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...r the first time, she worried that she would fail. She quickly swallowed and forced her despair away. I shall not fail. I shall not. Cannot. I h... ...g girl made her way through the crowd. She strolled forward with agility and forcefulness, and stopped when she stood opposite of Aislinn. She cool... ...them cheer me on and shout my name. I wish to fight the evil Speicans and to force them back onto their lands. Most importantly, I shall make Chris... ...enched her fists at her side as her too-long sleeves slid over her hands, and forced a sharp breath through her nose. “Look, I know I’m a girl. You... ...ork.” “I shall never be able to stay away long enough. Besides, I can barely lift this spoon, my arms are so sore. How can I possible finish my wr... ...wouldn’t allow her to react with her normal sharp retort, and by the time she lifted her head and turned toward his voice, he had left her alone. He... ...duke doesn’t know that, does he?” “He didn’t ask, Sir Variek,” Aislinn said, lifting her chin in defiance. Sir Variek laughed. “Don’t worry. It’l... ...heir words coming from the lips of Prince Caelan. With shaking fingers, she lifted the letter and blinked several times to bring the words into foc... ...she answered, and turned back to her book After a few moments of silence, she lifted her head again and turned to him. “I’m Aislinn of Bairbhe,” sh...
...pecies that knew nothing about them or their feud with the Lupines. The el-lift doors whooshed open to his left and Crown Prince Dex LoudRoar strode i... ... Anxiously he waited until her eyes opened. Jeremy felt a tremendous load lift from his shoulders. Then she smiled and he gave a rueful laugh. He to... ...he remote to it. Jewels flinched and Jeremy went still beside her. Being forced to wear a controller meant two things to a psionic. Either you had ... ...was flabbergasted. Though she was hurting, she was worried about him being forced to leave her world. Amazing, simply amazing. Her courage humbled hi... ...y to remove the controller an alarm will sound and the Lieutenant will be forced to wear it for two more days. Please try and restrain yourself.” He... ...r Lupine defeated his larger opponent with a vicious snap of his neck. He lifted his bloody muzzle, howled his triumph and plunged into the crowd. T... ...eld fell into place around her mind. Then Elenora had pounced and she was forced to endure two hours of comprehensive and humiliating medical exams.... ...out the motivations of his competitors. You did not win a female by brute force. You had to fan her desires and win her heart. And, he planned to do ... ...tor. Happy with his thoughts, he stood and left the bridge. He took the el-lift several floors down to the battle room. He smiled as the warriors roa...
...pleasure of staring at her in class. And it's also a good thing that she was forced with the proverbial two options of doctor or lawyer just like me ... ... This posit a word in which no normal person would know unless they've been forced to — suffer countless hours of after-school SAT classes is the fi... ...ids have spent countless hours at the piano, like Jordan and me. My parents forced me to play the piano since I was in elementary school, telling me ... ...looks good on the resume, for a good-paying job. It's sad that Asian parents force ” their kids to play the piano or any instrument for that matter n... ... closer. “ ” I think it's time for me to shut up now. Seizing the moment, I lift my right hand to her face, running my index finger across her left ... ... the embrace, nothing able to sever our unity. I ease myself on top of her, lifting my right leg as I move sideways and accidentally kicking the box... ...ght would end with “ you in lingerie. I run my fingers through her hair and lift my other hand to show her the pack ” of condoms. You're wrong, Emil... ...iel “ ” reasons, trying to make me feel better, even though he's failing. I lift my head with a stern look in my eyes, as I point to Gabriel with my ... ...cause if it is, then I better get “ some at the end of the night, I ” joke, lifting up my own spirits. Sure, you'll get some. Some of your left hand...
...great hall. She zipped across the inlaid St. Andrews cross in the marble floor and lifted the receiver. “Good evening, Bobby.” “Laura Kate?” B... ...zaleas grew almost to the cottage rooftop. Alighting from her car, the cool wind lifting her hair, she picked her way over gnarled tree roots whi... ...e shifted her eyes, signaling slight doubt about a wrong number. But Hannah’s chin lifted stubbornly, and Laura Kate changed the subject. “When I w... ....” His eyes moved to the shotgun. A tech approached Mather and asked if he could lift the gun that lay between Royce’s outstretched legs. Mather... ... to the floor. More drama, Laura Kate thought, and went to crouch beside her. She lifted an eyelid. Hannah wasn’t faking. ***** Cranki... ...vies,” Sammie said, her green eyes flickering as she shoved the nine iron a bit too forcefully into her bag. “I’m too jumpy up to play any more. I’... ...believed that Royce had planned on her witnessing the codicil on Monday, but he was forced to execute it Sunday morning instead. “Who’s the lucky ... ...dered two people and I’ll tell everybody I know that they murdered two people. I’ll force the state to come in.” Gerrie Ferris 158 His kis...
