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Records: 81 - 84 of 84 - Pages: 
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Tuloo e amn : Urdu novel

By: Dr. Hafiz Shahid Amin

...n the most skilful and careful manner. Shall this peace seeking world ever reach the lasting peace..? There is destruction of all anti peace world forces in attempt to convert this world into peaceful world. All nations live peacefully in the long run. People respect each other’s religious, territorial limits and social taboo. This Novel is an action and adventure ba...

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By: Rigby Taylor

...en with surprising strength she dragged him on top and drew her legs up to her chest. His response was a combination of fury and reflex. With all the force he could muster he rammed his manhood violently into the exposed swollen slit. ‘Slowly, slowly, stupid boy!’ Ms Nimffo snapped. ‘I don’t want you coming before I’m ready! Like Thus she gai...

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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...out five million years ago separate our ancestors from other primates and force them to live in flooded, swampy areas? Based on a theory develope..., Tongue, And Lips Harmonize? Biologist Hardy contended that primates—forced from the forest by competition— moved to the seashore to search for ... ...its people probably had no idea that melting of the last ice age had been lifting sea levels very gradually for several thousand years. A wall of... ...ereus lusted for Philomela on the voyage. When they arrived in Thrace, he forced her to a cabin in the woods and raped her. The defiant Philomela ... to true greatness mostly because it gives us an eye for an ear. It forces us to match each letter with a sound and vice versa. Meaningless alp... ...ges. Meanwhile two historic Information Technologies—paper and print—were lifting China toward new heights. Insects had kept paper a secret from ... ...rom New York to Los Angeles.  The 1,103-mile Grand Canal ‗s locks could lift boats up into land more than 150 feet above sea level. Detailed ac... ...Genghis Kahn‖ CHAPTER 10 ―Then for a single century … that curtain was lifted, and there was direct human contact between Europe and China.‖ —D... ...s placed in the type bay, pressed against the inked type. Finally it was lifted off and run through the drying process. ―In an emergency situat...

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The Rise of Peace : (Tuloo e Amn), Dedicated to all victims of terrorist attacks - Muslims, Non Muslims: A Fiction Novel on World Power Politics by Dr Hafiz Shahid Amin..Pakistan

By: Dr. Hafiz Shahid Amin

...n the most skilful and careful manner. Shall this peace seeking world ever reach the lasting peace..? There is destruction of all anti peace world forces in attempt to convert this world into peaceful world. All nations live peacefully in the long run. People respect each other’s religious, territorial limits and social taboo. This Novel is an action and adventure ba...

...n the most skilful and careful manner. Shall this peace seeking world ever reach the lasting peace..? There is destruction of all anti peace world forces in attempt to convert this world into peaceful world. All nations live peacefully in the long run. People respect each other‟s religious, territorial limits and social taboo. This Novel is an action and adventure b...

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Records: 81 - 84 of 84 - Pages: 

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