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Bus (X) Literature (X)

Records: 21 - 40 of 230 - Pages: 
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The Suffering of Being Kafka

By: Sam Vaknin

... C O N T E N T S Short Fiction A Beheaded Cart Language of Black and Red On the Bus to Town The Butterflies are Laughing The Con Man Come... ...and, cuddled, two silhouettes carved against the inexorably rising day. Return On the Bus to Town by Sam Vaknin Read the Hebrew origina... ...Bus to Town by Sam Vaknin Read the Hebrew original. I must catch the city-bound bus. I have to change at the Central Station and travel ... ...ched out of the mucky soil around our barracks. But there is still way to go. I mount the bus and sit near a dishevelled, unshaven man. His abrade... ...s crumbling watch. His pinkie sports a rectangular, engraved ring of golden imitation. The bus exudes the steamy vapours of a mobile rain forest. P... ..., call on your driver if in doubt. Pay heed to dubious characters and odd behaviours. Our bus is trapped in a honking row of cars, under a seething... ...ic side (they are big on it in penal institutions): How can I prove my whereabouts (on this bus) throughout the carnage? Think alibi. The inmate alw... ...nfirm by writing in this diary (I point at a grey notepad I am holding) that I was on your bus at this hour? I have no pen" – I add. He casts a sid... ...ed on fleshy lips, ending with a flourishing signature. People are murmuring throughout the bus. My answer is equivocal. It could imply armed robber...

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Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Analysis of Women with Hiv/Aids

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentin Smarandache

... of Kutralam, a tourist spot where a lot of CSWs are affordable on platforms, bus- stands etc. He spent Rs.100/-. After this he had scabies and boil... ...DS. She says she first took treatment form doctor Shah Jahan in the Chitoor bus stand. She says only she had asked the doctor to perform HIV/AIDS ... ...ficult to be diagnosed so she referred her to the CRC hospital in the Tiruchi Bus stand. There an American doctor checked her and he said she should... ...d is a drunkard. Once before in a quarrel the conductor pushed him out of the bus. He was very much injured. They kept him in the Ooty hospital fo...

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City of Dreams- an Extraordinary Journey, Inside the Heart of Indonesia's Capital- Jakarta

By: Mark W. Medley
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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS for more information) Serial ATA, also known as SATA or S-ATA, is a bus used to communicate between the CPU and internal storage devices such ... ... drives. It is designed to eventually replace the ATA (also known as IDE) bus. Traditional ATA is beginning to be referred to as Parrellel ATA, P-AT... ...o 300 MB/s, with 600 MB/s being released sometime around 2007. The faster bus isn't expected to affect performance in the short term, since hard dri... ...eing used. DMA DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a function of the memory bus in the computer that lets connected devices like hard disks transfer d... ...O works. There are two distinct types of direct memory access, DMA and bus mastering DMA. The plain DMA relies on the DMA controller on the mothe... DMA relies on the DMA controller on the motherboard to grab the system bus and transfer the data. In bus mastering DMA all this is done by the lo... ... mastering DMA all this is done by the logic on the interface card itself. Bus mastering allows the hard disk and memory to work without relying on t... ...ystem, or needing any support from the CPU. USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware bus using a serial protocol used by many different hard... ..., Intel, NEC and Microsoft. It allows many devices to be connected to the bus at the same time, the theoretical maxmium is 127 devices. The maximum ...

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Data Recovery E-Book

By: EaseUS for more information) Serial ATA, also known as SATA or S-ATA, is a bus used to communicate between the CPU and internal storage devices such ... ... drives. It is designed to eventually replace the ATA (also known as IDE) bus. Traditional ATA is beginning to be referred to as Parrellel ATA, P-AT... ...o 300 MB/s, with 600 MB/s being released sometime around 2007. The faster bus isn't expected to affect performance in the short term, since hard dri... ...eing used. DMA DMA (Direct Memory Access) is a function of the memory bus in the computer that lets connected devices like hard disks transfer d... ...O works. There are two distinct types of direct memory access, DMA and bus mastering DMA. The plain DMA relies on the DMA controller on the mothe... DMA relies on the DMA controller on the motherboard to grab the system bus and transfer the data. In bus mastering DMA all this is done by the lo... ... mastering DMA all this is done by the logic on the interface card itself. Bus mastering allows the hard disk and memory to work without relying on t... ...ystem, or needing any support from the CPU. USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) is a hardware bus using a serial protocol used by many different hard... ..., Intel, NEC and Microsoft. It allows many devices to be connected to the bus at the same time, the theoretical maxmium is 127 devices. The maximum ...