... exposing how the Fetal I is still present within the Adult I, and how it forces the Adult I to follow along with its decisions of hatred and woun... ... the universal glue of life, of both personal and cosmic life. Beauty is a force, which both attracts and repels. Physicists understand the force ... ..., and they call it “universal gravity”, but they do not yet understand the force of repulsion and they have been trying to understand it for years. ... ...tends he is crazy and does not want to leave. He leaves only because he is forced to. (see The Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology). When after ten year... ...e, we can reach this goal. I am convinced that pain is one of the cosmic forces that human beings can use, along with wisdom and art, to create se... ...d certainty that the energy contained in their work of art will be able to lift off in flight and travel through time and space. 46 *** The hu...
...this “Prelude” the Romans will gird themselves for battle and attack him in force, but he intends to keep one step ahead of them and lead them on. In... ...ur side and against them, they will not allow themselves to be bound by any force of logic. Men of the most free will 39 they are, even in the thin... ...desire them. If they wrest this right from the laity and deny it to them by force, they are tyrants; but the laity are without fault, whether they l... at a time. 56 Therefore I do not urge that both kinds be seized upon by force, as if we were bound to this form by a rigorous command, but I ins... ...l this store was consecrated by the word and prayer [I Tim. 4:5], by being “lifted up” according to the Hebrew rite of which we read in Moses [Num. ... ... of which we read in Moses [Num. 18:30–32], 103 the words and rite of this lifting up or offering have come down to us, although the custom of brin... ...hough the custom of bringing along and collecting that which was offered or lifted up has long since fallen into disuse. Thus, in Isa. 37[:4] Hezeki... ...since fallen into disuse. Thus, in Isa. 37[:4] Hezekiah commanded Isaiah to lift up his prayer in the sight of God for the remnant. In the Psalms we... ... up his prayer in the sight of God for the remnant. In the Psalms we read: “Lift up your hands to the holy place” [Ps. 134:2]. And again: “To thee I...
...t novels, acclaimed author Paul Alexander Bartlett accomplishes a tour de force of historical fiction, allowing the reader to enter for the first t... on bright water. As the first one approached, I saw no happy faces, no lifted hands, no raised shields, no plumed helmets at the rail, no flags. ... ... the idle, the hangers-on. I could imagine their leers, their whispers. I lifted his face toward mine and kissed him, his heavy beard sticking my mou... ...s he old? Age was in his scars, in his streaked hair and beard, the hands lifting and settling awkwardly. Warm under the stars, the daphne fragrant,... ...than that. Oh, was your assumption that our family funds could be lifted, without my consent and without my knowledge. Taken to buy Rhodopis... ...itation. I lit after her, snatching for her long hair. Arms around her, I forced her to tow me toward shore, making myself as heavy as possible. As... ...ublic embarrassment.” I knew she was sharpening her wits, and paused. She lifted a scented hand- kerchief to her mouth and took a slow breath. “I ha... ...e painting seems to grow more imaginative. Our ceramics are becoming more forceful. I thought of these things as I looked at the sun symbol, done in... ...I prefer that hymn. There’s really no finer. In spite of time it’s full of force, spring’s arrival, the brevity of summer, the dying year. It has the...
...In Voices from the Past, a daring group of five independent novels, acclaimed author Paul Alexander Bartlett accomplishes a tour de force of historical fiction, allowing the reader to enter for the first time into the private worlds of five remarkable people: Sappho of Lesbos, the famous Greek poet; Jesus; Leonardo da Vinci; Shakespeare; and Abraham ...
...rtation Command Budget Authority. The study accomplishes this by first describing the objective of the budgeting process, which is to balance limited lift capabilities against demanding requirements, and follows this description of the “transportation balance” with a brief description of the DTS. The study continues with an analysis of the current process used to support t...
... instituting a households’ survey in addition to a claimant count. Labour force surveys should be conducted at regular intervals – regarding the st... ...ld immediate results is that it increases the participation in the labour force. The rate of unemployment is, thus, affected only later, it lags the... ...fiscal policy. Deregulation makes labour markets more flexible because it forces the worker to accept almost any job. Cutting or limiting jobless be... poor. Stiglitz calculated that the changing demographics of the labour force and the3 competition in markets for goods and jobs reduced NAIRU by ..., firing and collective bargaining were all opened up to labour market forces. The strict regulation of small and medium size businesses (which d... per capita grows. To deprive these bread-earners of the opportunity to lift themselves and their families incrementally above malnutrition, disea...
