, Rene Backmann, Franz-Olivier Giesbert and Olivier Todd 174 West Germany: An Interview with Philip Agee, Philip Agee and Informations Dienst 184 How CIA Money Took the Teeth Out o f British Socialism, Richard Fletcher 188 The CIA Backs the Common Market, Steve Weissman, Phil Kelly and Mark Hosenball 201 The CIA Makes the News, Steve Weissman 204 The CIA in Switzerland, Philip Agee 211 Goodbye Bruce Hutchins, Jan Guillou and Roger Wallis 215 Conclusion Introduction 243 CIA Morale Plummets, Michael Getler 245 Where Do We Go From Here?, Philip Agee 250 The Deportations o f Philip Agee, Phil Kelly 286 Turner’s "Born Again” CIA, CovertAction Information Bulletin 301


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