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Veritas Neo: The New Vision for a New Reality

By: Kee
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Frate Cu Meridianele Si Paralelele, Vol. 2

By: Florentin Smarandache

...umuri de aer: zbor spre Las Vegas, schimb avionul spre New York, apoi iau bus-ul (autobuzul) spre Bloomsburg, unde m-a şteapt ă profesorul Erik Wynt... ...m ă adusese de la aeroport (JFK) la sta ţia de de autobuz (Port Authority Bus Terminal) credea c ă rata mare a divor ţurilor s-ar datora problemelor... ... Turul Londrei, 2 ore, 15 ₤. La „cucurigu” m ă urc într- un bus desf ăcut (neacoperit). Burniţă – p ăi se putea?! Se circul ă pe stâng... ...gienic ă. Lu ăm ce putem în dou ă gen ţi, eu şi Lilia, şi ne întoarcem cu bus-ul o noapte şi o zi. Jila – Phoenix. Aici cozi berechet. Phoenix – Fl... ...pân ă la hotelul nostru, Holiday Inn, mergem cu taxiul (23 $). Nu exist ă bus ori shuttle decât pentru cei care au f ăcut rezerva ţia dinainte. Am...

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Rossum's Universal Robots

By: Karel Capek

...elena can still play. BUSMAN enters, carrying the ledgers. FABRY Look out, Bus, look out for the wires. DR. GALL What's that you're carrying? BUSMAN (...

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God Prophecy

By: Dr. Paraskev

... if we cannot pray aloud - for we are in the street, in the office, in the bus, etc. – we may pray just mentally. And this will be as effective. After...

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Links and Factoids

By: Sam Vaknin

...rk in the Pentagon. It contains a heliport, huge restaurant and shopping mall, and bus and taxi terminals. The Pentagon has its own metro (subway) ...

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Kabbalah for Beginners

By: Rav Michael Laitman

...or Kli) not only detect the outer reality, they create it! Thus, Colum- - bus’ armada existed only in the minds, the inner Kelim of the Indians who ...

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An Apostate: Nawin of Thais

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...was no different than someone sitting on a fire hydrant as he waited for a bus. Still, he thought, this was what he would try to correct by a solitary... ... somehow, and sell it off as a cheap form of methamphetamines to truckers, bus drivers, and maybe even guys like me who want nothing better than to st... ...a plane ticket as easily as the average man could pay for a ride on a city bus. Of course this particular car was air conditioned, and riding in it, d... ...eved with one arm in both cast and sling nor even facilitated via train or bus to Phuket, Pattaya, or Cha-am with all tickets sold out for the holiday... ...pinion?" "Well, for me it's like walking through noxious clouds of car and bus exhausts and the more you walk through it the dirtier you become in eve... killers for his arm with no assistance but his saliva, and waited for a bus to take him back to Nongkhai. A kiosk selling soft drinks, Buddha statu... ...a thousand baht; another payment albeit a nominal one, he stood on a small bus like a Siamese twin conjoined to eighty or more bodies, all going in th... ...s he did albeit the others surely with more clarity than he had. He took a bus ride with myriad others across the Friendship Bridge of the Mekong rive... ...ated sidewalk. He could now see at a distance the bald muddied area of the bus terminal with its dilapidated secondhand buses that, according to the t...

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Shahab Naama

By: Qudrat Ullah Shahab

...qbal-e-Jurm" (confession) is about the author's motivation for writing an autobiography. The next seven "Jammu main plague" (Plague in Jammu), "Nanda Bus Service", "Chamkor Sahib", "Raj keroo ga khalisa baqi rahey na ko" (No one else but the Khalsa shall reign), "Maharaja Hari Singh kay sath chahay" (Tea with Maharaja Hari Singh), "Chandravati", and "ICS main dakhla" (Entr...

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Emma and the Minotaur

By: Jon Herrera

...Emma was sitting on a bench next to a bus stop. It was morning on a busy street and the road in front of her was full of traffic. There was a bus shelter next to the bench and there were a few people inside. They were looking at her. A woman was sitting next t...

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Shy Feet : Short Stories Inspired by Travel; Preview

By: Frances M Thompson

...t with very little effort I could get top marks in most subjects. I rarely studied more than I had to and I blitzed through my homework on the school bus home. While Mum finished work in the front room, I cooked dinner for us both, listening to her scissors snip through her comfortable conversations with clients. I spent the rest of my evenings with one of the seven books ...

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The Trespasser

By: D. H. Lawrence

... night; but the tearing along of the taxis and the charge of a great motor-bus was painful to her. ‘Discords,’ she said, ‘after the trees and sea.’ Sh...

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Mudfog & Other Sketches

By: Charles Dickens
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The Tragedy of Puddnhead Wilson: And the Comedy Those Extraordinary Twins

By: Mark Twain
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The Wheels of Chance a Bicycling Idyll

By: H. G. Wells
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A Modern Telemachus

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge
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Records: 21 - 40 of 230 - Pages: 

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