...eed lor COMSEC (Communications Security) is more than a postulate-a deliberate, laige, competent force hu been identified whose mission is the exploit... ...assert, is healthy because you, a mere handful, are tasked with outthinking an opposing analytic force of rhaps 100 times your number who are just as ... ...ible among themselves. In the case of aircraft requirements, there'l aD old ..yinc t&.-t the Air Force win reject any system unlesa it has no weight, ... ...he Air Force win reject any system unlesa it has no weight, occupies DO space. is free. and adds lift to aircraft. We were about ready to believe this... amount of apace: ita power lapplia and the diPtaliun for speech that use up the room. The Air Force did live thatsmall eqWpmeDt, the KY-8. a good t... ...aee? Of course, we decided that we oulht to "drop" accountability at the time of loss, although "lift" accountability might have been a more appropria... ...atiODS were ideDtUied. to carry out the bulk of the work. These were ourselves, Na'YY, Army, Air Force, CIA, md State. The plan alao called for some c... ... off the shelf from Industry without much TEMPEST protection buiJt in. Customen may lay on tests lifter instal1ation and if they see problems in their... ...hen m operator noticed that the familiar clunking sound of movinl roton seemed to be missing. He lifted the lid to the rotor basket and discovered why...
...pointed to the command of an expedition against Mexico -- How he recruited his force -- In the idol temples of Yucatan -- A battle with the natives --... ... on the lake -- A demonstration towards destroying the sacrificial altars -- A force sent against Cortez by the Spanish sovereign -- A forced march of... ... sovereign -- A forced march of brave fellows -- Cortez falls upon the Spanish force in the midst of a storm -- He compels Narvaez to acknowledge subm... ...ts -- Capture of the city, and pillage of the people -- Torturing prisoners to force exposure of their hidden treasures -- A riot of outrage -- Abando... drive ships to and fro in spite of helm, sail or steam -- all these tend to lift the fancy to the highest point and prepare the mind for ready beli... ...l. He now on the day appointed, with other Christians, followed the cross, and lifting his hands to heaven, prayed to God to have mercy on his people,... ...gentleman of the king's household and subsequently became Premier, the vessels lifted their anchors and stood out to sea, and the last Vasco and his c... ... a consuming ambition which did not allow him to hesitate before any obstacle. Lifting high the standard of the Holy Cross, Cortez, again appealing to... ... the Alcazar, for his preparations are not quite complete, but the anchors are lifted, and the ships drop gently down the beautiful Guadalquiver to it...
...ently and optimally - lead to mismatches between supply and demand. We are forever forced to choose between opportunities, between alternative uses... ...hnology shares and real estate in the 1990's. On the other hand, soaring inflation forces people to resort to hedges such as gold and realty, infla... Explorer. Amazon drubbed traditional booksellers. eBay thrashes Amazon. Bell was forced by Covad Communications to implement its own technology, ... ...ehavior, there is little that oligopolies can do to defend themselves against these forces. They can acquire innovative firms, intellectual property... ...tants, and other market players - should be privatized or subjected to other market forces - as suggested by the likes of Bert Ely of Ely & Company ... ...y as income per capita grows. To deprive these bread-earners of the opportunity to lift themselves and their families incrementally above malnutrit...
...l and she followed his gaze. Under the cool shadows of the tall green trees, Saria lifted her wooden sword, blocking the moves of a young boy her ag... ...le and chrome on the inside. He had made sure the walls were built to withhold the force of the atmosphere and space. He was hoping the shield would... ...ff in 5...4...3...2...” Once the countdown finished, Banier pushed the controls to lift the ship into the air. Saron took one last look ahead at th... been attached was clearly torn off leaving a gaping hole in its place. He forced himself to his feet. “Saria!” The hallway leading to t... ...oman brought us here shortly after the crash,” Idel said softly. “More like forced us here,” Alin interrupted as he walked to Saron. “They hel... ... head lock. “Your majesty!” Alin said. “We can leave. We can return home if we force our way out of here.” “Alin, let him go,” Saron comman... ...large hole now caked with blood on his side. She rushed toward the man and quickly lifted his helmet to reveal a bearded soldier. His dark hair was ... ...leaned into his hand as she placed her hand over his. Then his thin, pink lips lifted in a smile. ***** The shiny marble floors echoed soft... ...lash of weapons in the midst of battle. ***** Saron had watched the castle lift into the air. The four legged beasts that helped the village...
...nvironment 94 * Phii and souls of the kinship group 96 * Supernatural forces in nature 98 Between two worlds 99 Village sorcerers 99 * Mediu... ...and in international competition, national economies have been continually forced to grow and centralize; the basic technological and cultural model o... ..., have witnessed the greatest structural change of mankind. They have been forced to destroy the culture in which they grew up. The people of this boo... ... there is no free pastureland. Everywhere is under some crop and so one is forced to search for and cut grass for the buffalo. Finally, you tire of it... modern development is necessary, as only technological development will lift villages from poverty and backwardness.Agricultural modernization has ... ... robes or towels, for all monks that are present. After that the coffin is lifted on the pyre and the relatives walk around the coffin three times. I ... ...fron robe. Then the body is taken to the cremation place and the coffin is lifted on top of the wood and kindling. The timber is sprinkled with some k... ...the day of the cremation, on arrival at the cremation place, the coffin is lifted into the chapel there and a revered man of the family places the rob... ...ers in Pali. Someone reads an obituary of the deceased. Then the coffin is lifted onto the pyre and after the cremation the funeral is over. It's inte...
...him as she felt the hot liquid trickle in her pants. She hung her head and forced her way into the toilet, where she stayed, sucking air, hiding in a ... ....” So Lacey slumped on the couch. The threadbare, grimy fur- niture joined forces with the silence to mock her as she relived the stinging taunts that... ..., Roger,” she murmured, her big eyes looking into his. “I know , babe.” He lifted her t-shirt and fondled her breasts, testing her reaction, and when ... ...e on Saturday.” “That’s good. I did too. I wanted to phone you earlier but forced myself to concentrate on business calls. Things are start- ing to ge... ...lied. Now, I’m creating life for others in the books I write. It’s as if a force 56 SUSAN BRACKEN inside me is in charge and the stories all come tum... ...and out to stop him, but he forced it back and held her in a hard grip. He lifted her buttocks and 62 SUSAN BRACKEN pushed deeper with his tongue. Un... ...“It’s hard for me to see all of your liver because of your weight. Can you lift your hips a bit? That might help.” Lacey 118 SUSAN BRACKEN pushed on ... ...d the house door. There was Barney, leaping and wagging as usual. Her mood lifted as she reached down to pick up her loving pet and give him a big hug... ...had found her. “Doc Sanderson told us where the spare key is kept.” They’d lifted her gently onto a stretcher and soon they had arrived at her local h...
... 25. At the time of the separation of Pyrrhonism from the Academy, no other force was as strong in giving life to the school as the systematic treat... not use the word δύλακηο in any 9 unusual sense, but simply, meaning the force of the system. By the phenomenal, we understand the sensible, henc... that are harmful, for he hunts for food, but draws back when the whip is lifted up; he possesses also an art by which he procures the things that... ...ince quiet is a relief for the foot, if he has ever a wound in the foot, he lifts it up, and keeps it undisturbed as much as possible. When he is tro... ...oing into the cold air. Moreover, it is evident that the Methodic physician forces those things which are of a foreign nature to adapt themselves to...
...e to sign, what Stevens had called a 'Treaty', that the land would be taken by force. His people were not warriors like the Apache, though his brav... The fish gasped for air and then, after a moment, lay still. The old Chief lifted the silver fish gently, and admired the rainbow that was pain... ...ul Bearer But his stubbornness and over-riding sense of obligation to duty had forced him further away from her, and above all, into be coming a cr... ...d in a clump of rocks. For a moment he stared, transfixed by the firelight. He forced himself to look away, his eyes adjusted to the night, and he ... ... you to meet someone." The old man grabbed Richard's arm with a strong hand and lifted him to his feet. His grandfather turned and walked into the d... ...n the narrow slits of the blinds. Richard groped for consciousness, try ing to force himself into some semblance of alertness. As he rolled off the... a few things," Emily said in feminine fashion. "Well, next time get a weight lifter," Jacobs panted. Once Emily had her luggage, she had no more ... ...ones said, taking a large swig of bourbon. "Alex, give me another," he ordered, lifting his glass. "Sure thing, Burt," Frank said reaching for Jones... walked over to a large standing world globe that held his prized Cognac, and lifted the top. All of a sudden he felt wea ry, his old bones were g...
...eration's a success, but the body's too weak and the torrent of drugs is too forceful and strong, the heart fails, a minor collapse, hours later a mas... ... tasks must be shared. Yet for him too it frustrates, unable to find a job; forced into a house-husband is not what he intended and it well and trul... ...d of noise and people. The eyes shine bright with sparkle and life and hands lift and agitate when the new and wondrous suddenly appear in this amazin... ...e a magnet to the muscles wound tight as a drum, digging in with unrelenting force to relieve decades of stress, pain spreading star-like throughout ...
...f 'enemy', not least because her father was English and her mother German and they met in the aftermath of World War II in Germany. She has also been forced to rethink her definition of 'friend'. If we learn something from someone that helps us to grow and develop as human beings, becoming more understanding and compassionate in the process, then surely most people we meet...
...s chanting recital of the rosary until the light brightened into an intrusive force, causing his eyes to open. Startled, he watched with curious ast... ...alvi, he had immediately left his office feeling like a great weight had been lifted from him. He felt like a new man; a man with a purpose. He knew ... ... Alex said, trying to calm her fears. “I’ve got access to the Army, Navy, Air Force, hell, I’ve got a whole damn Marine Corp.” “You’re going to sta... ...waist, and then ran down the steps to greet him. His father hugged him nearly lifting him off his feet. The force of the hug caused Antonio's small s... ...teps to greet him. His father hugged him nearly lifting him off his feet. The force of the hug caused Antonio's small suitcase to tumble down. "It's... ...tly, Gallucci lunged across the room and hit Antonio in the face with all his force. "Have you gone crazy, Antonio? I should kill you for speaking th... ...e man who had fired, and instantly snapped its jaws around the man's head and lifted him high into the air. His body jerked in great spasms as sharp... him in a torrent of emotion. McCully reached down, and with his big hands, lifted him and held him like a baby, and carried him out of the forest.... ...le Mastronini commanded the head of the table. "We toast," the old man said, lifting his goblet. The rest of the table did the same. "We toast to a...
...e satisfied and productive resources are allocated efficiently. It’s a tour de force. Of course, there are problems. The market measures the value of a ... ...ecause they seek fame, or out of altruism, or because an inherent cre- ative force will not let them do otherwise. Where those motivations operate, we... ...pression or my novel invention. Why create such a right and back it with the force of law? According to the economists, the answer is that trademark l... ... of its functioning would suggest. The precursors of copyright law served to force the identification of the author, so that he could be punished if he... ...e comes from so long ago that the copy- right could not possibly still be in force. But since copyright lasts for seventy years after the death of the... ...e first chapter, copyright adheres automatically on “fixation.” As soon as you lift the pen from the paper, click the shutter, or save the file, the work...
...n the most skilful and careful manner. Shall this peace seeking world ever reach the lasting peace..? There is destruction of all anti peace world forces in attempt to convert this world into peaceful world. All nations live peacefully in the long run. People respect each other’s religious, territorial limits and social taboo. This Novel is an action and adventure ba...
...en with surprising strength she dragged him on top and drew her legs up to her chest. His response was a combination of fury and reflex. With all the force he could muster he rammed his manhood violently into the exposed swollen slit. ‘Slowly, slowly, stupid boy!’ Ms Nimffo snapped. ‘I don’t want you coming before I’m ready! Like Thus she gai...
...out five million years ago separate our ancestors from other primates and force them to live in flooded, swampy areas? Based on a theory develope..., Tongue, And Lips Harmonize? Biologist Hardy contended that primates—forced from the forest by competition— moved to the seashore to search for ... ...its people probably had no idea that melting of the last ice age had been lifting sea levels very gradually for several thousand years. A wall of... ...ereus lusted for Philomela on the voyage. When they arrived in Thrace, he forced her to a cabin in the woods and raped her. The defiant Philomela ... to true greatness mostly because it gives us an eye for an ear. It forces us to match each letter with a sound and vice versa. Meaningless alp... ...ges. Meanwhile two historic Information Technologies—paper and print—were lifting China toward new heights. Insects had kept paper a secret from ... ...rom New York to Los Angeles. The 1,103-mile Grand Canal ‗s locks could lift boats up into land more than 150 feet above sea level. Detailed ac... ...Genghis Kahn‖ CHAPTER 10 ―Then for a single century … that curtain was lifted, and there was direct human contact between Europe and China.‖ —D... ...s placed in the type bay, pressed against the inked type. Finally it was lifted off and run through the drying process. ―In an emergency situat...
...n the most skilful and careful manner. Shall this peace seeking world ever reach the lasting peace..? There is destruction of all anti peace world forces in attempt to convert this world into peaceful world. All nations live peacefully in the long run. People respect each other‟s religious, territorial limits and social taboo. This Novel is an action and adventure b...